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“Will,” a voice suddenly called out from the darkness behind us.

The voice was already annoying and unwanted. And before I could even acknowledge it, a skinny figure was squeezing himself into the small space on the log between Julia and me.

Damn it, Jeff.

“Will, those were Ben’s lights, not mine,” he quickly informed me.

He didn’t even bother looking at me as he spoke.

“Here, Julia, here’s some hot chocolate,” the lanky boy announced, facing Julia and presenting her with a steaming, Styrofoam cup.

My eyes shot back toward the orange flames as I scooted over and ran my hands against my thighs, trying to recover from my thwarted move.

“Thanks, Jeff,” I heard Jules say.

Her voice resurrected my attention, and I turned my face back toward hers. Jeff had already resorted to poking a stick into the fire’s ashes and had, by now, all but faded into my background again. I watched Jules’s eyes follow the flames for a couple of silent moments. Then, suddenly, her eyes found mine, and I caught her soft lips slowly turning up at their sides. Her smile was different this time. In fact, this might be her best — forgiving and curious and sexy — though I loved them all. I kept my gaze locked on hers, and I smiled too. If I didn’t get my yes tonight, I’d happily settle for this.

Chapter Five


We turned the corner, and I saw her. And instantly, I wondered if I jumped off the wagon, would anyone notice me gone? She smiled and waved. I waved back. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. Her hair was down and in those blond curls she always wore. Her green eyes matched the jacket she was wearing — the jacket everyone was wearing. I seriously gauged the distance from the wagon bed to the street and then tried to guess at what rate of speed the tractor trailer was going. But by the time I looked back up to find her, she had disappeared into the sea of green. I sighed, but a smile quickly returned. It couldn’t take that long to loop around town.

* * *

The tractor and wagon pulled catawampus into the school’s parking lot, and fourteen guys and a couple of coaches jumped off. My feet hit the ground, and my eyes hit the crowd. Where was she?

“One state championship and one championship parade down,” I heard a voice call out from behind me.

I turned and felt the corners of my mouth start to rise.

“Julia, I wasn’t sure you’d come,” I said.

She laughed and glanced at the big crowd behind us.

“I didn’t want to be the only one who missed it,” she said, still smiling.

My eyes turned down to the ground at my feet. There was something about this girl that made me nervous every time I was around her.

“You hungry?” I asked her, as I kicked a rock back and forth on the asphalt.

I didn’t hear anything, so I looked up. She was still smiling at me, but her smile looked less soft and more suspicious. I stared at her staring at me. If this were some kind of staring competition and the winner got his way, I was determined to win.

Just then, her smile widened, and she nodded her head.

I stood there dumbfounded. I was pretty sure that that meant yes—even in girl talk, but I couldn’t be certain.

Her eyes faltered for a moment but then returned to mine, and as if she had been reading my mind, her next word was all the confirmation I needed.

“Okay,” she softly said.

“Really?” I asked.

There was a part of me that felt as if she were pulling my leg.

She nodded her head again.

I stared at her for another, full second. Then, I quickly scooped her up into my arms.

“Will, what on earth are you doing?” she squealed.

She was laughing, so I figured I was okay.

I hurried over to my truck, pulled open the passenger’s door and gently set her down onto the seat. Then, I closed the door and ran over to my side and threw myself behind the wheel.

“What are you doing, crazy person?” she asked, as I jammed the keys into the ignition.

“We’ve got to hurry, before you change your mind,” I said, only semi-joking.

I saw her out of the corner of my eye toss her head back and laugh. And within seconds, I was peeling out of the parking lot and heading toward the little diner at the edge of town.

* * *

Donna’s was filling up, no doubt because of all of the people in town for the parade. Julia and I quickly found a corner booth and slid in. A few seconds later, I watched as a shorter boy with shaggy hair and a Donna’s Café polo noticed us and shuffled toward our booth.

“Hey, man, congrats on your guys’ win,” the boy said after he had planted his feet at the end of our table.

I looked up at him. He had a cheesy grin on his face, and he was wearing a pin with our mascot on it.

“Thanks,” I said, through a smile.

“Hey, Adam,” Julia warmly said.

“Hi, Julia,” the boy replied, cowering a little.

He looked at her a little too long with that cheesy grin of his. Julia had already returned her eyes to the menu, so she didn’t even notice. I cleared my throat, which seemed to do the trick. It broke the boy’s stare, and he started instinctively scribbling something onto his little notepad. It couldn’t be words.

His pen eventually stopped, and he looked up and caught my stare. I was pretty sure I had a puzzled, though now slightly intrigued, look on my face. It was interesting how he had been so drawn to her to the point that I might as well have been invisible. But I couldn’t be mad at him. He probably only saw what I had always seen in her.

“Uh, I’ll just give you guys some time to decide then,” the boy said, smiling awkwardly.

I watched him jam the little pad of paper back into his pocket and scurry off.

My eyes fell back onto Julia then. She was still looking at the menu. I had a smile on my face that I couldn’t imagine wiping off.

“Cheeseburger or chicken strips?” she asked me, without looking up.

I heard her, but her words sounded more like a song than a question, so I failed to answer her.

Her eyes eventually turned up toward mine, and soon, her lips broke out into a smile.

“Cheeseburger it is,” she said.

She glanced at the paper menu one more time and then slid it behind a ketchup bottle against the window.

“So, how does it feel to be a state champion?” she asked.

My eyes faltered, and a laugh followed.

“Pretty good,” I admitted. “But I’m not so sure it’s better than this.”

She stared at me for a second and then laughed.

“You’re ridiculous,” she said. “I know that every one of you guys have been dreaming of a basketball state championship ever since the day you picked up a ball.”

I lowered my eyes and chuckled to myself.

“Julia Lang,” I said, pausing and then returning my eyes to hers.

“If you only knew how many cheesy Valentine’s cards I wrote you that never reached you,” I said.

She stopped and sent me a slightly puzzled look.

“Yeah, I know it might seem like I’m head over heels for a girl I barely know, but I know more about you than you think,” I said.

“Really?” she asked.

She sat back in the booth and smiled, in a challenging kind of way.

“Really,” I said.

Her suspicious eyes locked onto mine.

“You guys ready to order?” asked the boy, in a high-pitched, cracking voice.

He had reappeared from out of nowhere.