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Vatican Ecumenical Council, Second (Vatican II), 579–80

Vauxcelles, Louis, 60, 62

Vavilov, Nikolai Ivanovich, 311, 319—21, 323

Veblen, Oswald, 352

Veblen, Thorsten, 41–2

Vemork, Norway, 400

Veneziano, Gabriele, 744–5

Venus (novel), 104

Versailles, Treaty of (1919), 173–8, 273

Vertov, Dziga, 168

Vienna: aesthetics in, 29; anti-Semitism in, 94, 192, 243; child psychology in, 499; Circle, 37, 75, 235–6, 270, 306, 379; coffee houses in, 27; consequences of 1919 peace in, 180; Freud in, 12, 14; Grienstiedl Cafe, 28, 34, 56; Jung Wien group in, 28; Karl Kraus in, 192–3; preeminence in ideas, 26–8, 30–3, 36–7, 56; Ringstrasse, 26, 34–5; Secession artists, Jugendstil 35; Therapeutic nihilism in, 27

Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, 15

Vietnam: US war in, 533, 536, 538, 585

Vilcabamba (Inca city), 118–19, 121

Vincennes, University of (Paris), 627

Vinci, Leonardo da, 252

Vkhutemas school, Moscow, 165

Vlaminck, Maurice de, 60, 409

Vollard, Ambroise, 62

Vries, Hugo de, 17–18, 36, 112–14, 318

Vuillard, Edouard, 59

Vulpian, Daniel, 103

Waddington, C. H.: The Scientific Attitude, 378

Wagner, Cosima, 53

Wagner, Otto, 34–5

Wagner, Richard, 56, 61, 128, 171; Tannhäuser, 45

Wagner-Jauregg, Julius von, 151–2

Wain, John, 464

Waiden, Herwarth, 300

Walker, A’Lelia, 215

Walker, Alice: The Color Purple, 705

Walker, Kenneth, 147

Wall Street crash (1929), 273, 326, 340, 646

Wallace, De Witt, 211

Waller, Fats, 216

Walling, William, 108–9, 111

Walpole, Sir Robert, 231

Walter, Bruno, 158, 357

Walters, Barbara, 599

Warburg, Aby, 223, 305

Warburg Institute of Art, 223, 226, 305

Ward, Barbara, 583

Ward, Lester, 41

Warhol, Andy, 331, 510–12, 514

Warner, Sam, 87

Washington, Booker T., 109–11, 458

Washington University Medical School, St Louis, Missouri, 426

Wassermann, August, 105

Watson, James Dewey, 375, 478–81, 700

Watson, John B., 112

Watts, Harry, 328

Weatherall, Sir David, 666

Weatherall, Miles, 660

Webb, Beatrice, 188, 292–4, 383

Webb, Sidney, 187, 292–4, 306, 383; Soviet Communism (with Beatrice

Webb), 292

Webb, W. L., 544

Weber, Max, 45–8, 56, 74, 112, 173, 188, 236, 432, 440, 593; The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, 46–7

Webern, Anton von, 37, 56, 230, 313, 623

Webster, H. C., 262

Wedekind, Frank, 16, 64, 231

Wegener, Alfred, 122–3, 553

Weidenreich, Franz, 371

Weill, Kurt, 222, 231–2, 313

Weimar Republic, 173, 221–4, 226, 228, 231, 244

Weinberg, Robert, 661

Weinberg, Steven, 743; The First Three Minutes, 570–1

Weininger, Otto, 12, 32–3, 35, 59, 194, 199

Weinstock, Dr Harry, 493

Weiss, Peter: Marat/Sade, 640–1

Weizmann, Chaim, 307

Welles, Orson, 348–9

Wells, H. G., I, 48, 340, 383; War of the Worlds, 348

Wen Chung-pei, 577

Werfel, Franz, 161, 354, 357

Weschler, Lawrence, 357

Wesker, Arnold, 464

Wharton, Edith: The Age of Innocence, 209

Wheeler, John, 572

Whistler, James McNeill, 24, 35

White, E. B., 218

White, Harry Dexter, 389

White, Michael, 96

White, Tim, 613–14

Whitehead, Alfred North, 24, 58, 98, 100–2, 185, 271, 451; Principia Mathematica (with Bertrand Russell), Whitman, Walt, 726

