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She no longer called us Mr. and Mrs. March. I suppose that Ruth had told her that we were not married.

“Sometimes we stay together,” I said. “Sometimes she is with someone else and then I am with someone else or I am alone.”

Jane plucked at one crimsoned nipple. “Do you have a girl to work for you in the city?” she asked.

“No. We're usually too poor to afford one, even if we had a place big enough to require a girl.”

“When you go back-if you know anyone who wants a girl to work for them-will you write to me and tell me about it? It doesn't matter how much they wanted to pay.”

I took a saucer for an ashtray and got onto the bed beside Jane. “What is it?” I said. “Why do you want to go to the city? Don't you like it here?”

Jane touched my shoulder and we leaned together against the wall. She wormed one finger like a hook and pulled my prick and my balls from where they were hiding between my thighs.

“It isn't that I don't like it here. I like it here now, but I won't like it when you go away. I won't be able to stand it when you aren't here to screw me and when I can't go to bed with you and Ruth anymore. I want to go with you when you go away. I'll work. I'll get a job someplace and I won't bother you at all if you will just come and see me sometimes. And if Ruth is with someone else, sometimes I could come and stay with you until she comes back.”

“How long have you had that idea?” I said. “Does Ruth know about it?”

“You're the only one I've told about it. Can I do it?”

“It's something to think about,” I said.

She didn't continue, and in a minute she smashed her cigarette in the saucer and rolled into my arms. Her hands roved down my belly and she grabbed my nuts. Her mouth followed her hand and I looked down at her licking my prick.

“What makes a man's cock get hard?” Jane wanted to know.

I told her what, and she thought it was wonderful and wanted to know if I didn't think it was wonderful, too, and I told her that it had done that ever since I could remember.

“And do all of those things happen just because you see a woman someplace? That's the most wonderful thing I ever heard.”

“Suppose we go to bed,” I said. “That would be pretty wonderful wouldn't it? Did you ever sleep with a man? Forgetting last night, of course.”

“You mean just the two of us sleep here together? I never did that. But what about Ruth? I don't want her to be mad with me.”

“I guess her father can keep her busy. Let's go to bed. It's fun that way.”

We slid under the covers together and Jane put her head on my arm and shoved herself against me. She stuck her pussy against my thigh and tied my legs together with hers, and it seemed like the best thing that had happened to me in a long time. I faced her and stuck my cock on her belly and my chest into her tits and she seemed warm and alive, and the good cunty smell of her was nice.

“It's nice to have somebody for yourself, isn't it?” Jane said. “Like this, when you get tired of the party.”

“It's about the nicest thing there is,” I said. “I'm glad you know that.”

Jane pushed my cock into her pussy and stuck it against her cunt. I eased it in, taking plenty of time because there wasn't anything to be in a hurry about, and she wiggled around on the bed until I had her good.

Ruth liked to be jazzed fast and hard and a little roughly, but Jane didn't like it as much that way as when I took it easy. It was all the same to me. I suppose that there is a time, or perhaps many times, in everybody's life, when violence is exciting but I had gotten over that, and there was as much excitement in lying curled up with that girl and sliding my cock softly in and out of her cunt as there would have been in jazzing someone who fought and raised hell every other minute.

“This is swell,” Jane said.

Ruth came banging on the door. She rattled the knob and whistled.

“I want to stay here,” Jane said.

“Go away,” I called. “We're tired of that old stuff. Come back tomorrow.”

“Come on out,” said Ruth. “Free Frenching for everybody. Little Ruthie is going to go down on everybody in the house, just like in the old days. Come on, the chance of a lifetime.”

Jane laughed but she stayed where she was. I was glad of that. “She's funny,” Jane said.

“Jane says don't be funny,” I called.

“All right, I'll see you tomorrow,” Ruth said. “Have a good time. Don't forget to get some sleep too.”

“You have a good time too,” Jane called.

She lowered her head to the pillow. I jazzed her softly for a long time before we came, and then I shot warmly into her cunt. She fell gently, and almost immediately, to sleep.

The next morning when I woke up, Jane and Ruth were already down in the kitchen drinking coffee.

“Where's Jackson?” I asked Ruth.

“He got a call in the middle of the night and left right away. Said he had a big deal in the works and that he gave you a box he wanted me to have.”

Jane started to fix some eggs while I went up to the attic to retrieve the box. I had had a good idea of what Jackson left so I wasn't too surprised when Ruth pried open the lid to find nine thousand dollars in cash.

“Well, Bill it looks as though Jackson enjoyed his visit an awful lot,” Ruth said.

“He seemed pretty happy last night.”

“Does this mean that you two are going to go back to the city?” Jane asked nervously.

“Not without you,” laughed Ruth. “Not without our little flute girl.”