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The flight attendants came down the aisles and gave a set of earphones to each passenger.

“What are these for?” Benny asked.

“You plug them into the side of your seat,” Jessie explained. “You can listen to music, or you can use them to hear the movie that’s going to be shown.” She motioned to the screen at the front.

The children all plugged in their earphones and enjoyed the funny movie. When it was over, they felt very tired. Grandfather had urged them to get some sleep, but they’d been having too much fun. Finally, one by one, the children curled up and went to sleep. They’d been so busy, they’d forgotten all about the puzzles in Benny’s backpack, which was still up in the overhead bin.

The children were awakened a short while later by sunlight streaming through the small airplane windows. The flight attendants were passing out trays of breakfast: scrambled eggs, toast with jam, slices of melon, and orange juice.

“Are we there yet?” Benny asked hopefully, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

“Soon,” Grandfather told the children. “Eat your breakfast and we’ll be there in no time.”

Just as Grandfather had promised, once the flight attendants had cleared away the trays, a voice on the loudspeaker told them to fasten their seat belts. They would be landing soon! The children peered out the windows excitedly at the countryside below.

At last the plane was on the ground. “We hope you’ve enjoyed your trip,” the pilot said over the loudspeaker. “Welcome to London.”


Two Very Different Guests

After the Aldens got off the plane, they had to pick up their luggage and wait in a long line to show their passports. At last they were ready to go to their inn. Grandfather had arranged for a cab to pick them up, and the large boxy black car was waiting outside. The driver loaded their suitcases into the back while the Aldens got inside.

“Hey, what’s going on?” Benny said all of a sudden.

“What’s wrong, Benny?” Jessie asked, concerned.

“There’s something wrong with the car!” Benny said.

“There is?” asked Henry.

“Yes, the steering wheel is on the wrong side!” Benny cried.

Grandfather chuckled. “That’s how they drive here in England. And wait until you see — the cars drive on the left side of the road instead of the right!”

In a short time they arrived at the Cheshire Inn. It was a small brick building on a quiet tree-lined street. In front was a small rose garden surrounded by a brick wall.

A plump gray-haired woman came hurrying out to greet them. “Mr. Alden!” she called out in a distinctive accent. “How nice to see you!” She took one of Grandfather’s hands in her own and shook it vigorously.

“Mrs. Brown, it’s so good to see you, also. These are my grandchildren, Henry, Jessie, Violet, and Benny,” Grandfather said. “Mrs. Brown takes good care of me whenever I visit London.”

“It’s been a long time since your last visit,” Mrs. Brown said. “Come on in and I’ll show you around.” Mrs. Brown reminded the children of Mrs. McGregor, Grandfather’s housekeeper back home.

She led the Aldens inside to a cozy wood-paneled hallway. “Here’s where we serve breakfast each morning,” she said, motioning toward the dining room.

Next she showed them the living room. “This room is for all our guests to enjoy. We have a chess set and a backgammon board, and plenty of books. Make yourself at home anytime.” The children saw that someone was already doing just that. A tall red-haired woman sat on the couch reading a book. She glanced up at the Aldens, but instead of saying hello, she turned her back and burrowed even more deeply into her book.

“There are two other guests staying here,” Mrs. Brown explained. “That’s Donna Russo,” Mrs. Brown said. “These are the Aldens, Donna.”

“Hello,” Donna murmured, not looking up from her book.

“They’re American, too,” Mrs. Brown went on.

“Mmm-hmmm …” Donna said, still not looking up.

“Where in the States are you from?” Grandfather asked.

“California,” Donna said, continuing to read.

Then Benny piped up, “What are you reading? It must be good!” He soon realized he’d said the wrong thing.

Donna looked up and gave him a piercing stare. “It’s none of your business,” she said angrily, closing her book with a snap. Tucking the book under her arm; she walked past the Aldens and up the stairs in a huff.

The Aldens looked at one another, surprised at her strong reaction.

Benny looked at the ground. “I was just trying to be friendly.”

“Don’t mind her,” Mrs. Brown said, putting an arm around Benny’s shoulders. “That’s just her way. Come with me and I’ll show you your rooms.”

The Aldens followed Mrs. Brown up a flight of stairs. At the top of the stairs were two rooms opposite each other. One was Benny and Henry’s, and the other was Grandfather’s. Around the corner was the room Jessie and Violet would be sharing. Across from their room was a closed door.

“Another guest is staying in that room,” Mrs. Brown explained.

“Not Donna, I hope,” said Jessie. “I don’t want to run into her too often if she’s going to be so unfriendly.”

Mrs. Brown smiled. “No, her room is upstairs. Andrew Smythe is across from you, and he’s very nice.”

“And there are only two other guests?” Jessie asked.

“Yes, that’s all,” said Mrs. Brown.

“That’s why I like this inn,” said Mr. Alden. “It’s small and cozy.”

Each room was decorated with pretty flowered wallpaper and delicate lace curtains. The beds had carved wooden headboards and were covered with soft fluffy quilts.

“I’m sure we’ll be very comfortable,” Jessie told Mrs. Brown.

“Let me know if you need anything,” Mrs. Brown said with a warm smile, and she went back downstairs.

“I’m going to have a hot bath,” Grandfather said. “Then we can go get some lunch.” He went into his room.

The children were just heading into their own rooms when a young man in a long raincoat came bounding around the corner and almost bumped into Violet.

“Dreadfully sorry!” he cried, backing up and taking off his dark glasses. “Are you all right?”

“Yes, I’m fine,” Violet said.

“I didn’t see you,” the man said. He was very attractive and had a deep, rich voice.

“Maybe that’s because you were wearing your sunglasses inside,” Benny said.

The man smiled, and the Aldens saw that he had perfect white teeth to go with his sparkling brown eyes. “Right you are, young man,” he said. He noticed that the Aldens were still carrying their suitcases. “Have you just arrived? Let me help you.” He took the suitcase Jessie was holding and carried it back to her door.

“Thank you,” said Jessie. She introduced herself and her brothers and sister. “We’re from—”

“Don’t tell me — the northeastern United States,” the man said.

“Yes! How did you know?” Henry asked, amazed.

“I’m very good with accents,” the man said. “I’m Andrew Smythe.” He looked at his watch. “Oh, no, got to run. I’ve an important appointment in the West End. I’ll be staying here for the rest of the week — let’s have a chat when I get back. Cheerio!” He gave the children another smile and then hurried down the stairs.

“Wasn’t it amazing that he knew where we were from without our telling him?” said Violet.

“Yes,” agreed Henry.

“I wonder what the ‘West End’ is,” said Violet.

“Isn’t it strange?” Jessie said. “There are only two other guests here, and they’re completely different. One is very rude, and the other is as friendly as can be!”