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“No, Lars, you’re right. Not because of coming in my mouth-in case that’s the reason you’re pulling away. I want that. I want to taste you, to humble myself enough to devour the living liquor of you-to swallow it. That will make me feel absolutely female and sexual and free. And beautiful. I will do that, often. But not this first time. This time I want you to come in me.” She got on the bed, and reached for me. “It’s time, my son, for you to fuck your mother.” She was on her back with her knees up. The stockings and garter belt excited me to a frenzy. But I was suddenly a little timid again about actually mounting her. She smiled lovingly and with gentle pulling, led me between her creamy thighs. All of her body was before me and around me like a splendid landscape of flesh. Her eyes yearned up at me, melting with love.

“Now we’re going to stick your little boy cock into Mommy’s cunt.” She caressingly found me with her hand and put me into her. I felt wetness and warmth and a kind of kissing all around me. I pushed forward shyly. And farther. I looked into her eyes and pushed farther in. Each time her eyes opened wider and shone more. “Now fuck Momma a little, my son. Fuck your little momma.” I began softly fucking in and out. It was indescribably delicious. “Lars,” she said gently, “rub this bone here against my clitoris as you fuck.” She touched the body ridge just above my cock and then moved my body a little with her hands to show how. After I’d fucked like this a little, she put her mouth to my ear with little kisses and started whispering: “Yes, yes, fuck me. Fuck Mommy. Fuck Mommy’s juicy cunt with your little boy cock. Does Momma’s boy like it? Does Momma’s baby like fucking his Momma’s pussy? Would you like to suck Momma’s tits while you fuck her. Momma would like that.” She was lifting her breasts to me. I looked into her eyes, then leaned down and took the nipples into my mouth one after the other, sucking and kissing and licking and worrying them. She started coming again. I could feel it gathering in her body. Her head began to strain back and her mouth opened. But again, at the last second, she held me lightly on the sides, indicating I should stop. She held me until the passion subsided, looking deep into my eyes. Then she started crooning in my ear again. It seemed to excite her wildly to say “fuck Mommy.” She said it over and over. Again she stopped me when she was about to come. And again she started over, whispering obscenities in my ear. Each time I was closer to coming myself. Finally I was sobbing I wanted it so much.

“Does my baby want to come?” she whispered. “Does my baby want to come in Mommy? Does Baby want to shoot his juice in his unprotected Mommy and give her a new baby? Well, that’s what Mommy wants too. Now Mommy’s going to let her baby come, and Mommy is going to let her little son make her come, too.”

I was fucking faster and faster. Her voice finally was only a moan, a long series of animal cries. Her mouth was open and I could see it all wet with saliva. I had never kissed her. I leaned down when I felt it coming from everywhere in her and cooed:

“Come, Momma. Come. Little Lars is fucking his Momma and making her come.” Then I kissed her deeply inside her soft lips. Her eyes were a blaze of wantonness as I fucked her harder and harder. Our bodies clamped together, straining, as we both came-like hundreds of cellos exploding!

Chapter Seventeen

I woke up. I didn’t know where I was. There was joy all through me. I didn’t know why, but I was in a state of grace. It filled every part of me, a radiance of complete happiness. Of purity. I turned my head and I was looking directly into Mother’s eyes. It was a shock to find them only inches away. Then I saw her head was on a pillow. I remembered! Quickly, I looked down. The bowls of her breasts were immense with the sheet over them. The nipples were pronounced. A hand came up and slowly pulled the sheet down. The forbidden breasts were naked. Mother’s tits were naked in front of me, shining in the morning light! The sheet continued to recede. I lifted myself on an elbow. Ribs appeared. Her soft belly. The bush of hair! I crawled toward it. The magnificent thighs lifted and spread: offering up her cunt. I squirmed around until I was looking directly at it. Hands came and the fingers tantalizingly opened if so I saw the red secret flesh and the parts. I lifted my head. Beyond the belly and framed by the tits was Mother’s smiling face. It was morning!

“Every morning I will offer myself to you, Lars: to be looked at, to be touched, to be tasted or loved or used. And any time during the day or night.” She roused like an elm of flesh and crawled to me, her great breasts swinging. She kissed me very softly and put her head in my lap. Tenderly she sucked my penis into her mouth. Then, stroking it, she looked up lovingly and continued.

“I belong to you now, Son. Everything I am will serve your every impulse or hidden desire. Anything! And if I can’t satisfy it, my money will find somebody who can. My income is more than 25,000 kroner a day, and it is now yours for the rest of your life. I worship you, Lars. All my life I’ve dreamed of what you’ve given me. Partially it is a complex I have of wanting to be sexually used by young boys; and, more specifically, by my own son. Psychiatrists have tried to cure me, but they always fail because secretly I prefer to be this way. In fact, I planned for years to raise my own son and give myself to him. But I never had any boys. Finally, because I couldn’t wait any longer, I decided on adoption.”

I looked down at her beautiful face with its proud, shining eyes. She licked me a little and went on. “We tried several orphanages, but none of the boys seemed right. Several excited me, but none seemed like my son. None until you! From the second I saw you, I knew. Then I read your papers! It seems you were put there because your mother felt you are inhabited by the Devil. She says your mere presence arouses a woman: nurses, little girls, your sister, even your mother. She is a respectable woman and was ashamed to say much, but to explain how powerful this thing in you is she confessed to masturbating with your little baby leg.” (So that was my awful secret! Wonderful!) “But more than just the way you satisfy my complex is the extensiveness of the ecstasy you work in me, Lars. I always wanted to be fucked by my son, and you satisfy that completely. But you satisfy even more than this mental excitement. You enchant my blood. All the sexual pleasure I have ever felt combined is only a fraction of what you give me. All the walls in me have fallen and I’m suddenly in an endless Eden that I hadn’t even suspected. Nothing I’ve known in my life begins to match it. It’s another dimension. For the rest of my life I will devote myself completely to pleasing you so that you will allow me sometimes to enjoy that.”

She knelt in front of me, laughing with delight. “Think of it, Lars. You’re just a child of fourteen, and for as long as you live you will have your mother as a slave. And you will have my fortune, which will make anyone else your slave. We will find your other mother and sister and you can fuck them. Meanwhile, you can do anything you want to the people in this house!”

“What about Father?”

“Him, too. First because he will do anything to retain the big allowance I give him. And second because he must. You see, he’s something of a sadist and one time he went a little too far with a girl. The girl died. I have his confession and pictures, which I got in return for the fortune I paid to hush it up. All the documents are at my lawyers… Now wait, I’ll show you.” She picked up the phone and ordered Father and Gunilla to come. I was a little embarrassed and slid deep in the covers. Mother had put on a gown and received them regally, fondling my head.

“I have called you here to explain that from now on the house will be run by and for Lars. The function of the rest of us will be to do his bidding and provide for his happiness. We women will help devise new presents and pleasures for him every day, while you, Bill, will assist in bringing things about -doing errands and such. Now the…”