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Mrs. Brown went back into the kitchen, leaving the guests to enjoy their breakfast.

“What are scones?” Violet asked.

“They’re like biscuits,” Mr. Alden explained, passing the basket to her.

Violet pulled out a scone and saw that it was studded with sweet, chewy currants. “Mmm, these look delicious,” she said.

“Try a bit of gooseberry jam with them,” suggested Andrew. “Mrs. Brown makes it herself.”

Mr. Alden found a London Times newspaper on the table and began to read. Andrew asked the children what they were planning to do that day.

“Our grandfather has a business meeting near Buckingham Palace, so he’s going to drop us off there,” Henry said.

“You’ll get to see the changing of the guard,” said Andrew. “It’s a jolly good show.”

“What are you going to do today?” Benny asked him.

“I’ll be in the West End,” he said.

“That’s where you were headed yesterday,” Jessie recalled. “What is it?”

“That’s the part of London where the theaters are,” Andrew explained. “I’m there every day, all day.”

Suddenly Jessie remembered the dark glasses he’d been wearing the day before, as if he hadn’t wanted anyone to recognize him. “Are you a famous actor?” she asked.

A strange look passed over Andrew’s face, as if he was trying to decide how to answer. “Yes, I am,” he said at last. “Of course, being from America, you may not have heard of me. I haven’t made it to Hollywood — yet.” He smiled broadly. “But I’m quite well-known here in England, on the London stage.”

“What show are you in?” Henry asked.

“Well, I’ve been in lots of things …” Andrew said. “Phantom of the Opera, Cats. All the greats.”

“What are you in now?” asked Violet.

“What am I performing at the moment?” Andrew said.

“Yes,” said Violet.

“Um, well, it’s, um …” Andrew paused for a moment and sipped his tea. “It’s called … The Mystery Man. Yes, that’s it.”

“Are you the star?” asked Benny.

“Yes, of course,” Andrew said.

“We’re planning to go to the theater Thursday night,” Jessie said. “Maybe we’ll go see your play.”

Suddenly Andrew looked uncomfortable. He put down his teacup and stood up abruptly. “Oh, yes, well … it’s quite popular, so you may have trouble getting tickets.” He laughed nervously. “I’ll see you later.” He picked up his raincoat and walked out quickly.

Just then Mrs. Brown came in. “Andrew, do you need more—” She stopped and looked around. “Has Andrew left already?” she asked the Aldens.

“Yes, just a moment ago,” Henry said.

“That’s odd.” She picked up his full teacup. “He never leaves without finishing his tea. Ah, well.” She cleared away Andrew’s dishes and went back into the kitchen.

“I wonder why Andrew left so suddenly,” said Jessie. “He looked as if something was bothering him.”

“It almost seemed as if he didn’t want to answer any more of our questions,” Henry said.

“I thought I heard him say he was an actor,” Grandfather said. “He was probably just in a hurry to get to the theater for a rehearsal.” Grandfather looked at his watch. “Speaking of which, we’d better hurry if I’m going to make it to my meeting in time.”

The Aldens finished eating and went back up to their rooms to get ready to go. But the whole time, Jessie couldn’t help wondering what had been bothering Andrew.


Follow That Cab!

Back upstairs, grandfather gave the children some British money. “You can’t use American money here,” he explained, handing them some colorful paper bills and some large heavy coins.

“These don’t look at all like dollars,” said Benny. “There’s a picture of a lady on it.”

“These are called British pounds,” Henry told his little brother. “That’s a picture of the queen.”

“We’d better bring some things with us today, like a map and our guidebook,” said Jessie.

“Don’t forget the camera,” said Violet.

“And an umbrella, in case it rains,” Grandfather suggested. “It rains a lot in London.”

“We can put that stuff in my backpack,” Benny said, running to get his little red backpack from next to his bed.

A little while later, the Aldens were waiting in front of the inn. Mrs. Brown had arranged for a car to pick them up.

“There’s a cab,” said Benny, pointing a little way down the street.

“I don’t think that’s for us,” Grandfather said. “If it was, the driver would pull up to the door.”

“Anyway, it looks as if there’s already someone in the back,” Violet pointed out.

“I don’t see anyone,” said Jessie.

Violet looked again. “That’s funny. I’m sure I saw someone in there a second ago.”

“It’s strange the way that cab is just sitting there with the motor running,” Henry said.

Just then another big black cab pulled up, right in front of the inn. “This must be ours,” Grandfather said. The children got into the backseat, and Grandfather sat up front, next to the driver.

As they pulled away from the curb, Violet took a look out the rear window. “Now that other cab is moving,” she said.

Jessie looked back, too. “And there is someone in the backseat. But it’s funny — the person has his hat pulled all the way down over his face, as if he doesn’t want to be seen.”

“How do you know it’s a he?” asked Henry.

“Good point,” Jessie said.

“A mysterious stranger!” said Benny

“You kids and your mysteries,” Grandfather said, chuckling.

A few minutes later, Violet turned around and looked out the rear window again. “That cab is still in back of us,” she said. The others turned to look.

“I’m sure it’s just a coincidence,” said Grandfather.

But when they checked a few minutes later, after their cab had made several turns, the other one was still behind them. “I think we’re being followed,” said Jessie.

“Do you think that person got in the cab and said, ‘Follow that cab!’ like in the movies?” Benny asked.

Everyone laughed. Before they could figure out why someone might be following them, they had pulled up in front of a tall, imposing gate.

“Here we are,” said Grandfather. “Buckingham Palace.” The children got out, but Grandfather stayed inside. The cab was taking him to an office building a little bit farther up the road. Grandfather rolled down his window. “Do you have your map?”

“Yes,” said Henry.

“And you have the money I gave you?” asked Grandfather.

“Yes,” said Violet.

“And you have the phone number where I’ll be?” asked Grandfather.

“Yes,” said Jessie. “We’ll be fine. Well take a cab back to the inn when we’re through here.”

“All right. Then I’ll see you back at the inn at dinnertime,” Mr. Alden said, and the cab pulled away from the curb.

“Hey, what happened to that cab that was behind us?” asked Violet, looking around. It was nowhere in sight.

“I guess it’s gone now,” said Jessie. “Come on. Let’s go see the palace.”

The children looked at the beautiful building on the other side of the large iron gate. “Wow,” said Benny, looking at the rows of windows. “It’s huge! Does the queen really live there?”

“I think so,” said Jessie. “Let’s see what our guidebook says.” She unzipped Benny’s red backpack and reached inside. She pulled out the book and flipped a few pages. “Here’s the section about the palace.” She read quickly and then looked up. “It says the queen also has some other houses. But see that flag?” Jessie pointed to the middle of the building. “That flag is flown whenever the queen is here.”

In front of the palace were several soldiers, standing stiffly at attention. They were wearing brilliant scarlet coats with a line of gold buttons down the center. They had on dark blue pants, white gloves, and tall furry black hats. They carried rifles on their shoulders.