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Soft contraction of the burning muscles on that fleshy pole… Was Monique hurt? she did not realize it… She remembered a dim pain mixed with pleasure… Her contracted position, the approach of the spasm made her open the velvety sheath and open it more, like the mouth of some voracious ghoul… That, an the compressibility of Max's phallus were the causes of an easy penetration… Once again, Monique could feel the hard belly glued to her body, but this time the voluptuous pole was in her… She was not thinking about her shameful position, about her abandon monstrous of vice and lubricity… Of consented vice. She gave herself completely to Max's ardent and passionate sodomization enjoying for the first time with a rare pleasure the contact of the male's flesh in her own secret flesh.

Max, glued against her back was biting the nape of her neck, pressing her large bosom that moved at each trust of his powerful tool in her ass. Everything was dimming in front of Monique's eyes and she was feeling the unknown and marvelous spasm come, come, come… She uttered a continuous moan, full of vicious contentment, propped her bottom so that the penetration would be more intense, and would go deeper… Impaled on the prick, she rotated, accentuating the pleasure that the was giving to the male… and the spasms came… Terrible for both of them… She felt in her the beat of the canal, suddenly inflated by the coming of the sperm… And then the hot splurt came in her and they both preferred meaningless words.

Still caressing the beautiful and exhausted body, Max restored a little bit of order in his attire, then he caressed her and caressed her breasts… She got used to him in the night and while dressing recovered her assurance and self-confidence. He succeeded in avoiding the words or allusions that would shock her. He took her away from the place of the rape (he thought that he was the first). When they arrived at his place, whose windows opened on the sea, he offered her some port wine.

Then he took her in his arms, he used convincing words to speak to her. He let her understand that, at the boarding school, the headmistress had a knack for pretty girls… She would have to be obedient because the director had a propension to corporal chastisement… He would impatiently wait for the vacations and weekend leaves… He would ask to be her correspondent so that she would not be alone when free to come to Paris…

Tranquilized, she let him caress her and pour her some more Port. She could feel his hands run across her large protruding buttocks and when he bent down to cover the two spheres with ardent kisses, she did not protest… Soon she fell on a pillow placed by a window, and him, kneeling down, rushed himself on that offered body, lying on her back with her members ajar… His mouth glued to the palpating sex, and while she was faintly rattling, ashamed, desiring and obscene, he sucked at her intently and aspired the erected clitoris between his tightened lips… The spasm soon came and distorted that splendid body while she uttered a long satisfied and contented moan.

She got up fast after that last embrace… Fearing another assault… Bu he did not move either that his age did not allow him another attempt, or that he simply did not want it. He took her back to her aunt. Later she left and arrived at the convent… Monique, while remembering those delightful memories had caressed her sex with soft and rapid motions of her finger… She came violently and sunk into oblivion… Later she got up, drank some fresh water, and returned to her cooled bed. She closed her eyes and again remembered…



Monique arrived at the boarding school one sad evening. It was an ancient abbey rebuilt by some gentleman and given back to Mrs. Merval. She installed there a boarding school for rich young girls. The school had only two classes, one for the children of twelve years of age, and the other for the children of fifteen and over preparing examinations. The boarding school was located in a deserted area in the moors of Bretagne. The building was surrounded by a huge park. The center of the building was essentially for the school, one of the wings was for the headmistress's apartments, the other for the commons. The whole building had all the adavantages of moderne confort.

The car, sent specially for her at the station, brought Monique to the front porch and a young a shy looking supervisor welcomed her and showed her to her room. In the meantime she helped Monique to arrange her things in her room, and told her that she would see the headmistress the next day. The supervisor's name was Maud. She was petite, fair haired and pretty with a figure full of dimples and rotundities wherever it had to be dimpled or round… She was wearing a black silk dress under which the eye could catch the shape of the brassiere and panties. She also had on black silk stockings, and varnished high heel shoes. A zipper was closing the dress on the front from the collar to the knees. The dress was conceived to show and emphasize the contours of the body, but it was still looking stern and serious. A little white lace collar was encircling the delicate neck, and she wore a little black velvet cap slightly inclined on one side of the face, and whose edges were concealed by the flair curls of her hair. Monique was admiring the costume. “It will the same for you tomorrow, if the seamstress has enough time to finish it replied the young girl.”

Then she left Monique after giving her a last and greedy look, contemplating with astonishment and wondering over the perfection of the young girl's figure.

Monique was awakened by the shoutings of the children in the park. It was late, and she was embarrassed, the sun was shining and gave the whole house a charming aspect. She washed herself and made up cautiously, and soon somebody came to get her to the headmistress through the long, empty dormitories.

She found herself facing a young woman, hardly thirty five, more than pretty, with her brown hair pulled back and chignonned on the nape of her neck, with a fringe to soften the contour of her forehead. She had delicate and handsome features. Her slightly grey eyes had a cruel look that did no go with the shapely mouth, sensuous with well designed lips. The slim, and yet muscled body, was dressed in a kind of long sleeved bodice, made of black silk, that molded in a provocative way the shapes of the torso clinging to each curve, and Monique had to admit that the breast were exceptionally firm and high. The V decollete went curiously down to the belt, passing between the two round hard bosom. The skirt, very short, stopped far higher than the knees and covered the lower part of the body and the upper part of the thighs. The legs were propped out of the silky material of the dress and were of perfect shape. Black silk stockings and high heel shoes completed the headmistress attire, her feet were quite small.

Sylvie Merval welcomed Monique very kindly, asked her about her first night in the house her trip to come there. She told her to sit down in a very low leather armchair, in front of her desk, in her office at the basement of the building. The windows opened on the park. While speaking to Monique, the headmistress let her eyes wander over the young girl's charms… She appreciate the curve of her legs, and letting her eyes look between the legs, where the knees were unveiled by the short skirt, she tried to see the mysterious corners of her femininity. Sylvie just received a letter from her fiend Max, and she knew what a hot and voluptuous temper the girl had and the kind of studies that the institution gave the pupils. She also talked about the discipline that she expected from everyone, as well from the children as from the masters. Monique, in the beginning would have to be on charge of the science classes for the youngest girls.