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He kept rising on his hind feet, his cock pushing out of his sheath to its utmost length. I remember I was so excited that I let the pee run from me as I stood there, and it was very fortunate I had no panties on. Another man now took hold of a reign, and thus one on each side of the mare had a reign from each side of the stallion's bridle to hold him after the job was done. Up he comes to the mare, and would you believe it, he just licked her fat cunt, sticking his tongue way into it as it opened and thrust itself violently out to him. Up he now flew, his front legs at the knees gripping now her sides, just like a man's embrace of a woman, and like Brownie held me. The chief attendant quickly seized the end of the stallion's cock and guided it to the mare's cunt which was opened to receive it, sucking and closing and opening again. I saw that huge cock slide right into the mare who took it beautifully. I could hear the moist suction as he made abort pulls in order to give harder pushes. Her head dropped, he neighed and snorted and in a short while he emitted a stream that was almost terrifying which told me the sweet sting of love and ejaculation had caught the end of his cock and I could well imagine how fiercely violent his climax must have been, judging from the lesser human males I have had experience with. Oh, it was a sight! The snorting and fierce discharge of breath continued a minute when the men pulled him aside and led the mare away from him. Her tail was raised stiffly in the air, her cunt was opening and closing and thrusting its two big lips out then sucking them in close again, Oh this was a sight to make a statue hot and lustful. I felt I wanted to rub my own cunt and bottom up against her inviting cunt, I wanted to put my hand up into her, I wanted to mold, pat, and caress the lovely piece of cunt meat, I wanted to smack it, a thousand vague ideas ran all through my soul pertaining to sex ideas never before awakened till now. And his cock, on escaping from her sheath surely showed a different head than when it went in to it. Then it looked like Willies head only much bigger and thicker — as thick as my arm, this was so it would enter the mare more easily. But in order that the mare's cunt channel should hold his stream of spendings the head had become much like mushroom.

The stallion's big cock, still firm and fully extended, dripping big drops of precious juice while he still pranced about, as if proud of what he had just done. He was held in the yard for a few moments for my own delectation, as the doctor said, and I saw that cock slowly recede, then he was led away to his stable. I closed the slide and just collapsed in a heap on a bench, and uttered a deep drawn sigh that was a sob, and just then the doctor came in and fastened the door. I jumped up put my arms around his neck and kissed him madly saying, “Oh, doctor, if you love my young cunt, oh, please, please give it a good fucking NOW! It is burning hot, I can't wait till we get back, I must have it NOW! at once.” I sobbed and put my hand up under my clothes and stuck my fingers into my poor aching cunnie. I then bent down to pee, still holding my hands to my privates. I just squirmed and twisted a-bout so madly hot and lustful was I aching for a good fuck the only thing that would sooth me. Dear old doctor, he lost no time in throwing off his pants, and I had already pulled my dress up above my titties, and very quickly, to my intense delight I felt his rampant cock's head slapping my cunt very hard. He had a way of thus slapping my cunt with the length of his rigid cock that, while pleasant, was much like when the strap would hit me there when I got a spanking at home. This only added fire to the fire that now consumed me. I threw my belly up and out to him, spread my thighs, so that his fierce cock smacking on my cunt just thrilled me and tantalized my overwrought feelings. If ever a girl was on fire with lust, I was. I could have shoved a corn-cob up my belly and torn it, so mad and hot was it. Suddenly, I felt his cock rammed into me to the hilt at one Powerful thrust and bang up against my womb, as he gripped my bottom and pulled me to him so eagerly. As he was as hot and worked up as I at the sight we had witnessed, a few rapid, strong pushes sent his pent up milk gushing into me in torrents which I gratefully received with subdued moans of rapture. I spent and peed at the same time, and the splashing of his cock in my flooded cunt showed how much I had yielded to the exceptional afternoon's excitement.

Now I fully realized what a powerful stimulant horses of either sex are to humans, especially boys and girls who find every excuse to loiter around the stables, and when alone, love to fondle the magnificent privates of these noble animals — o the boys fucking the mares in both holes, and the girls running their fair, slender smooth arms all the way into the moist and tender cunts of the mares.

I have known girls to stand on a box up behind the mare so that their own cunts were on a level with that of the mare, then hold their clothes up and rub their aching cunts up against that of the mare, and even pee into it while another girl or boy would dig their fingers up her bottom during the act. It gives the girls keen pleasure when the mare pees into and on their own bellies, it runs in a strong, powerful stream and thoroughly bathes their bellies and thighs as they push themselves forward as far as possible onto to the pissing cunt.

Well, to come back to the afternoon with Brownie. After he had pulled away from my cunt, he had so nicely surprised, I rolled over on the floor beside him and saw his cock all out as well as it's knob. He lay down and licked it clean, then, on his side, laid his head on my thighs, gave a deep groan of satisfaction, and closed his eyes, content, but loving his mistress still. My! I thought, what experience I do have, and every one is good and sweet. After caressing Brownie's face, and gently touching his still, long, red cock, holding it in the palm of hand and gently squeezing I said, come, Brownie, get washed. He followed me, his tool still hanging limp almost to the floor. I put him in the bathtub, and tossed cold water on his hind quarters, especially his cock, which began to recoil into its sheath.

I was not done with him yet, and wanted to see how soon he'd be ready again for his rare feast of a nice young girl's altar of love. He was a lucky dog! Having cleaned myself thoroughly, we went to my room, and I gave him some candy. I lay on the bed on my side, he lay on the floor. Then I thought I'd get on the floor and see if there's a romp in him. Sure enough, there was, and so we rolled and played, he could throw me over if I did not resist too much, and I'd put a leg around his neck and pull his nose to my cunt. When I thought He might be ready again I laid myself over the side of bed, my feet on the floor, my bottom well protruding over the edge of the bed and waited. Brownie sniffed my cunt while I tickled his balls with my bare foot. He soon extended his cock against my leg. I now snapped my fingers over my breasts and said, “Come up, nice Brownie.” He hardly sensed the position, but finally seemed to understand, and he leaped his front feet up, and as my legs were wide apart when he sprang upward, I got both my feet around his hind quarters and pulled him to me, he could not help but find his cock at my cunt. He danced his now thoroughly stiff cock up against my cunt lips, and soon found the entrance when in it went at one mad dive. Again it touched my womb, and he not forgetting his part, waited till he felt the thin pliable end of his cock enter the little opening into my womb, getting it in about two inches. I could feel it become packed, he now began his thrusts into me, the thick knob of his cock now half way up my cunt and packing it nicely, and his hairy balls tickling the lower end of my cunt and in under my bottom gave me the thrill of my life.