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“What is it?” Gorud asked him, his voice pitched low.

“She’s telling me where the targets are. Two down here. You have a weapon?”

Gorud made a sound like a cough. “No. We are not permitted.”

Stupid. Why would you let someone join the Coroners, and not give them a gun? “If things get tight, stay back, keep the light on them.” Becektt considered just how helpful the creature would be in a fight. Moving on all fours, he was about as high as Beckett’s waist. It was hard to be sure beneath the heavy coat and thick fur, but the coroner suspected that Gorud’s frame was replete with strong, rangy muscle. Still…unarmed, against a strong man? “Run if I tell you to. Understand?”

The therian made that same coughing sound. “Yes.”

Beckett nodded towards a yawning black doorway at the far end of the room. Gorud moved towards it, one hand holding the lantern aloft, the other on the ground, helping him move. Beckett followed close behind, gun ready. Skinner rapped softly at his side, letting him know how close they were. Three raps, spaced evenly, represented his distance. The faster they came, the closer the target was. It was an unnerving process; the rapid taps could make anyone tense.

Three taps, very close together, and Beckett knew they were practically on top of the man. He could just faintly here the madman’s muttered glossolalia.

“There,” Gorud whispered, and shone a light down a narrow hallway. It fell on a shadow in the shape of a man, white eyes glittering in the dark. The man looked up at Beckett and screeched, pronouncing syllables in a language the old coroner had never heard, if it was a language at all and not just the meaningless gibbering that all lunatics held in common.

Beckett’s weapon kicked, hard, as he put a bullet between the madman’s eyes. The man fell back as though his feet had been kicked from under him, and hit the ground as still as stone. Easy. This is easy. This will be easy. “One more on this floor,” Beckett told the therian. “Then we need to find the stairs.”

They found the second man in an adjoining room. He was huddled in the corner, the body of another man sprawled out in front of him. There was something black and sticky about his mouth; it was impossible to tell the color in the blue lamp-light, but Beckett had a fairly good idea of what it was.

The man just looked at them as they entered, and whispered to himself. “…she didn’t know she was me, if she’d known she’d have been, she’d have been, she knew, she’d have been somewhere. Somewhere else if she was. Somewhere-”

Beckett shot him in the face; he twitched, and lay still. While he waited for the spots that the muzzle-flash had left to clear from his good eye, the coroner took the opportunity to open his revolver and dump out the two spent shells. He reloaded and snapped the weapon closed. “Come on,” he told the therian. “Upstairs.”

There was a sudden rap at his side, an irritated quadruple-rhythm on the wall-the telerhythmic equivalent of a curse. “Skinner. What is it?”

She tried to tap something back to him, but there was now a second phantom rhythm on the wall, a garbled mess of long and short sounds, that made communication impossible. Shit, he thought to himself. “Whoever else is listening, be quiet. I can’t understand what you’re saying.” There was a pause, and he heard Skinner’s rapping again. He had time to make out a word, “Trouble,” and then the second knocking returned, louder this time, loud enough that Beckett was worried it would be overheard.

“Be quiet,” he insisted. “You are drawing attention. I need you quiet,” he spat through gritted teeth. After a moment, Skinner’s telerhythmia vanished, and Beckett was left with the new knocker, who softened his voice, but could make himself no better understood. “James, I know that’s you. I need you to get me Skinner. I can’t read you. Do you understand me? I can’t tell what you’re saying. Let Skinner talk to me.”

Silence, for a moment, and then James’ garbled knocking stubbornly returned. Beckett turned to the therian. “Can you understand this?” Gorud silently shook his head. “Crap.” The old coroner adjusted his coat. “Crap. Crap. Crap.” The veneine high was beginning to fade; the warm blanket that protected Beckett from the pain in his joints and the aches in his muscles was beginning to unravel. A sharp spike drilled into his knee. “Upstairs,” he whispered.

The path upstairs was by a narrow stairway at the far end of the hall. The steps were wooden-old and nearly rotten, and the creaked and crackled as Beckett climbed them. The therian followed, his long arms and prehensile feet giving him confidence in the face of the structure’s potentially catastrophic failure.

The muttering of damaged minds was just audible when they reached the second floor, spilling down the cramped, claustrophobic hallway, from any one of a number of rooms with crooked, broken doors. James’ knocking along the walls was no help; he used some means, unfamiliar to Beckett, to describe distance and direction. It didn’t sound like speed or volume, and the coroner found himself disinclined to take the time to puzzle it out.

“James,” he spat through clenched teeth. “I can’t understand you. Just shut up.” The knocking continued for a moment, then stopped. Beckett sighed, then winced as a myriad of tiny sharp pains in his neck and shoulders saw their way clear through the drugs. He held his hand out to Gorud, indicating that the therian should hold back, then eased forward towards the first door. There were scattered, huddled shapes. None of them moved. The mad chattering was weirdly delocalized up here; no matter where he seemed to move, its volume and distance seemed to persist-as though those gabbling voices were not real sounds at all, but some alien part of his subconscious that had suddenly been given voice.

Beckett shook off the feeling, and carefully moved to the next room. This one, too, was empty. The third room…nothing moved in the third room. There were no huddled shapes, only one man on the far wall, who hung limply from where he’d pinned his left arm into the mortar with a short sword. Blood colored the length of the limb and most of his torso, and continued to expand in a smooth-edged circle away from his feet. A weird, puissant rainbow of half-formed, effervesced dreams flickered in a halo around the body.

There was no sure way to tell how long ago the man had died. Was he one of the three that Skinner had spotted upstairs, one that had finally succumbed to the self-destructive ravings that the oneiric weapon could draw out? Better to assume that there were still three left to go. He shook his head and moved on.

As the veneine faded, so did Beckett’s protection against the existential misery that lurked in his soul. Another dark hallway, another dangerously-disturbed man. Another threat, another monster. Navigating black, dangerous corridors, all while his body rotted out from beneath him, this had been his life for as long as he could remember anymore. And it would be his life until the fades finally claimed something irreplaceable-once they reached his heart, or lungs, or liver-he would die on his feet, pointlessly hunting some foul heresy. And when he was gone, men would continue; continue to threaten the safety of the Empire, continue to make monsters of themselves. The gloom shivered in his mind, strengthened by the reverberations of the oneiric weapon.

The fourth room was empty, too, just piles of broken furniture. Gorud shone his lantern across it, while Beckett gave it a cursory glance. The muscles in his gun hand throbbed fiercely now, and quivered in a way that presaged a cramp. Empty, he thought. No, wait. Beckett gestured to the therian, and pointed towards a far corner, towards an overturned table.