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      Angie's car wasn't in the garage when he pulled in, but Marty greeted him when he strolled into the kitchen.  "Good evening, Mr. Nevers."

      "Hello, Marty."  He sat down at the table, set for one.  "Where's Angie?"

      "The Weber's.  She took over a meal."

      He picked up the fork and twirled it between his fingers.  "Aren't things about back to normal over there?"

      "Yes, sir."

      Bud noticed she avoided his gaze.  "Marty."\par       "Yes, Mr. Nevers."

      He dropped the fork on his plate, making a loud clatter, then hit the table with his fist.  "Cut the formality, Marty.  You know Melinda came to the party last Friday night."

      Her shoulders and back stiffened as she moved to the sink.  "Yes.  I begged her not to come."

      "Did Angie mention it to you?"

      "No, not a word.  But why should she?"

      "Once I tell her about Melinda, she'll probably fire you."

      Marty whirled around, her eyes narrowed.  "Why tell her?  She'll only be hurt.  You're the one who'll be caught in the middle."

      At that moment, Bud heard his home-office phone ring and left the room.  Fifteen minutes later when he returned, Marty had gone.  It didn't surprise him.  He sat down at the table, ate his lukewarm dinner, then sauntered into the television room to the wet bar where he mixed a stiff scotch and water.  Relaxing in his leather recliner, he felt the exhaustion of the week slide over him.  He knew he couldn't delay the Melinda matter much longer, but he sure didn't want to discuss it with Angie tonight.  With slow dragging steps, he took himself off to bed.

      Marty Casales walked to her bungalow on the other side of the garage and stepped into the home she cherished.  She'd grown up with Angie and had been employed by the Nevers for twenty-five years.  The thought of it ending squeezed her heart.  She loved Angie Nevers.  The woman didn't have a selfish bone in her body.  Glancing around the room, she let her mind drift back over the years.  Angie had had this cottage specially built for her so she could remain on the property.  At the time, Angie had dreamt of having children and wanted her as a nanny.

      Angie carried her first baby for only four months, the second for five.  She tried to be brave, but after the doctors told her she couldn't bear children, she went into deep depression, unable to take care of herself or her home.  Marty stepped in and took over, becoming Angie's caretaker for over a year.

      Troubled by her memories, Marty went to the cabinet and pulled out the vodka.  Unchecked tears streamed down her cheeks.  She collapsed into a chair and lifted the bottle to her lips.  Glancing around her little bungalow, she closed her eyes in shame.


      Angie didn't leave the Weber's until nine thirty.  She hadn't intended to stay so long, but Sandy wanted to talk and Ken had stayed late at work.

      She pulled into the garage next to Bud's white Porsche and hit the button to close the big door.  Entering the kitchen, it surprised her to find dirty dinner dishes on the table.  Marty never left things untidy.  She glanced out the window toward the bungalow and caught the glow of lights through the curtains.  Maybe she should go talk to her.  On second thought, she decided against it.  Marty had a tendency to hit the sauce in the evening, and she didn't want to embarrass her.

      Angie glanced down the hallway.  All the rooms were dark.  Bud must have already gone upstairs.  He'd worked late all week and hadn't been in a good mood.  She felt guilty for neglecting him so much these past few days.  Most likely, he'd sent Marty home, not wanting to listen to her chatter.

      Not ready to retire yet, she decided to clean the kitchen.  While stacking the dishwasher, her mind strayed to Melinda.  If she didn't work at the company, who was she?  And where'd she come from? What did this young beautiful woman want with her husband?  There had to be a perfectly reasonable explanation, but Bud's reaction and silence bothered her.  Although she dreaded it, she'd confront him tomorrow after his golf game.

      Saturday morning, Angie gave Marty the day off, planning her confrontation with Bud, in private.

      Mid-morning, Angie went into the kitchen to prepare lunch for herself and Bud, but instead found a note on the bar from Marty.  She'd prepared potato salad and two beef sandwiches on French rolls for them.  Angie peeked into the refrigerator and seeing them through the clear plastic wrap made her mouth water.  Marty must have prepared the food at home and brought it over to surprise them.  Bud would be pleased.  He loved Marty's potato salad.  Humming, she set the table.

      She always looked forward to Saturday afternoons.  Bud reserved this time so they could be together.  They might go shopping or take in a movie.  But today, she wouldn't be able to enjoy it until she found out about Melinda.  She shivered.  Why did she get that odd feeling whenever she thought of that woman?  Nothing in Bud's recent behavior indicated unfaithfulness.

      She sat down at the kitchen bar and thought back over their life.  Sure, they'd had their moments.  After the miscarriages and her withdrawal, Bud might have been tempted to be unfaithful.  But, she knew then, if she didn't climb out of that hole of depression, she'd lose him for sure.  They'd survived that bleak period and had grown closer than ever.

      Glancing at the clock, she crossed over to the kitchen window and stared down the long winding driveway.  Where was he?  He's usually home by now, she thought.  They must have been detained on the course.  She picked up a magazine and sank down into the overstuffed couch behind the kitchen bar.

      Waking with a start, she glanced at her watch and gasped.  "Two o'clock!" Jumping up, she called Bud's name.  When she didn't get an answer, she looked out the window toward the garage.  No car.  How odd, she thought.  She checked the phone messages in case he'd called while she slept.  Nothing.  Worry churned inside her.  He'd never been this late.

      Had he told her he had a Saturday appointment?  With so much confusion this past week, she couldn't remember.  Figuring Ken Weber would know, she called, but got no answer.

      She went out the front door and headed for Marty's place.  Maybe Bud had mentioned his plans to her.  But when she reached the edge of the garage, she realized Marty's car wasn't in the carport, so returned to the house.  She hesitated to call Bud's office, but he never seemed to mind, so she keyed in his private number.  No answer there either.  Now what?  Almost three o'clock and still no word from him.

      Trying to keep busy, she did odd jobs around the house.  When five o'clock arrived and still no word, she threw the dust cloth into the corner and called Ken's house again.  This time Sandy answered.

      "Sandy, this is Angie.  How are the twins?"

      "They're doing great.  I took them to the mall this afternoon."

      "That's good.  By the way, have you seen Bud today?"

      "No, I haven't.  Let me ask Ken."

      She must have covered the mouthpiece with her hand, as all Angie could hear were muffled voices.

      "Ken said they had a short meeting after their game.  He just assumed Bud went straight home afterwards.  You haven't heard from him?"

      Angie's words caught in her throat.  "Something's wrong."  She paced the kitchen with the portable phone to her ear.  "I'm worried, Sandy.  This isn't like Bud.  He always calls when he's going to be late.  Ask Ken if he mentioned meeting with a client."