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Cultural Left, 467

Cultural Revolution (China), 539–40

cultural studies (and culture wars), 716–35, 768

culture: Blooms’ attack on decline of, 720–3; cross-over, 769; Snow-Leavis ‘two-culture’ debate, 467–70; tradition and levels of, 450–3, 466–7, 470, 706; see also anthropology

cuneiform writing, 249

cyberspace, 738

cytosine, 480

Dada, 161–4

Darwinism: and pessimism, 38; Social, 40–4, 47–8, 60, 113, 122, 136, 241, 244, 246, 318–21, 453; see also evolution

dating methods see dendrochronology; potassium-argon method; radiocarbon dating

DDT (earlier DDD), 582–3

Dead Sea scrolls, 574–5

decolonisation, 460

deconstruction, 627, 631–2

défaillance, 672–3

degeneration, 38, 43–5, 53, 606

democracy, 753–4

demythologising, 576–7

dendrochronology, 252–3, 563, 565

dinosaurs: extinction of, 686–8

direct analysis, 663

dissonance (musical): emancipation of, 56

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid): and cloning, 614–16; deep geometry of, 748; discovery of structure of, 374, 478–81; and genetic fingerprinting, 682–3; and human inequalities, 697; mitochondrial, 689; and origins of life, 684; see also nucleic acid

domestication: of animals and plants, 752

dominant traits (genetics), 19

double bind, 502

double-helix, 480, 614–15; see also DNA

Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly), 113–15

drugs: mind-affecting, 501–2

E=mc2, 93, 107, 571

e-mail, 737; see also Internet

earth: age of, 124; photographed from space, 580–1; see also ecology

ecology, 582–6; see also animal behaviour

economics: and society, 646–55; see also acquisitive society; affluence; business-cycle theory; capitalism; consumerism; corporations (business); famines; free market

economics; Great Depression; Great Society; growth; laissez-faire; living standards; monetarism; New Deal; New Growth Theory; planned society; poverty; stagflation; underclass; unemployment; welfare state; and Bretton Woods; Wall Street Crash; and individual economists in Index of Names, People and Places

Ediacara, 686

edification (philosophy), 669–70

education: and abolition of schools, 535–6; criticised in USA, 729–31; in democracies, 77–8; and equality of opportunity, 533–6; and neighborhood effect, 519; popular, 220; see also universities

ego, the, 37

Eight-Fold Way, 509

élan vital see life force

electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), 501

electronic music, 624

electronics, 477

electrons, 21–2, 37, 64, 93, 134, 258–9, 261–3, 267; see also particle physics

elephants: studied, 611–12, 618

elevators (lifts), 81n

emergent properties, 701

empiricism, 76, 91, 235, 632

encyclicals (papal) see Index of Names, People and Places under Popes John XXIII; Pius X and Pius XII

energy: emission of, 22–3

ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator), 364–5

Enigma (code machine), 361–2, 364

Enovid (birth-control pill), 429

entropy, 22

environment see ecology

épuration (French post-war purging), 409, 411

Erhard Seminar Training (EST), 598

ethnic cleansing, 766

ethology see animal behaviour

eugenics, 44, 113, 115, 242, 318; see also

race theory

Eurodollars, 590

evidential research, 70

evolution: as ‘best idea, ever’, 3, 694; Catholic Church resists, 67–8; as concept, 66; and consciousness, 702, 756; effect on US intellectual life, 453; end of, 753; evolutionary synthesis, 371; human place in, 253–5, 371–2; and knowledge forms, 757–8; and Nietzsche’s philosophy, 40; popular acceptance of, 121, 124; and progress, 246; and racial differences, 121–2, 124–5; and recent human history, 752; religious response to, 207–8, 290; and right to exist, 617; and ‘saltation’, 372–3; and Scopes trial (Tennessee), 207; slow pace of, 71, 124–5; and stable strategy (ESS), 619–20; Teilhard de Chardin on, 577–8; teleology of, 769; theoretical work and writings on, 692–8; see also Darwinism

exclusion principle (physics), 259

existentialism, 407–8, 410–12, 414, 421, 630; and religion, 575–6

Explorer (US space vehicle), 484

Expressionism, 56; in cinema, 221–2

Fabianism, 293

family life, 451, 601

family planning, 428–9

famines, 651

fascism: as danger in USA, 435; rise of, 224–6, 234; Socialist hostility to, 287; in Switzerland, 306

Fauvism, 60, 129, 165

feminism, 276–7, 422–3, 430–1, 530–2, 536

Fibonacci sequence, 747–8

films and cinema: beginnings, 86–9; creative innovations in (‘new wave’), 636–9; documentary, 327–8; Expressionist, 221–2; in India, 712; madness in, 490–1; Orson Welles and, 348–9; popularity, 234–5; and propaganda, 328–9, 331; realism in, 327; sound introduced, 326; in USSR, 329–30

fixed action patterns see animal behaviour

flexible accumulation, 680

flight: beginnings, 83–5, 89; and jet propulsion, 268–9; and Soviet aeronautics, 482–3

fossils see palaeontology

fractals, 746

Francophone thought, 753

free market economics, 650–2, 655–6, 753, 766–7

freedom see liberty

Freudianism see psychoanalysis

‘frodos’, 738

fruit fly see Drosophila melanogaster futurism, 164, 166

Gaia theory, 693

genes: and cancer research, 661; discovery of, 17; mathematics of, 748; physical composition, 373–4; and survival, 619–20; see also DNA; human genome project

Genesis, 573, 755

generic engineering, 616

genetic epistemology, 500

genetic fingerprinting, 682–3

genetics: de Vries on, 17–8; and ethics and social behaviour, 617–19, 693; and inheritance mechanism, 113–15; Mendel’s discoveries in, 18–19; Morgan’s theory of, 113–15; and mutation, 374; and race theory, 309–11; in Soviet Union, 318–21, 473–6; see also human genome project

geology: and age of earth, 124; and fossil

distribution, 122; and origins of life, 686; see also continental drift

German intuition, 240

Gestalt, 31–2

glands, ductless, 102–3

Gleitende, das, 29–30

global warming, 586

globalisation, 754

gluons, 667

God: proofs of existence, 30–1

gorillas: studied, 610–11, 618

‘great attractor’ (cosmology), 755

Great Depression (1930s), 340–2, 519, 646

‘Great Refusal’ (Mercuse), 503

Great Society (USA), 375, 376–7, 516, 518, 521–2, 533, 536, 596, 654

Great Terror (USSR), 320–3, 334, 386

Great War (1914–18) see World War I

‘green’ movement, 585

greenhouse effect see global warming

growth (economic), 648–50

guanine, 480

gulag (USSR), 541–4

hallucinogenic substances, 597

heart transplants see transplants (organ)

Hinduism, 762

historicism, 379–81, 557–64, 632

history: and progress, 254–5; ‘wars’, 728–9

Holocaust, 352, 435, 734–5, 764; see also Jews