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He began to follow the girls, trying to decide if they would be worth a try. He liked the way, one pf them wiggled her ass. She was tall and slim and had jet-black hair. Her girl friend was slightly shorter and had bright red hair. They went into a bar and Bill stopped to look in through the window. Then he decided to go in and see what might happen.

Bill wasn't usually so brave with chicks that it was easy for him to start a conversation with two of them, but the movie had inspired him and be knew that if be didn't try anything, nothing would happen. Besides, this was the big city. If he blew it with them, he could just split and he would never see them again. He began to feel excited as he walked into the place.

It was a shabby joint, but at least that meant it would be cheap. The two girls were sitting near the back at a table. Bill hurried past the bar so the bartender wouldn't notice him and possibly throw him out. So far, he'd been lucky to get away with so much. He felt foolish taking a table by himself right next to the girls in the almost empty place, but be had no choice if he were to get anywhere with them.

Bill played it cool. He ordered a martini even though he'd never had one before and listened to the girls' conversation. As he suspected, they were tourists and they were arguing about which show to see. One of them wanted to see a comedy and the other a serious play. Suddenly, Bill heard one of them speak to him.

"Have you seen 'The Incredible'?" the black haired one asked him.

"No, I haven't," he said. "But I hear it's pretty good."

"See, Joan?" she said to her friend. "I told you it was good."

Bill didn't want to get left out after his first few words, so he said to them, "Actually, there are better things playing."

They asked him what, and he asked if he could join them. They seemed to like that idea so Bill picked up his drink and moved to their table. He gave them a list of plays that were either playing or had played recently, but he didn't want to seem too enthusiastic about any of them. He didn't want these chicks to disappear. He wanted to talk them into putting on their own play with him as the male lead.

The girls introduced themselves. The red-head was Joan and the taller one's name was Sara. They were secretaries from out of town and had never been to New York before. They sounded to Bill as though they would like someone who knew the city to show them around. Although Bill had lived in New York all his life, he didn't know if he could show these girls much. After all, he had never gone to any bars or anything like that. He tried to make himself sound like an authority and so far they hadn't asked him how old he was. All he wanted to show them was the thing he'd learned in the movie he'd just seen, and the martini was already giving him some courage. Bill was feeling optimistic.

Sara still wanted to see a play, but Joan seemed to be willing to give up the idea. Bill was wondering how he might steer them back to their hotel with him along, but no ideas were forthcoming.

"I know a few great spots in the Village if you like jazz," Bill said enthusiastically.

Actually, he only knew of one place. He remembered hearing one of the guys talk about it at school. He didn't want to start dragging these chicks all over the city, but he figured be might have to show them something before getting down to business. Besides, he needed time to hatch a plan. He'd never done anything like this before and he didn't know how to get himself invited to their room for an orgy.

Joan seemed to be letting the idea of the Village replace her plan to see a play, and Bill told them that it would be too late to get tickets for anything good anyhow. They each had another drink and decided to do the Village.

The only drinking Bill had done was when one of the guys sneaked a few bottles of beer into the dawn, so the martinis were working fast. By the time they left the joint and hailed a cab, they were all feeling pretty good. Bill gave the driver the address and they were soon walking the crowded streets of Greenwich Village looking for the place Bill had heard of. When they found it they discovered that the music had changed from jazz to rock. Bill explained that he hadn't been there in a while, but the girls seemed to be more interested in rock anyhow and they went in.

They got a table and ordered drinks. Bill had a bad moment, when he thought the waiter was going to ask him for proof of his age, but again he was lucky. He figured that being with these older chicks made him seem older too. They sipped their drinks and Bill danced with, them. He was waiting for a slow number so he could cop a few feels, but the band only played rockers.

Once, be thought he felt one of the girls playing footsies with him under the table and he froze. He could have kicked himself for not taking advantage of the situation. They were drinking and dancing, and Bill was having a ball, but he couldn't forget what he'd seen in the movie and his cock kept getting hard.

When he was drunk enough, he moved his chair closer to the table and reached under it. It was a small table and their knees were all very close. He put one hand on Joan's knee and the other on Sara's. The girls moved their legs away, but Bill saw them smiling and he knew that they liked his attention. Each girl thought she was the only one he was feeling with. Bill was having a ball and he began to appreciate the advantages of alcohol when it came to being aggressive with chicks.

Bill grabbed for the girls' knees again, and now they stopped trying to get away from his grasping hand. Once he had his hand on their knees, Bill proceeded to reach up their dresses. The girls were pretty drunk too, and after a few half-hearted attempts to push his hand away, they let him play with their thighs.

Bill wondered why he'd never done this before. The idea of being in that bar with two hot chicks and groping under their dresses made his having bung around those crumby schools seem like such a waste of time. He loved the way their legs felt under their dresses even though they were wearing pantyhose. It was nice and warm in there and their thighs were soft, giving Bill a preview of what was waiting a little farther up.

Although he was as close to the table as he could get, he still couldn't reach the junction of their legs. But even with the feels he was getting, his cock was thumping in his pants so hard that be could feel the beating throughout his body. Joan put her hand under the table and stroked the back of Bill's hand as he dug his fingers into her thighs.

Sara slumped down in her chair to give Bill a better grab, and he was able to reach almost to her cunt. He found that her pantyhose formed a tent over her crotch and he couldn't feel the spongy lips that he knew were in there. He cursed the day pantyhose were invented, but be was having a real good time and couldn't complain.

Joan noticed the bussed-out expression on her friend's face and she figured out that she wasn't the only one who Bill was playing with under the table. She let out a drunken giggle that made Sara wonder what was was funny. It didn't take her long to figure it out and she began to laugh too. Now Bill was in his glory and he could just see himself playing with these two chicks just like the guy in the movie had played with those two luscious babes.

The girls got up and made Bill dance with both of them at once. They had fun watching him trying to move his cock into a less embarrassing position while he danced. They almost knocked themselves out on the dance floor, but Bill knew he would always have enough energy to play with the girls when he got back to their hotel.

Bill was ready to go and he finally managed to drag the girls out. He had to let them pay the largest share of the bill because he was broke. That didn't bother him though, because be knew he was on his way to glory with these two secretaries. He sat between them in the cab and put an arm around each of them.