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With the pitching of the boat and the swiveling in the chair and all the activity, she was conscious of the way her tits were heaving and jiggling inside her halter. One strap had slid from her shoulder, and her right tit was nearly ready to bounce free of the cup.

Her panties had been scooted around her waist, too, and she glanced down once while Matt was hovering over her to see that the leg band had been yanked around so far that her right pussylip had puffed through the opening!

Her blonde curls gleamed in the sunlight, and the edge of the panty leg was wet from the way it was digging into the pinkness of her cuntal cleft.

She knew that Matt was staring at her again. That was why he was hovering over her. He was getting himself a good look at her tit and her twat!

She was helpless to do anything about it. She had to hang onto the rod for dear life or lose it overboard. Captain Elsworth, if he was aware of her problem, wasn't taking advantage of her. He kept watching the fish and the line, and he would hurry back to the wheel every so often and alter the boat's course.

She became aware of Matt's crotch. It was right above her shoulder. He was drinking the Coke he'd teased her with. The cut-offs bulged. A pitch of the boat rocked him against her, and she felt the solid, thick mass of her brother's cock against her shoulder.

She couldn't help but suck in her breath. He looked down into the lap she couldn't close because of the fishing rod and gazed at her twat. He looked into the loose cup of her halter, too, and she knew he could see her pink nipple at the end of her tit. She knew it because she could see it herself.

She couldn't make any adjustments herself. She sure wasn't going to ask Matt to make them and she didn't dare call her mother over to cover her up for fear of setting her off again.

And then she wondered why she would bother covering up her body from her brother's heated gaze. He'd already seen everything she had. Her naked tits jiggling on her chest as she lay on the floor, her spread pussy draining its slippery honey.

And besides, she now had company in her shame. If it was unspeakable for her to dream about being fucked by her brother, then it was just as unspeakable for her brother to stare at her exposed body and get a straining hard-on. He pushed his cock against her shoulder, again and again, more times than the boat made him push it there.

"Keep it up – keep the rod up!" Captain Elsworth whooped.

She gave a tug, much too hard. The line went totally slack, and the rod whipped backward. She went with it, banging against the back of the chair. Her ass slid forward in it, and she would have slid out onto the deck if it hadn't been for the butt of the rod that was socketed in the front swivel.

Her thighs spread wide. Her pussy centered around the haft of the rod, and the pitching of the boat drove her cunt slit around the rod and made her clit rub heatedly against it.

"Ahhh!" she cried out, her eyes popping open. Her thighs shuddered. The fishing rod was like a hard, thrusting cock soaring upward between them. It fitted all along her slit, pressing inward. She gasped again and felt tremors sweep all through her young body and couldn't believe she was actually coming, right there in front of all of them.

The entire cuntlip popped free of the leg band of her panties. It trembled and flapped and sucked at the wooden pole, and her suddenly spasming pussy slobbered honey all over the handle.

"Ohhhhhh…" she gasped again, feeling shame wash all through her. Matt was watching. His prick jerked against her shoulder with unmistakable recognition of what she was doing just then.

"Awwww, dang it – he's gone," Captain Elsworth groaned. "Well, ya can't get 'em all. You okay there, young lady?"

Suzy straightened up as quickly as she could. She dropped her hand furtively into her lap and hooked a finger around the leg band and pulled. Her cuntlip puffed back into the panties. She jerked at her shoulder strap, and the halter cup hid her jiggling tit again.

She couldn't help looking at her brother's crotch. It was right there at her shoulder. She saw the thick line of his cock, and her mouth went dry.

"Aw, Sis!" he groaned, imitating the captain. He held the Coke over his lap. He bent over as if he had a terrible pain and stumbled to his chair and sat in it. "Aw, it gets me – right in the gut!"

"Matt, stop that," her mother said, coming behind Suzy, hugging her and giving her a kiss. "That's too bad, honey. But maybe you'll hook into another one today or tomorrow, huh?"

Suzy smiled at her mother. Captain Elsworth took the rod from the socket and put it in the holder at the side of the boat, clucking.

"Well now, you sure gave that fish something to remember into next week," he chuckled, grinning broadly, patting her shoulder with good humor. "Ready for another one?"

"Not for a while, Captain!" Suzy gasped. "I'm pooped!"

"Well, you go on down in the cabin and make your brother give you that Coke and take a breather. I'll circle back and run out the lines and see if we can't pick up his uncle." He stuck his tongue between his teeth and sputtered with laughter, his eyes twinkling.

Suzy staggered toward the hatchway and nearly fell into the cabin. She couldn't believe how weak she felt after the strenuous workout and the short but fierce little orgasm.

The boat heeled slightly. She let the motion flop her onto her back on the side berth. She sighed heavily, her pussy still trembling from the hard rubbing it had taken.

The doorway darkened, and Matt came down. He made a production of getting her a Coke, grinning all the while, watching her, looking between her legs as if hoping to see her naked pussylip again.

Suzy took the cold can from him, sitting up. She had to look straight ahead at his crotch as he stood in front of her. His prick had deflated, but there was now a small spot of wetness on the shorts, right where the fleshy cockhead would be leaking it.

"Something wrong, Sis?" he asked, glancing down. He saw the spot. He looked up quickly. "Well, what do you expect?" he asked, whispering, his smile suddenly gone. "I couldn't help getting a stiff one, the way your twat and tit were hanging out like that."

"You sure looked," she chided.

He grinned slowly. "Damn right. I looked the other day, too, when I caught you. Hell, I'm only human! But at least I didn't let a fishing rod make me come."

"Oh!" Suzy cried, flushing all over. "Stop talking like that!"

"Why?" he asked, sitting beside her. "I think it's great, watching your little pussy come. That's what you were doing there in front of their door. Having yourself a nice little party, weren't you?"

"I was not!" Suzy cried, jerking her head around.

"Aw, bullshit. Hell, I've been watching you, Sis. That guy did something to you – inside, I mean. He woke you up. The other one put Mom to sleep, but he woke you up and made you start thinking about it, didn't he?"

"Matt, shut up," she said abruptly, starting to stand and flee from the cabin and the truth he'd seen so clearly.

He pulled on her arm, keeping her seated. "Don't run away from it, Suzy. That's what Mom's doing, and it isn't right. You're curious as hell now – so what? That's normal! And there's nothing wrong with flipping your pussy off when you get horny, either. I do it to myself all the time. Shit, with a piece like you living with me, I can't help but be horny all the time."

She looked at him, speechless. She couldn't even think of anything to say. He was grinning at her. No, that wasn't right. He was smiling warmly, being sincere for maybe the first time since she could remember.

"I saw you yesterday, you know," he said.

"You what? Saw me what?"

"You know what. Behind the bushes at the marina. Really giving that sweet little pussy a working over."

"Why you – you…" she sputtered.

He laughed softly and put his arm around her, his hand dangling right over her tit. He kissed her cheek quickly, his lips cool from the Coke.