Whitney, Gertrude Vanderbilt, 127

Whittle, Frank, 268–70

Whole Earth Catalogue, 595

Whyte, W. H.: Organisation Man, 438–40, 457, 584

Wickramasinghe, Chandra, 762

Wiene, Robert, 222

Wigan, 287

Wigner, Eugene, 180, 396, 507

Wilde, Oscar, 24, 39, 43; Salomé, 53

Wilder, Burt, 108

Wilder, Thornton, 409

Wilkins, A. F., 366

Wilkins, Maurice, 375, 478–81

Williams, Raymond, 235, 331, 465–8, 632, 634–5, 715–16; Culture and Society, 466

Williams, Robley, 749

Williamson, Henry, 581

Wilson, Allan, 689–90

Wilson, Edmund, 137

Wilson, Edward O., 616–18, 620, 651, 692–3, 698, 731; Consilience, 771; Sociobiology, 618

Wilson, Harold, 384

Wilson, Robert, 569–70

Wilson, Woodrow, 112, 174, 177

Winckelmann, Johann, 54–5

Winston, Brian, 739

Winter, Jay, 6; Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning, 157

Wirth, Louis: The Ghetto, 282

Wisconsin Plan, The, 383

Wissler, Clark, 212

Witten, Edward, 744–5

Wittgenstein, Ludwig: analytical philosophy, 32, 75; attends Königsberg conference, 270; and Beckett, 418; and Bertrand Russell, 99, 158–60; Dworkin cites, 644; family and career, 158–9; in World

War I, 145, 157–9, 172, 183; ideas, 160–1; and Keynes, 174; and Lacan, 626; reads Spengler, 173; Rorty on, 669–70; and therapeutic nihilism, 12; Turing meets, 363; and Vienna Circle, 37; Philosophical Investigations, 492–6; Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 145, 157, 159–60, 164, 192, 236, 492

Wittgenstein, Margarete, 158

Wolfe, Tom, 598–9, 601, 620; The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby, 584

Wolff, Christian, 74

Wollheim, Gert, 350

Woltmann, Ludwig, 240

Woodstock music festival (1969), 537

Woolf, Leonard, 174, 293

Woolf, Virginia, 189, 201, 210, 276, 293, 759; Jacob’s Room, 186, 193, 195, 201–2, 276; A Room of One’s Own, 276–7

Woolley, Sir Leonard, 249–50, 340

World Bank, 389

World Health Organization (WHO), 498–9

Woytinsky, W. S., 389–90

Wright, Richard, 458–9

Wright, Robert, 758–60; The Moral Animal, 751

Wright, Wilbur and Orville, 83–5

Wundt, Wilhelm, 139, 149

Yagoda, Genrikh, 321

Yale University, 75

Yan (or Yen) Fu, 178

Yao Wenyuan, 538–9

Yeats, William Butler, 23, 156, 194–7; omits Owen from Oxford Book of Modern Verse, 156

Yerkes, Robert, 149–50, 206

Yezhov, N. I., 324

Yom Kippur War (1973), 589

Young, Andrew, 525

Young, Michaeclass="underline" The Rise of the Meritocracy, 448–9, 698

Yung Wing, 70

Zabel, William, 446

Zadkine, Ossip, 355

Zehme, Albertine, 58–9

Zemlinsky, Alexander von, 56

Zentralblatt für Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete, 352

Zervos, Christian, 336

Zhdanov, Andrei, 320, 412, 474

Zhou Enlai, 540

Zhoukoud, Adolf, 311, 313

Ziegler, Adolf, 312

Zimbabwe, 556–7

Zimbalist, Efrem, 356

Znaniecki, Florian, 282

Zola, Emile, 24, 43, 209, 245, 327

Zuckmayer, Carl, 231

Zukor, Adolph, 87

Zurich, 161, 229

Zweig, George, 569

Zweig, Stefan, 28, 44, 228, 307, 353


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abstract art, 63–5

abstract expressionism, 510–11, 515