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Grant sat quietly in the background, absorbing every word, instinctively calculating and planning, compiling a mental list of questions and options that would decide life or death, perhaps his own. Every now and then he'd glance at the display that pinpointed every ship in the task force sailing off the northeast coast of Japan.

"We got a report from the long-range recon SEAL team, Tango Alpha, out of Japan," piped up the CNO.

Grant's attention immediately turned to the Admiral, even more so when hearing that the SEALs were involved, although, he would have been more surprised if they weren't. They were usually the first ones in. They were the Navy's 'silent option', a phrase coined by Stubby Brooks. SEAL Team 2 adopted it as their motto. Without thinking, Grant touched the 'Budweiser' above the rows of ribbons on his service dress blues jacket. Until that moment, he didn't realize how much he missed it, missed the Teams. Being stationed in D.C. and involved in intel activities kept him sharp, sensitized. But it just wasn't the same as being part of an operational team.

Admiral Maxwell ran a hand over the top of his balding head, then leaned on the edge of the table as he said, "The SEALs did a show and tell when they got back and reported seeing stacks of mortar rounds at the site in North Korea. Hell, they even got close enough to read the printing on the casings!" he said, his boastful tone unmistakable. "But this is where it gets baffling. According to the SEALs, the Chinese symbol on those mortars indicates they're only exercise rounds. I called WARCOM (Special Warfare Command for SEAL teams) in San Diego just to confirm that point after reading the Team's dance cards." He looked at each attentive face staring back at him before adding, "None of them are loaded with live ammo." He looked to his left, staring directly at Grant as he spoke those words, waiting for a reaction. Then he spotted something in Grant's eyes, the expression on his face revealing he already had an idea. "Your thoughts, Commander, can you add something at this point?"

Grant nodded, then stood by his chair, laying the folder and photos on the seat. "Sir, what if this isn't a plan to attack, or even to invade Korea at all? It has all the earmarks of the Patton diversion used in England, Admiral, when they planted dummy materials and troop movement."

Gene was right about this kid, thought the CNO, as he leaned back, intrigued, waiting to hear more.

The secretary pulverized his cigarette in the ashtray, dropping it next to several extinguished butts, a thin haze of smoke hovering above the table. "Go on, Commander."

Grant rubbed the back of his neck as he formulated his thoughts. All eyes were on him while he slowly walked over toward the viewing screen in the corner of the room. Minute particles of dust seemed suspended within the projector's light beam. He broke the beam as he passed in front of it, a portion of the map visible on the back of his dark uniform jacket.

He glanced up at the map before turning to look at the Joint Chiefs and SecDef. "The report on this by the CIA points out the traffic they've intercepted between Russia and China has mentioned the USS Bronson. Suppose this is just some type of subterfuge, designed specifically to… ?"

Chairman Sherwood wasn't about to wait for an explanation. With nostrils flaring, and a beet red face, he tore into Grant. "What the hell are you talking about? Subterfuge? You think this is some kind of goddamn game, Stevens?" The redness in his face slowly crept upward like the infamous Red Tide, plainly showing through his thinning gray hair.

Without even blinking, Grant answered the chairman calmly. "No, sir. I can assure you I'm well aware this isn't a game. I've spent my career separating the authentic from the fraudulent… sir."

Admiral Maxwell didn't even attempt to hide his amusement, impressed that Grant wasn't rattled by the outburst and had even managed to politely 'slap back.' The other Joint Chiefs had grown accustomed to seeing this from the chairman. Maxwell wished he could give Commander Stevens a 'thumb's up' sign, and with a tight smile, drilled his stare right through the angered Sherwood.

No love had been lost between these two, Sherwood and Maxwell. They had served together on the JCS for nearly three and a half years of their four-year appointment, always going head-to-head about every point of interest that approached the JCS offices. He turned back to Grant. "Proceed, Commander."

"Yes, sir. As I was saying, suppose this was designed specifically to draw in the Bronson?" Grant's shadow projected against the screen as he reached up and traced his finger along the outline of the map. "Here we have the coast of Russia, North Korea and the Chinese border… " He repeatedly jabbed his index finger against the screen, pointing to an area east of Japan, then he intentionally stared at the red-faced Chairman. "And here we have the USS Bronson." Making eye contact with each of the Joint Chiefs and the SecDef, he continued: "It isn't just the Bronson, sirs; it's the microchip for the SNAGS we have to be concerned about. One chip in the hands of the Russians, then one chip is duplicated, and then the Chinese have it. The Free World could be brought to its knees. I submit to you that the Korean scenario is a ruse, and the Bronson is their true target."

General Black got up and walked to the double doors, eyeing the Marine sergeant's impeccable uniform, but not really examining it. He turned and stared at Grant. "We all know about the SNAGS, Commander, and what would happen if it fell into the wrong hands."

Grant cleared his throat. One quick look at CNO Maxwell's expression reinforced the fact that he got carried away trying to get an unnecessary point across.

Black stood behind his chair, resting his hands on the leather back, as he said, "What we want to know is if you have anything at all to substantiate what you're implying?"

"No, sir, I don't," answered Grant, "but the coincidence is too great. Our intel, along with the CIA's, reported that the Russians have known there was more to the Bronson than what's already been leaked. We know how badly they want what's on board, and it's becoming apparent they're willing to do anything to get it."

Agent Phillips nodded, then stood slowly, everyone shifting their eyes to him. "The commander seems to reflect my feelings, gentlemen, and according to the bits of information from our radio intercept stations at Adak and Kamisaya, it appears that Korea is the Commander's 'Patton.'"

"So, why get the Chinese involved?" asked Allington as he rubbed his reddened eyes. "Why aren't the Russians just running the show themselves and trying to take it all?"

Grant walked over to the end of the table, grinding his fist into his palm. "My guess is they knew we'd go all out to protect Korea by sending our best. What better way to fire us up then to get China involved, too? And with the technology that's at stake, I'm sure the Chicoms were anxious to be willing participants."

The CNO swung his chair around, folding his arms across his barrel chest. "Commander Stevens, let's assume your theory is correct. How do you propose they would go about getting their hands on this technology? We've got a whole damn fleet out there with the Bronson, not to mention the Bronson herself."

"Right now, Admiral, I honestly don't know what their plan is. But my first guess is that they're counting on us not to unleash anything until they make the first decisive move, if they make a move at all, sir. And… " Grant took a deep breath, knowing the reaction his statement was going to receive, "I believe that this will all come about with the assistance of a Russian mole."

"What! Are you out of your freakin' mind?" shouted Allan Sherwood as he flew out his chair.

Allington had had all he could take and brought his fist down hard on the table. "For Christ's sake, Allan!" His voice tore through the room as he pointed at Sherwood. "Sit down before you have a goddamn heart attack!" He didn't take his eyes from the Chairman until Sherwood was settled in his seat, then he turned back to Grant. "Go on, Commander." He gave Sherwood a quick glance.