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political patronage and, 124

purpose of art in, 124–25

see also Eastern Church; religious confraternities; Roman Church

Christians, banned from pawnbroking, 31

Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 55, 62, 116, 159, 172

Città di Castello, 203

Clothmakers’ Guild (Arte di Por San Maria), 33


kings’ heads on, 12, 17

quattrino bianco, 226

trimming of, 43

see also florins, Florentine; piccioli

collecting habit, psychology of, 5

Commentary on My Sonnets (Medici), 241

compromisers, fundamentalists and, 23

condottieri (mercenary warlords), 78–79, 84, 86, 89, 116, 164, 220, 223

function of, 72–73

Constance Church Council (1414), 51–52, 55

Constantine the Great, 93

Constantinople, 21, 73, 135, 147, 229

Coronation of the Virgin, The (Angelico), 125, 126

Cosimo de’ Medici and the Florentine Renaissance (Kent), 108

Cosma, Saint, 91, 125, 126, 133

Cossa, Baldassarre, see Giovanni XXIII, Pope

Cotswolds, 22, 44, 136, 198


of 100, 148–49, 158, 199–200

of the Commune, 95, 96, 137, 139, 141, 143, 145, 147–48, 200, 212

of the People, 95, 96, 137, 139, 141, 143, 145, 147–48, 200, 212

Counter-Reformation, 9, 243, 246

courtiers, 49, 65


Florence as center of international web of, 2

letters of, 6, 21, 25, 111, 135–36, 229–31

crusades, 121, 176, 194

Curia, see popes


for accounting, 36–37

for international exchange deals, 113

intrinsic value and, 12–13, 32

currency exchange:

banking profits derived from, 40–46, 91–92, 174

dry, 45–46, 104

between florins and piccioli, 31–35

Geneva as center for, 112–13

as source of Medici family’s wealth, 40, 44, 91–92

warnings and, 47

Damiano, Saint, 91

Dante Alighieri, 5, 13–14, 15, 26, 59, 83, 207

daughters, nephews given hereditary precedent over, 205–6

Davanzati, Riccardo, 135

David (Donatello), 102, 103

debt bonds, 80–81

Decameron (Boccaccio), 10, 51, 53–54

Della famiglia (Alberti), 26

democracy, 162

consensus and persuasion and, 88–89

money and, 159

official vs. unofficial shifts of power in, 91

pretense and, 138, 142, 143, 149, 200

referendums and, 95

two-party, 149

see also political power

De mulieribus claris (Boccaccio), 55

denari a fiorino, 37

deposit accounts, 6

Depositary of the Papal Chamber, 47

Dialogue on Liberty (Rinuccini), 227

discretionary deposits, 50, 79, 171

description of, 22–25

Divina commedia (Dante), 13–14, 26, 59, 207

doge, of Venice, 87

Dominic, Saint, 123–24, 125

Dominican order, 80–81, 122–24, 134

Donatello, 56, 58–59, 85, 102, 103, 116, 131, 132, 133

Donati, Lucrezia, 189–90, 193, 201, 209, 241

Donation of Constantine, 93

double-entry bookkeeping, 5, 33–34, 37

dowries, 9, 19–20, 154, 161–62

dry exchanges (cambio secco), 45–46, 104

ducats, Venetian, 43, 90, 92

duomo, 8, 29, 85, 89, 104, 122–23, 124, 206, 214–17, 242

Dwerg, Hermann, 24

Eastern Church, 116, 134–35, 140

education, 158–60

Edward III, King of England, 6

Edward IV, King of England, 179–83, 214

Eight of the Guard, see otto di guardia

England, usury legalized in, 243

English Cotswolds, see Cotswolds

Este, Borso d’, 163–64

Eugenius IV, Pope, 93, 97, 98, 100, 113, 116, 122, 123, 125, 127

exchange, see bills of exchange; currency exchange

Exchangers’ Guild (Arte di Cambio):

grounds for expulsion from, 30, 43

maximum time for exchange deals set by, 41–42

pawnbrokers barred from, 31

reputation of, 11

written transactions as rule of, 29–30

excommunication, 33, 87, 151

of Lorenzo de’ Medici, 218

as threat, 20, 104, 113, 148, 195, 196–97, 205

Eyck, Jan van, 176

Faenza, lord of, 78

family, as social unit, 26–28

Ferrante, King of Naples, 190, 205, 222–23, 245

Ferrara, marquis of, 97

feudal law, 6, 16

Ficino, Marsilio, 185, 206–9, 210–11, 236

fiorino di suggello, 43

Flanders, 20, 21

Flanders grossi, 114


advisory bodies of, 94–95, 137

artists of, 225

bank failures in, 173, 240

banking authority in, see Exchangers’ Guild

banking neighborhood of, 29

Cosimo de’ Medici exiled from, 3, 94–100

Cosimo de’ Medici’s political power in, 3, 86–87, 106, 107–8, 137, 139–41, 143, 153–55

daily toil in, 37–38

dominions of, 67, 70, 71, 77, 79, 85–86, 200, 205, 226

dry exchanges banned in, 46

duomo of, see duomo

emblem of, 17

French invasion of, 4, 9, 244–45

galley ships of, 118, 178–79, 198

Giovanni de’ Medici elected gonfaloniere of, 62

gold currency of, see florins, Florentine

government debt bonds in, 80–81

as international center of credit and art, 2

in Italy’s internal wars, 66–79, 84, 88–90, 99–100, 106, 116–18, 141, 146–47, 150, 218, 221, 244

Lorenzo de’ Medici’s political power in, 4, 199–200, 209, 225–27

Lorenzo de’ Medici’s political reform of, 226

Lorenzo de’ Medici’s proprietary view of, 208

Lorenzo de’ Medici’s taking of money directly from, 220

Medici-Albizzi power struggle in, 88–98

Medici bank branch in, 49, 81, 83, 91, 94, 112, 171, 180, 217, 231, 232

Medici family’s expulsion from, 234, 246

Medici family’s roots in, 28

Medici political power in, 117–18, 143–45, 148–49, 167, 200, 204, 217, 223

in “Most Holy League,” 147

nobility excluded from government of, 77, 162

Orsanmichele neighborhood of, 29

pawnbrokers fined or licensed in, 31

Piero de’ Medici’s flight from, 4, 9, 245

Piero de’ Medici’s political power in, 3, 155, 160, 163–67

political parties banned in, 84, 137

political structure of, see balia; Councils; gonfaloniere della giustizia; parliament, of Florence; priors; signoria

population of, 7

post-Cosimo de’ Medici power struggle in, 153–57, 163–67

pre- and post-Medici upheavals in, 6–9

property and wealth register in, 73, 81–83, 85

property tax in, 147–48

republican constitution of, 6, 88, 137, 148, 154, 158, 159

“secret things of,” 136–38, 151, 209

silver currency of, see piccioli