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The Dark Knights and Soldiers went through as they cut up the ordinary monsters, but the damage to the troops were great.

The pursuer numbers gradually dwindled and their stamina also reached the limit. The horses frothed as they collapsed, while the Priests and Magicians became a wreck.

Then, Weed found an herb field where many yellow grasses bloomed.

The most expensive medicinal herbs!

A herb with the effect of giving boundless Stamina.

Weed positioned Yellowy against a hill.

“We'll have the showdown here.”

The Salmere tribe's village was only a day away.

It looked like he could get there safely without the pursuers catching up, but he intended to hunt them down to the very last man. It was ridiculous to leave the herb field behind.

“Yellowy, let's use this quickly.”

“Don't wanna. It looks weird.”

Yellowy, who hoped to graze freely, instinctively showed a strong rejection.

“I heard that the price of beef rose a bit recently…”


Peaceful persuasion!

He made a plow and attached it on Yellow's body to harvest the herbs.

Truly an all-terrain Korean cow!

Weed took Yellowy to collect herbs, and prepared for battle. He sharpened his sword on a whetstone and also cleaned his armor with a cloth. He even had wine with premium steak. He also mixed the herbs good for increasing Energy and Stamina with soft grass and gave it to Yellowy.


Yellowy was grateful for his master's grace!

When they were completely prepared for battle, the group of pursuers appeared. After having their numbers been reduced to a third, they were no different from stragglers.

There were only about 20 Dark Knights, and only 2 Priests and 2 Magicians left.

“The enemy of Embinyu Church!”

“The Pontifex said there is no need to capture him alive. Kill him!”

The Soldiers lost their horses and ran while their armor rattled.

The Soldiers and Dark Knights attacked simultaneously. Even as they charged, their Stamina was exhausted and didn't seemed like they were gaining speed.

A situation where the pursuer's army would be massacred if they were harassed a little more!

“Bingryong, Phoenix! Launch the preemptive strike.”

“Got it, Master.”

Bingryong drew in a deep breath to use its Ice Breath.

“It's shooting its breath!”

“Cast protective magic!”

The Priests and Magicians cast a transparent circle covering the pursuers.

Before long, a white stream of Breath spewed from Bingryong's snout.

The tremendous force of the freezing breath crushed the enemy's transparent circle!

Over 100 Soldiers were frozen solid. The damage would have been worse if they did not have protection magic.


The Phoenixes broadly set the ground aflame.

“Kill the bastard.”

“Let's kill him and sacrifice his heart to Embinyu's God!”

The Embinyu Church's pursuers pounced like little demons within the flames.

As he rode Yellowy, Weed's eyes became infinitely cold.

Like an air conditioner set at 18 °C (64°F) in an empty bank*, the glint in his eyes was lonely, forlorn, and yet violent.

[T/N: We're not exactly sure about this idiom. We think it's something along the lines of the air conditioner feeling lonely because it's working hard in an empty bank.]

If the monsters were strong, he became stronger by hunting and any means necessary.

The words “cowardly” or “dirty” didn't exist in Weed's dictionary. He used any means to destroy those who blocked his path.

He always fought while giving his all, so there was no need to hear he was underhanded.

“Kill him.” The Dark Knights rode their exhausted, frothing horses and were nearly up the hill.

Weed extended his hand forward. “Blessing.”

You've used the High Priest's Blessing. Physical abilities will be enhanced for 20 minutes.

The High Priest's Blessing increased Maximum Health and Mana by about 30 % and raised all stats by 20 %! In the past when he was at a lower level, it raised his stats by nearly half.

He could use the High Priest's Blessing through the ring's power once a day anywhere. During that time, it was a moment where Weed felt like a Warrior, not a Sculptor.

Weed slapped Yellowy's rump with his palm.

“Let's go, Yellowy!”

Yellowy ran on all fours and sped down the hill. He accelerated as he went down the slope, making his flesh vibrate.

He wasn't just as fast as a horse. He was faster.


He charged with his heavy weight and speed.

A Dark Knight came stabbing straight at them. He was extremely fast and was delicately aiming for the neck. It was a sight of a truly skillful Knight of the Embinyu Church.

Weed ducked his head, narrowly dodging and grazing past a sword, and also raised his sword.

“Moonlight Sculpting Blade!”

He struck the neck of the armorless horse and toppled it along with the Knight.

Even before Yellowy took another two steps, another Dark Knight came at him.


The enemy Knight swung his ax so fiercely, Weed felt the wind pressure!

If he blocked the weapons the galloping Knights swung head-on, he feared durability of his sword would fall or break. Weed's weapons were maintained at their maximum condition, but there was no need to clash deliberately.

'Make a gap.'

Weed moved Yellowy half a step to the side as he swung his sword.

A tactic using the short range of an ax and the length of his sword! He was able to decapitate the Dark Knight with the wide gap he purposely made.

The art of attacking in unity with the bull!

In a fight between Knights, the outcome sometimes depended on the steed.

Weed treated Yellowy like an extension of his hand as he engaged in battle.


The horses the Dark Knights were riding on puffed breathless gasps as they rose up the hill. When they saw Yellowy's dangerously transformed eyes, they lost considerable fighting spirit.

M-O-O-O. Oo. Oo. Oo!

In the frenzy, Yellowy was on the verge of going crazy!

As he struck with his hind legs and rammed with his horns, the horses fell underneath him without fail. On all fours, Yellowy fundamentally combined offence and defence.

On the bull's wide back, Weed could use his sword favorably.

Like a wild raging beast, he swung his sword left and right between enemies.

Every time he grazed past the Dark Knights, spear and sword clashed. His sword flashed as Dark Knights undoubtedly fell to the ground.

Exactly one each for every breath!

“Yellowy, let's go!”

Weed rode Yellowy in between the Dark Knights.

For riders donning armor, just falling to the ground alone was enough to sustain a nearly fatal blow. Regardless of the excellent defense of the Knights' armor, it was a situation where the weight of the armor worked against them.

Weed was dominating the Dark Knights with effective and precise attacks every time their paths briefly crossed.

The Knights and the horses were exhausted, and on top of it all, their pace had slowed while ascending the hill. On the other hand, as Weed ran down the slope with his strength and momentum at their peak, comparable to the collision force of the Knights.

The use of strategy and tactics!

He lured in monsters to deal damage to them, and made it so they couldn't rest, to drain their Stamina.

It was a different method from the one he used while fighting with the Orcs and Elves. Orcs were easily lured by bait, while Elves disliked dirty things. Since they used archery, magic, and spiritual power, he had to lead them in close combat.