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“You do not know what I see. But, gracias Dios, I know that you feel what I feel.” That ever-present heat flared up between us like an invisible muscle flexing, testing. “You are special to me, as I know I am to you.”

Roberto started his campaign that very night.

The coastal city of Cancun, I found, had a high-gloss charm. Sprawled like a languid queen amidst the natural splendid beauty of white-sand beaches and indigo sea, it abounded with four-star hotels, glittery nightclubs, and international tourists roaming the night looking for fun.

“It’s just dinner,” he said when I protested the expensive-looking restaurant his driver pulled up in front of. “You are doing me a favor by keeping me company while I eat, truly.”

We dined in discreet luxury, ushered immediately to a corner table, bypassing the line, the maitre d’ and waiter treating us like royalty.

“They seem to know you,” I said, grateful for the lace shawl that hid the yellow bruises on my arms.

“I dine here often,” Roberto said.

Digging immediately into the food, I found myself unexpectedly ravenous. “Everyone’s looking at us,” I whispered.

“That’s because they are all wondering who my lovely companion is.”

It proved to be an accurate surmise. Not that I was lovely, but that people here were curious as to who I was. Other diners, acquaintances that Roberto knew, stopped by our table—a dapper gentleman who proved to be the mayor of the city, a local real estate mogul, even the owner of the hotel we were dining in. It appeared the crème de la crème of society was here, all peering at me with avid interest in their eyes.

Roberto introduced me simply by my name. The proprietary hand he laid casually around my shoulder, however, defined our relationship more clearly than any words he could have uttered.

“What are you doing?” I asked in a low voice.

“I am staking my claim to everyone.” With a smile, he laid a gallant kiss on the back of my hand, sending a chorus of whispered speculation buzzing anew throughout the dining room.

“I told you before,” Roberto murmured, stroking my hand, sending tingling warmth coursing through me, “other women have never interested me the way you do.”

“So I’m the first woman you’ve dined with in public?” I said skeptically.

“No, I have had other dining companions. But you are the only one I have ever touched or kissed like this.”

Roberto, when he turned on the charm, was mesmerizing, and despite myself, I found myself relaxing beneath his warm, intoxicating attention. Two glasses of fine wine also no doubt helped.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” he asked as our waiter discreetly cleared the plates from our table. Not only had I eaten a main entrée and dessert, but I had guzzled down soup and salad and an appetizer as well—much more than I usually ate.

“The food was divine, the company wonderful, and the setting exquisite,” I said, sitting back happily replete.

“I am only wonderful, while the food was divine and setting exquisite?” he said sadly. The twinkle in his eyes told me he was teasing.

“You’re good,” I drawled back, “but not as good as the food. Especially the dessert.”

“Oh, you wound me.” Mockingly he clasped his chest.

When I giggled, he smiled happily. “You know, I have never had a more wonderful time. Dance with me.”

“Where?” Live music was playing, but there was no space to dance.

“Outside on the patio.” He drew me to my feet and pulled me out the terrace doors.

“It feels unreal,” I said as he enfolded me into his arms outside. “You feel unreal.”

“I’m very much real,” Roberto murmured as he brought me close against the hardness of his body. We swayed in time to the music as a cool sea breeze blew across our skin.

“Kiss me,” I said, lifting up my face, feeling more relaxed than I’d ever felt in my entire life. Feeling almost beautiful.

“I’ve been wanting to all night.” His head dipped down and claimed my lips, and with sweet magic that ever-present chemistry flared up between us.

His kiss, his touch, sent pleasure thrumming through me. With a small sound, I parted my lips, inviting his tongue in to tangle with mine. I ran a hand through the thick silk of his hair, touched the close-shaven side of his face, and felt desire—wonderful, miraculous desire—course through me like a shaft of brilliant sunlight, as if the sun was shining brightly beyond my closed eyelids.

Roberto’s abrupt withdrawal opened my eyes, and I found that the light I had thought I’d imagined was real. Only it wasn’t sunlight, it was our skin: my skin blazing brightly with white luminescence, Roberto’s skin a dimmer glow.

I gasped. “My God. We’re glowing! What did you do?”

“Nothing,” Roberto said, as startled as I. “I thought you might know what this was.”

To our vast relief, the glowing of our skin dimmed and disappeared after we broke apart.

“No one saw us,” Roberto said. “What just happened?”

“We lit up like two freaking lightbulbs. That’s what happened!”

“Yes.” He gave a brief, shaky laugh. “But what caused it?”

Reality shifted suddenly again.

The moon full and round, pregnant with light and energy. Rays, shafts of light, coming down from it. No, that wasn’t quite right— pulled down from it. By me. Hitting me, filling me with buzzing power like a battery getting a sudden blast of charge. Light filling me, pouring out of my skin, setting me aglow . . .

I crashed back to the present. To Roberto’s voice.

“. . . it was almost as if sunlight emanated from us—”

“No,” I whispered hoarsely. “Moonlight . . . moonlight spilling from our skin. What in God’s creation are we?”

Sudden awareness rippled across my skin, that feeling of like to like, as energy brushed faintly across me.

“What’s that?” I asked as my skin prickled. Turning in a circle, I tried to pinpoint where that feeling was coming from.

“What is what?” asked Roberto.

“That. Don’t you feel it? It’s like what I feel with you, only it’s more distant. It’s coming from . . . the sky. There!” I pointed to a bird on the distant horizon and wondered if I was crazy. No airplane, no crazy tourist hang gliding or parasailing. Just the bird—my vision zoomed in. An eagle.

Roberto suddenly urged me inside.

“What is it?” I asked. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s another like us,” he said, sounding grim.


“Where you pointed.”

“I pointed to a bird.”


“You can’t be serious.” I stopped. Turned to look at him. “You are! You think that eagle is someone like us?” I said with disbelief.

He nodded. “If I can take on the form of an animal, so can someone else.”

My voice squeaked up an octave. “You’re telling me that you can shift into an animal?”

“Into a jaguar. Can you not shift into animal form?”

“Uh . . . no.”

That seemed to surprise him. He shook his head as urgency regained its hold. “Inside the restaurant, quickly.”

“Why? If it’s someone like us, don’t you want to meet him?” I asked, bewildered.

“It’s a male,” Roberto said. Opening the door, he ushered me inside the restaurant. “I have found other males to be quite dangerous.”

“You’ve met others?” Aware of our environment, I lowered my voice. “Like us?”

“Met them and killed them.”

“You killed them?” I said in a shocked whisper, swinging around to face him. We were drawing attention again, but our voices were lowered beyond what normal humans could hear.

“It was kill or be killed,” he said, gripping my shoulders. “Other males come here occasionally to challenge me, to try and take my territory.” Planting a quick kiss on my mouth, he spun me around and led us back to our table. With a gesture from Roberto, our attentive waiter rushed over. A quick spatter of Spanish later, Roberto was leading us out the front door. His two bodyguards, waiting near the entrance, fell into place, one in front of us, one behind.