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"I went in and checked out that stuff after Dad left." He shook his lingers. "Damn! Real nice!"

"Matt, you're terrible!" she cried in a hoarse whisper. "Just awful!"

"AW come on! The old man deserved whatever he got from her. Mom's been putting him through hell, and you know it. I don't hold it against him. You must not either, since you stayed around and watched and sort of joined in, huh?"

Suzy stiffened with bluster. She looked into her brother's eyes. She let out her breath, and her shoulders slumped. She didn't even mind when the tips of his fingers rested on the slope of her tit and pressed inward slightly, testing the resiliency of it.

"No," she said finally. "I don't hold it against him. I knew it was going to happen that morning. It took me a long time to get used to the idea, but then… well, I guess I agree with you, Matt."

He made a thoughtful face. "Sis, what really happened that night? How come Mom's so screwed up about it and you're not?"

"She came," Suzy said, taking a deep breath, glad to be rid of the information at last. She had never felt closer to her brother than she did at that moment.

Usually, he was a torment to her. Or he had been up until a few months ago. Then he'd started going out with Wanda Parks, and he'd changed, becoming more civil to her. Right now, he was more understanding and decent than she'd thought he could be.

"She what?" Matt blurted.

"She had an orgasm!" Suzy said, turning her head and looking at his chest, too embarrassed to look into his eyes. "He raped his thing up her butt, and she had an orgasm!"

Matt put his hand under her chin and lifted her face, looking into her eyes. "Are you sure of that, Sis?"

"Yes!" Suzy lowered her voice, wondering why she felt it necessary to shout and snap at him. "I saw it, Matt. She squealed and shook all over, and I just know she came. He teased her about it. He laughed at the way she was coming, telling her how much she was liking what he was doing to her."

Matt sucked in his breath. "Oh, wow," he breathed softly, releasing her, slumping back against the padded fold-down portion of the bunk. He sipped at his Coke and stared thoughtfully through the sliding window at the low mass of the Keys on the horizon.

She looked at him. "What's the matter, Matt?"

"You know those girls I've been horsing with at the motel? Well, one of them is a psych major, and…"

"In college?" Suzy blurted.

"Yeah," he grinned. "Didn't know your brother was making out with old women now, did you? No," he laughed, "not really! But I've been talking to her. About Mom, you know? About the effects."

"Matt, you shouldn't!"

"Ah, hell – they're never going to meet each other. Anyway, she said she was raped when she was twelve, and she said it messed her up for a long time. She went into psych and has done a lot of reading to try to find out why, and she said that once she figured it out she hasn't had any hang-ups since."

"But she's a different person, Matt. There isn't any necessary connection between…"

"It was guilt, Sis. She liked it! Not the rape part – just the fucking. She wanted more. Kind of like you, I guess. Only she wasn't supposed to want more. Her mother was an old Victorian kind who hammered guilt into her every day. She figures if her mother hadn't died of cancer that she'd be screwed up still."

"Well, I didn't like having his cock down my throat, I can tell you that, know-it-all."

"That's different, I guess. It woke you up though. You can't deny that. And I'll bet Mom's ranting has made you feel guilty about that, hasn't it?"

Suzy looked away. "Yes," she said softly.

He fell silent again. "You know what?" he said finally. "I've got one of those crazy ideas. It'll never happen, of course, but it'd be interesting to see what the effect would be if it did."

"What's that?" Suzy asked.

Matt sucked in his breath. His pelvis tipped up reflexively, and his cock throbbed in his pants. "For you and me to get Mom alone and just…"


"… fuck her!"

"Matt!" Suzy squealed.

"Yeah I know," he gasped. "But just think about it, Suzy. With you there and me being the one to dick it to her, instead of sonic nasty bastard she knows doesn't care about her, if I could make her come again, then she couldn't hide it."

"Ohhhhhh, that's terrible, Matt!"

"She'd have to admit to herself that it was enjoyable and there's no shame in having it be enjoyable, get me?"

"You're as awful as I…"

Suzy clapped her hand over her mouth and stared at him with wide eyes. He looked at her for a long moment and then smiled slowly.

"As terrible as you are?" he asked. "Is that what you were going to say? Why, have you been thinking the same thing? Tell me, Sis – have you?"


"You've been thinking about helping out the old man, then, is that it? Wrapping your sweet little pussy down around his prick and giving him a big come? Is that why you watched him make it with that babe in the marina? Huh? It is, Suzy! Admit it!"

"No, no!"

"Bullshit, it isn't. Aw, hey, Suzy, I think that's terrific of you," he said warmly, forcing his arm around her shoulders and pulling her body against his.

She tried to free herself of his embrace. She was having hot flashes all over. She gave up the struggle finally and leaned against her brother's naked chest, her breasts heaving.

"All right, you smarty pants – all right! Yes! That's what I've been thinking! I feel so sorry for him, Matt!"

"I know, Sis," he said softly, still hugging her. "I do too. And I feel sorry for Mom, too."

"She couldn't help coming with that thing in her butt."

"It's called a prick, baby sister. You're not that damn innocent." He looked at her. "Hey, that implies something. How do you know she couldn't help coming? Have you been fucked up the ass too?"


"Then what?"

"I thought you watched me yesterday," she charged.

"Your finger?" he asked after a moment of thought. "You fucked your finger up your ass?"

Suzy couldn't look at him. She shivered all over and nodded quietly. "There wasn't any way to keep from coming."

Her head was against his chest. She was looking toward his lap. She saw his cock thickening and jerking in his cut-offs, and she had an insane desire to reach into his lap and feel the line of her brother's prick and play with it and get to know it.

"God, I'm getting a hell of a hard-on," he whispered.

"I can see that," she said.

"Does it bother you, Sis?"

"I-I guess not. I guess you can't really help it."

"It's what guys do."

"I know."

"Are you still cherry, Sis?"

She sucked in her breath. "You, shouldn't ask me a…"

"I'm not. And I'm glad I'm not."

She lifted her head. "Wanda?"

"Uh-huh," he smiled. "She's really great. You know, at first I thought like every other jack about it – getting a piece of ass, you know? But it's different now. I really love her."

"Then you're – this idea of yours… it's not just to get apiece of ass from your mother?"

"Aw, come on! Was that the way you thought of it about Dad?"

"Well, there you are, then."

"And me, Matt?" she asked softly. "I saw the way you looked at me in the chair a little while ago – and on the floor the other day. I-I could have sworn."

He turned her face around again, making her look into his eyes. "Suzy, I swear to you that this is the truth. You turn me on. You're pretty, you're built fantastic, and I've beat off over you a hundred times in the past. I'd love to fuck you – any time, anywhere, even right this minute. But above all, I like you – as a person. I like Mom, you know? Not just because she's my mother. She's a great gal. Or, she was. I want to see her be one again. And if there's anything I can do to help, I want to, don't you understand?"