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He shoved again, sinking his lust-inflated penis all the way inside her wide stretched pussy until his heavy testicles slammed resoundingly down against her jerking anus. Wendy screwed herself down in the softly giving sand in a vain attempt to escape the cruel, inhuman impalement, her legs kicking futilely in the air.

"Oh God, nooooo! Nooooo!" she screamed, not caring about anything except the pain in her belly which was burning deeply and irrevocably. But Preston pinned her down with his body and arms and burrowed his large, rod-hard cock deeper with jerking, sliding motions, the fiery, plunging shaft filling her until the tip of his cock-head was battering far back against her cervix. Then the pain slowly began to recede as she flexed her cuntal muscles and her vaginal tunnel clasped his shaft like a moist, warmly living glove, and flames of tingling desire started to shoot up from her loins as she slowly became accustomed to the alien invasion.

"Ohhhh," she groaned through emotion-bared teeth, fighting desperately that thin line between pain and pleasure.

Preston waited a moment and then pressed again into the full wetly clinging folds of her vagina, watching her face contort more intensely now below his.


The girl began to respond now, her wet pussy answering his pumping penis with soft pulsations of its own, and she unconsciously rotated her hips and her vagina dilated in time to the man's beating rhythm. She began hesitantly to grind up against his loins now as he initiated long, hard strokings into her steaming channel, her excited vaginal juices rivuleting down her buttock cheeks as she surged back and forth to his sawing motion…

Dear God, this is wonderful! Is this what I've been missing, for so long? Dear God, I'll never be able to get enough…

Her nails gouged a path down his back and she drew his thick, slavering tongue voraciously in her mouth, swallowing it greedily as she squirmed and rocked, her legs wrapped tightly around his flexing hips, her ankles locked together and pulling him deeper inside her, the full length of his driving cock sinking into her freshly ravaged vagina…

"I'm… I'm going to cum, Wendy," Preston panted.

"Yes, yes, fill me with your hot beautiful cum," she babbled, and felt her own release – her very first orgasm – billowing from the furnaces of her passion. "Yes, and I'm… I'm going to cum toooo!"

And as she grunted, Preston reached behind and grasped wildly at her spasming buttocks of white, firm flesh, slamming his spewing cock into her soft, now totally unresisting cunt, flooding her inside walls with his hotly cascading semen.

Wendy felt the sweet agony of his deeply imbedded penis in her pussy as it flared and spurted, and she could feel the delicious hot fluid surge against her womb and burn its fiery trails through her whole cuntal passage. Her very vaginal pores opened to receive the unending stream of his sperm, and then her body quaked and a volcano of emotions burst through her sinew and bones, blinding her mind and emotions with phosphorescent brilliance as her own orgasm tornadoed insanely through her naked young body; oh God, it was magnificent, the finest experience of her whole life! She mustn't ever let it end!

"I'm cummmiiinnngggg!"

Her cries tumbled from her mouth as their bodies became one, and she screamed incoherently as her passion juices whirlpooled hotly together with his cream-like cum and overflowed out the tightly clinging lips of her still spasming vagina, as her whole lower body and breasts heaved and rolled in death-throe convulsions. Then, it was over and Preston fell forward on top of her in exhaustion, and she, too, felt totally collapsed, and quivered in final limpness, her legs sprawling lifelessly out on either side of his naked body.

She sighed raggedly. Wendy Franklin had experienced her first taste of sex, and she was void of all emotions and creeping satiation filled her like a warm blanket. She was now a woman in a very literal sense, and she could never return to her old, naive, virginal world; the revelation that she'd allowed a man twice her age and almost a stranger to take her, to deflower her without even token affection on his part, hit her only dimly. Maybe later she would feel bad about it, but at the moment she was satisfied and not at all sorry. Maybe later, but not now…

"Are… are you going to take me home now?" she asked Preston. "David? Are you?"

His laugh was less friendly now, and he moved his hips so that his penis, deflated but still imprisoned between her vaginal lips, was felt by her all the way to the nerve-endings in her breasts. "Not a chance, kid," he told her, looking down. "The day's still young, and we've just begun."

"I need a rest," she admitted. "This was my first time, you know…"

"Yeah, I know. And you hurt a bit. Well, practice makes perfect, and I won't do anything to you for awhile."

But it wasn't out of kindness that he was being patient. David Preston needed a rest himself before he could get another erection, for the teenager had milked him with an unrestrained passion which more experienced bitches had never had or had lost, even though Wendy wasn't as skilled. She would be, he gloated; she had that natural talent to fuck which must have come from her mother and only took a little direction to mature. In a while his balls would be tight with more sperm and his cock would rejuvenate into a new and lusty life. In the meantime, he'd just let his limp cock lie there in her flooded little cunt and soak itself back to life.

And while he was doing that, he'd set to thinking about how to get into her mother's panties. Christ, seeing how good her daughter was right off the line, he couldn't wait to try his cock out in the long-unused cunt of Marleen Franklin. He bet she'd fuck his Goddamned toenails off! Already his brain was getting the glimmerings of an idea, just from what Wendy had told him about last night…

Yeah, yeah, he thought it might work. He'd have to talk to this boyfriend of Wendy's, this Clyde Brooks – hell, he sounded like a real young stud and he wouldn't be any trouble to convince. But all his lewd and salacious thoughts had begun to arouse him again. He looked down at the smile on the young teenager's cherubic face, and he grinned victoriously. It was about time to start again, and this time, he'd really fuck her shitless!


The shadows of dusk fell across the warm, ocean-side community, and though there was enough light to see outside with, the sun just setting with streamers of orange and red, Marleen turned on the lamps of the shop.

It had been a slow day, allowing her to contemplate life and her small segment of it, and worse, she'd allowed herself a few "medicinal" sips of brandy over the hours, and she stood teetering behind the counter, having just thrown the once-new, now-empty fifth of brandy into the garbage can. She knew that she'd drunk too much, and her head was spinning dizzily, but somehow that soothed the aching in her heart, deadening some of the creeping foreboding which stilled her heart with cold, skeletonous fingers.

Wendy was out with that David Preston.

She had been since early morning, Marleen sensed; there hadn't been any note, but her daughter hadn't come home yet, and neither had the new tenant or his dog. They had all been missing along with her boat right from the time she'd gotten up… so they had to be together. Doing what? Was darling Wendy safe with that man? Would he attack her, him and his brutal, savage, animalistic ways of sordid love-making, and would Wendy return with her mind warped and her body filthy by the corruption Preston would force upon her? The idea, the potential terror of such a happenstance made her almost want to vomit.

She'd thought crazily about phoning the police as the hours wore on, but that seemed a foolish thing to do. For one thing, she had no idea that Wendy was in danger; it was still daylight, and Wendy had always been able to handle herself before, and since it was her boat that was gone, it was obvious that her daughter had gone along willingly – perhaps even invited David along for a ride. If she should call the police and have them pick Wendy and Preston up, and it was all innocent, she'd never live it down, and Wendy'd never think that she was trusted anymore. And Preston – well, his being friendly to the girl might lead him into a mistaken charge of molestation, the police aggravated by a hysterical mother… No, she couldn't call the police.