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Nikodemus is silent.

“You don’t have to—”

“What else can I do?” Nikodemus yanks the wheel. “I’m more married to you than she is.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” And astonishingly the demon grins. “It’s been fun.”


The demon steers them through a narrow S and makes a deep gargling sound that ends in a sharp click.

“What’s that?” asks Niko.

“My name. My true name. I remembered it awhile back. I wanted you to know.”

Niko chokes back sudden tears. All he can do is nod.

The canyon road is thick with mist from the encroaching marine layer piled up against the hills. The mist is silvered with the rising moon. Powerless the silent Bentley twists and turns among the earthbound clouds. Pursued by laws of man and nature both. Niko checks to be sure Nikodemus isn’t wearing his seatbelt. Not that it would have fit him anyhow but just in case. Feeling oddly calm and languid and logical he unfastens his own seatbelt and then leans forward and switches off the passenger airbag.

On a downhill straightaway Niko lowers his window. The road ahead is free of traffic and they dip below the mist and up again into it. The car fills with an ancient odor.

“What’s that smell?” says Nikodemus.

“The ocean. It’s just over this pass.”

“I’d like to have seen that.”

In this time of final things. Here in the mountains I feel the sea. The two have traded places many times I know. Nikodemus will never see the ocean or the sun.

On impulse Niko reaches for the radio button and as he reaches somewhere in a place without location on an infinite and sunless plain a glass tube slips over the ringfinger of a dark brown callused hand and as he pushes the radio button the glass tube slides along tight metal strings and as he scans across the static hiss of exploding galaxies a beatup shitbox of a pawnshop guitar begins to cry a world of pain back at a world of pain and in so doing somehow makes that pain abate. As the antique and ageless car behind them catches up and pushes them and tries to herd them from the mountainside with its own bumper the Bentley’s radio catches a weak ghost signal, a music relayed on the mist, a few bent notes on a bottleneck slide. Niko hears them crying on the radio as the rear end of the Bentley gets loose. It seems a mournful voice calls Niko’s name as he looks ahead and sees the tunnel mouth two turns away. Hard right and hard left. They head uphill and the Bentley begins to slow. The surging Franklin plows into them and tries to push them off the road.

Now the siren wails again or is that a bending heartbreak chord.

Nikodemus steers them skidding round the righthand curve and they head downhill once again and pick up speed. The Black Taxi falls behind but Niko knows it’s just a brief respite. The hills and mist around them strobe red from the sheriff’s whirling light-bar. The music Niko thinks he hears picks up a heartbeat shuffle. This last turn is going to be tight. No oncoming traffic. Tires chortle as the demon steers the Bentley toward the wall of mountain and then cuts into the oncoming lane to gain the inside line as he enters the sharp left turn.

The sheriff’s car falls back. Maybe they want to kill themselves but the sheriff doesn’t.

As they pick up speed toward the tunnel mouth the Black Taxi makes one last try and rushes into their rear bumper. Somehow Niko feels the Franklin’s rage. The Driver’s cool and certain fury. The Bentley’s back end gets loose and scrapes the mountainside. Sparks fly and rubble peppers road. Nikodemus holds the car around the hairpin turn and then he straightens out and they are in the tunnel.

Nothing happens. It’s just a tunnel. Two lanes and overarching concrete.

Oh well. Niko glances at the speedometer. Fiftyfive. That should do the trick.

The tunnel isn’t very long, a couple hundred yards at most, and quickly they emerge. The road veers sharply right and Niko leans forward to grab the steering wheel but Nikodemus bats his hands aside. For a moment Niko thinks the demon means to outdrive their pursuers and survive. Then Nikodemus yanks the wheel himself, and as the Bentley veers left off the road and up the dirt embankment toward the insufficient guardrail looming in the headlights showing only emptiness beyond, Niko understands that Nikodemus steered them off the road because if he himself had done it everything would be for nothing. Because suicide is a mortal sin.

The car tears through the white guardrail. The airbag explodes from the steering wheel and drives Nikodemus back into the seat. Nikodemus flails and the thick white bag goes limp. The car arcs out into the canyon night. In the sudden quiet Niko hears the ocean’s crash. The music on the radio is out of reach now.

Moonlit mist fills the windshield.

Niko cradles the mason jar. Clarity spreads through him. His stomach seems to rise. He floats above the seat. He smells the ocean. Hears the creek below.

The front tilts down. The windshield fills with mountainside and scrub. Here it is. Here it is.

Something dry and snakelike grips his arm. Nikodemus. Niko holds his hand out and the tendril wraps his palm and Niko grips it tight.

See you there says Nikodemus.

Last things. Jemma I am so afraid and I am not afraid at all. Then will I headlong run into the earth.

The Bentley dies against the gully floor.

SHERIFF ANDREW SAUNDERS’ report described the suspect vehicle as a late model Bentley sports car, deep maroon. The suspect vehicle violated posted speed limits and disregarded posted traffic signals as it exited the Ventura Freeway on the westbound Las Virgenes ramp. The vehicle was weaving and erratically driven. Suspecting intoxication Sheriff Saunders gave pursuit. The driver of the suspect vehicle was described as a large male, black or hispanic, the passenger a white male. The driver disregarded Sheriff Saunders’ instructions to pull over at the next turnout, and Saunders subsequently radioed for backup. Pursuit speeds exceeded seventy miles per hour along Malibu Canyon Road, a posted thirty-five mile per hour zone. The suspect vehicle entered the tunnel at an approximate speed of fiftyfive miles per hour, then exited the tunnel and inexplicably veered from the road. The vehicle traveled up the embankment and broke through the guardrail. At no time did the brakelights flash. Sheriff Saunders immediately pulled over and exited his patrol vehicle to render assistance but the suspect vehicle was at the bottom of the gorge on the far side of Malibu Canyon Creek. Visibility was limited due to an encroaching marine layer and the site was inaccessible until a rescue crew with winches arrived on the scene an hour later to find the vehicle smashed to half its former size. The occupants did not survive. Their remains were transported to the Los Angeles County Department of Coroner for autopsy and identification.

The report made no mention of any other vehicle involved in the pursuit.



NIKO CUTS THE engine and the boat floats on the quiet lake. The air is rarefied high up on Lake Arrowhead. Patchy early morning mist still haunts the water.

She sits across from him, a frayed and faded blanket with a thunderbird design across her knees.

Indistinct the shoreline turns and turns around them. Smell of gas from the outboard.

She has a certain smile. As if she’s given him a present and she waits for him to open it.

Niko doesn’t move because this moment is a fragile bubble and he doesn’t want to break it. Pearlescent mist beads Jemma’s hair. “Hi,” she says.

Niko looks around. The boat. The lake. The shore. “We’re here? We made it?”

A hundred tiny diamonds fall as Jemma shakes her head. “Not yet.”

“Oh. Okay.”