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Suzy nodded. "I feel the same way about you and Dad, Matt."

"But it's naughty to want to fuck us, is that it? I say that's bullshit. I saw the way you looked back at me the other day. I think you'd have let we fuck you, and you'd have loved it. All I had to do was make the move, isn't that right?"

She giggled. "Yes! Oh, I couldn't believe myself, Matt! I went into the bedroom and shook all over!"

"Well, don't shake. Don't run away from it. I mean, what the hell? Who would we be hurting?"

"You'd be hurting me!" she laughed, pushing herself from his embrace with a playful slap against his chest. "That cherry in my pussy hurts when I poke it with my finger!"

The doorway filled with shadow, and they both looked up quickly. "Say, what's going on down here?" their mother asked. "The lines are out again. Aren't you two going to fish any more?"

They glanced at each other, their hearts pounding. "Sure, Mom!" Matt said cheerfully. "I'm just comforting Suzy – being a big brother to her, you know? Jeez, what a baby."

Tish laughed at the way Suzy squealed and hit her brother. She came down into the cabin, a good smile on her face. She sat at the table and looked at her children as if seeing them together in a new light.

"Did I ever tell you two how much I love you?" she asked quietly. "You've been wonderful all this time."

"Aw, cut it out, Mom," Matt said, squirming slightly.

"Cut it out," she repeated, laughing. "I'm going to give you a big kiss, that's what I'm going to do."

She got up and went to her son. She bent down.

The full tits in her tank top sagged firmly forward.

Her lips puckered. Matt sucked in his breath, and Suzy was all too conscious of the plan he'd just talked about.

He lifted his face and bent forward. He raised his arms. Suzy watched their lips meet, and her pussy tingled between her thighs.

Tish had intended for the kiss to be a motherly peck. Matt's arms came around her back and held her bent over. His mouth opened. He kissed her fully, startling her.

He held her there, his hand working at the nape of her neck. Then his hand slid around to the side of her chest, and Suzy watched with tingling horror as he turned his palm upward and cupped the full mound of his mother's tit and squeezed gently.

Tish made a sound in the back of her throat and struggled erect, gasping. "Matt!" she cried, blushing all over.

"I love you too, Mom," he said softly, smiling handsomely at her. He put his arm around his sister's shoulder and hugged her. "So does Suzy, Mom. And we're not ashamed to say so, either." His hand deliberately covered his sister's tit and massaged it.

Tingles shot all through Suzy's body. She felt her pussy tunnel squirm all along its length. She sucked in her breath, which only pushed her tit more deeply into her brother's hand, and she looked right at her mother.

"Matt stop it!" Tish cried. "What's the matter with you!"

"I just feel lovey today, Mom, that's all. It's a good day, a happy day. You smiled for the first time in two weeks, and that's made both of us happy, that's all. Don't you like for your children to love you and kiss you?"

"Not like that!" she blurted. "Matt, you take your hand off her, right now!"

"But Mother – I like his hand on my tit," Suzy said, feeling vibrations of approval tremble through her brother's fingers. "Didn't you just now? Didn't his hand feel good on your tit?"

"Now, just a darn minute!" Tish cried, gasping.

"I know you did, Mom. I saw you. I watched you. You liked it."

"I did…"

"And I felt your lips, Mom," Matt said. "You enjoyed it."

"You're being insolent, Matt Flancher!"

"And you're being evasive, Mom. So what if you like it? You should like it. I'm your son. I love you. I care about you."

"That makes no difference, young man!"

"That makes all the difference, Mommy," Suzy said quietly. "I know too – remember?"

Tish looked at her daughter. Her mouth opened and closed. Her wide eyes slowly slid aside, her gaze lowering. Her tits heaved with her quick breathing.

"Yes," she said hollowly, whispering. "I remember."

She looked as if she were going to slip back. Suzy felt Matt nudge her. As if of the same mind, they both stood. They both hugged their arms around her and held her tightly, and for the first time, Suzy knew she could really go through with it. She could really help her brother fuck their mother.

"Oh, I-I'm… I'm all right, kids," Tish gasped finally, trying to fight her way out of their embrace. "I just… it's been so…"

Her face crinkled up. She sobbed. A harsh, choking sound that shook her body. When she came up for air finally, she came up smiling.

"All right, you pests," she laughed softly. "I enjoyed it. There! But don't do it again, you hear?"

Matt smiled back. "I can't promise a thing like that, Mom. I liked it too, you know. That's a nice boob."

"Oh, you're outrageous!"

The boat lurched forward suddenly, the engines roaring. They felt the boat wheel off to the side. Captain Elsworth stuck his head into the hatchway.

"Matt, you want to come up and reel in these lines? Looks like a boat in trouble out here."

They looked through the window. There was a small boat adrift in the Gulf Stream. There were two men in it, waving their arms.

Tish sucked in her breath and stiffened and put her hand to her mouth. "Oh, I don't want them aboard!" she cried softly. "I don't want them to come on this boat!"


Captain Elsworth pulled the Missy alongside and hailed the two men. One was a giant. At least, his body was huge. His chest was a barrel, and his arms were as thick as Matt's thighs. He had a small head for the big body, and there was a witless expression to his face.

The other man was thin and wiry, with dark, curly hair, a hooked nose, thin lips and a bony jaw. His eyes had a steelly glint. He took the rope that Captain Elsworth tossed him and hooked it around the bow cleat of the small runabout.

The two men climbed aboard the Missy. "Engine conked out," the small one said to Captain Elsworth. "Everybody else seems to be heading back to shore for the night."

"I was just about to," Captain Elsworth said, grinning jovially at the two in his open way. "Good thing for you boys I hadn't, or you'd be on your way to England. This old stream runs fast."

"Yeah, Pops, it does. How about this tub, does it run fast too?" the small one asked, his eyes like polished carbon now.

The smile went off Captain Elsworth's face, and the old man tensed.

"Fast enough, I reckon," he said. "You boys in a hurry to get somewhere? I can't tow you all that fast, you know."

"You don't need to tow us at all, Pops. All you gotta do is head this tub south a little bit."

"My dock's berth," Captain Elsworth said uneasily. "Up to Loon Key, at the marina there. May be I'd best check around on the ship-to-shore and see if there's somebody else around going your way."

He moved over to the cabinet on the other side of the console and started to open the door to get at the radio. He cast them another uneasy glance, then looked at Matt and swallowed.

"Like the Coast Guard, Pops?" the wiry one said. "Or maybe you got a shark gun in there, huh? Boo, check it out."

The big ape went up behind Captain Elsworth and shoved him out of the way the way he'd push a gauze curtain aside. He opened the cabinet door wide and revealed the radio there.

"S'just a radio, Jody," he said, his voice oddly high for such a cavernous chest and thick throat.

"See a gun in there, Boo?"


"Bust the radio, Boo." There was a smash of rock-hard fist on delicate electronics. "Where's the gun, Pops?" Jody asked.

"Don't have one!" Captain Elsworth cried angrily. "What's going on here! This is piracy! You can't do this!"