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The dog's slowly deflating penis slid from her semen-flooded back passage with a lewd hissing sound that echoed reverberatingly throughout the dead-silent movie audience, and Greg Sullivan had to hold his breath to keep from groaning aloud.

I can't cum in her mouth… Shit… I've got to hold back… he was saying over and over to himself, but he knew even then that nothing in the world could stop the incredible flood that was threatening to break the dam in his balls.

And then it happened. The steel spring in his balls uncoiled, spitting out through the burning head of his cock while Stella continued to suck without pausing, squirting upward through her greedily locked lips and back down again.

Greg moaned and bucked like a horse as the juice of his loins squirted out this way and that, painting the walls and roof of the gorgeous woman's mouth, striking with burning heat back against her hungrily working tonsils.

Mrs. Burnside sucked endlessly, in a sweet, prurient dream of ecstasy. It was something she had always craved, and especially now since her divorce, she enjoyed the pungent flavor and heat of a young man's cum. As the last spurt of his milk-white orgasm struck the back of her throat she suctioned in her cheeks voraciously, to vacuum every last drop from the glans opening of his slick young penis. Then she raised her head from his steaming, satisfied loins, and stood up quietly.

The movie was almost over, she knew, and she had to be out in front selling tickets to the next show before the crowds started lining up outside. At the exit to the showing room, Stella paused to look back at her daughter, wedged happily between the two young men, and she smiled knowingly. Jackie's going to be all right, after all! she exulted. Matt and Greg will never leave her alone now!

And it was a good thing, too, because there was a certain male that Stella was interested in now, too, a male animal who had been responsible for Jackie's demise.


The lights in the Double-X Theater flickered on uncertainly at the end of the passionate full-length film. The three squinty-eyed young college students sat numbed for several seconds, the same thought flashing through their minds. They had all actually seen young Cecilia LaFruta in person, before the movie had begun… They had seen the girl who let herself be ass-fucked by a dog!

What was that dainty but voluptuously proportioned teenager doing now? Had she brought the German Shepherd with her from Argentina? Were they both backstage now, perhaps in a position equally as compromising as the one in the film? God!

As Jackie slowly looked around her, she saw that many of the other members of the audience were still sitting frozen, mesmerized by the salacious movie they had just viewed. Some had that dazed, drugged look in their eyes, as though their minds were still back in the cage-like dressing room where Cecilia had performed in the film, with the huge furry dog fucking into her backside while she knelt subserviently before him.

The blonde coed shuddered and sat up rigidly, smoothing her clinging skirt down over her unconsciously trembling thighs. Her own clear blue eyes were dilated widely with private lust, for during the film, Matt had subtly worked his fingers all the way up to her crotchband! A few times, he stretched the elastic of the leg-holes of her panties, so he could slip his big, masculine fingers into the steaming valley of her so recently initiated pussy slit. It had been all right when the theater was darkened – Jackie had to admit that having Matt's fingers playing on her sensitive erogenous flesh was the only way she would have been able to sit through the entire erotic foreign film. Now, however, with Greg Sullivan and all the other people in the audience able to see what had been going on, Jackie's former modesty returned in an embarrassed rush, and she tried to sit up normally and deny the hot arousal of her young genitals.

"Well, what did you think of the movie?" It was Matt who spoke, breaking the heavy silence among the three youths.

Greg nodded in vague response, gulping in relief that he had had time to slip his deflated cock back into his jockey shorts and zip the fly of his brushed denim pants. "Yeah, it was far out," he said, but privately he added, And Mrs. Burnside is even more far out than the flick!

"Those German Shepherds are really lover boys when they get started, aren't they," Matt continued, this time turning his gaze to Jackie. "I know; I've raised a lot of dogs… and I could just tell that some of these bigger animals got all hot whenever they got near a woman." He stared hard at the teenaged daughter of his voluptuous customer, his deep brown eyes seeming to pierce right through her consciousness to her innermost guilty thoughts.

Jackie began to blush uncontrollably. Does he know? Does he know what I did with Kaiser last night? Her first agonizing thought was followed immediately by another, even more insidious one. Did Matt deliberately train Kaiser to do that? Oh, God, don't let it be true! What if I've been… tricked by this friend of Mother's? And even as the first suspicion of betrayal crossed the young blonde's quick-witt, she realized that if there had been any underhandedness concerning her strangely sodomizing affair with the handsome German Shepherd, then her own dear mother Stella Burnside would have had a hand in it.

Oh, my God! Mother deliberately planned this whole thing… She figured it all out right down to the movie, just to make me give in!

Her young head spinning with thoughts of revenge, renewed apprehension about her two attractive companions, and a certain amount of unsatisfied arousal, Jackie forced herself to stand up. Her voice was stiff and formaclass="underline" "There's another show in a few minutes, you guys, so we better clear the theater…"

Greg looked up in surprise. "What's wrong, Jackie?"

"Nothing… but I think I better get home…"

"Home?" Matt repeated incredulously. "I thought you'd come with us for a while!" He grasped the girl's arm as all three of them made their way through the throng at the theater exit. As they passed the glass booth where Stella was busily taking money and handing out theater tickets, Matt stopped and went over to talk to her.

"All right if we take your daughter out tonight, Mrs. Burnside?" he asked in a friendly way.

Black haired Stella smiled her assent.


The three young college students were still out when the voluptuous divorcee quietly opened the front door to her apartment. She didn't really expect to find them there, but it was well after 2AM, and it wasn't like Jackie to stay out quite this late. Still, for the hot-blooded mother, the girl's absence was an encouraging sign, and Stella began to hum softly as she hung up her light summer coat and began to undo her short costume.

Kaiser growled involuntarily as he awoke from his pleasant nap on young Jackie's musky-scented bed. He climbed down onto the floor and followed his new mistress' humming voice into the kitchen, nuzzling up against her silk-stocking-clad legs and licking playfully at the flesh of her firmly-sculpted thighs. All that the gorgeous older woman wore was her underwear, a black lacy decollette brassiere, shadowy black nylon panties, and a brief but ruffled garter belt that held up her long, smooth stockings.

The young dog had never seen real women's underthings before, because most of the females he had known at Fields' Breeders had been the young ones, who shunned the traditional forms of femininity. For some inexplicable, instinctual reason, the sight of the curvaceous black-haired divorcee in her most private underwear was impossibly exciting to the young puppy, and his long pink tongue slipped from his drooling jaws as he nosed his head up between Stella's legs.

Stella smiled down at her new pet, breaking off her soothing humming to inquire, "Oh, so you think you're a human man, do you, Kaiser?" Her tone was mildly joking, and she wasn't at all prepared for what the young dog did next.