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ers armor at a tilt angle in 45 degrees - provided satisfactory protection. At qualitative armor, it gave superiority to Germans in butting over T-34-85. And considering that military operations in the West stopped, capitalists began to deliver the alloying elements, so, quality of booking began to improve. And on the way already developed Lion tanks and more perfect and compact "Panther"-2. Their fritsa try to mass-produce. It turned out that the Wehrmacht could manage to correct some weaknesses, and to achieve overweight. Stalin after a series of meetings ordered to come on February 5. Delay did not make sense any more. However Germans already managed to construct dense defense and had the power enough that at skillful protection to sustain an impact. Heavy fighting continued more than a month. The Soviet troops could promote from 15 to 30 kilometers, without having broken through a front line. The stone wall did not give in. In the middle of March already Germans took the offensive in the direction of Budapest. They managed to achieve some tactical progress, and even to create several coppers. Effective was use of devices of night vision, and approach in a night-time. The Soviet troops were forced to break from an environment with fight and to recede for Danube. However, despite tactical success, did not allow to develop approach to Budapest to fritsa new strategic, Soviet reserves. The truth Hitlerites leveled the front and could improve to themselves possibilities of defense. Allies were still not really lucky also with Japan. Disembarkation to Philippines ended with a failure. The Japanese battle ships led by giant "Yamato" could intercept and destroy landing vessels and several cruisers. So approach of the USA and Britain in the Pacific Ocean was slowed down. However, the Land of the rising sun had no forces any more to come most. But war all the same dragged on, and did not smell of blitzkrieg. And Stalin tried to razdergat fascists so far. Because of an exchange of prisoners of war, fritsa filled up the air fleet with skilled pilots, and continued to strengthen jet aircraft. And the Panther tank-2 at last came to a mass production and it was quite successful car, on fighting qualities surpassing all Soviet brands. At the same time the predator having the engine, excellent in 900 horsepowers, and the tool of a royal tiger capable of distances in 1500 meters to punch the 158th millimetric armor, at the 150th millimetric inclined plane, front armor. The Lion tank in general was innovative brand - the tower appeared displaced back, and the engine and transmission settled down together one block, and a transmission on the motor. Thus, the Lviv family appeared with compact configuration and possessed an excellent ratio: booking, arms, weight. Fascists though with delay managed to design quite good, successful tanks capable to surpass the Soviet brands. On April 15 having brought together 2,5 million soldiers and many tanks, the marshal Zhukov undertook approach. It was resisted by the same Mobel. Maynstein received diamonds to a knightly cross for success in Andderakh, and became the second after Goering - reykhsmarshaly. And Hitler charged it command of the southern sector of the front. Zhukov's blow was strong, but Model withdrew troops from a first line of defense and managed to stop the Soviet advance on the second line. The Wehrmacht got stronger by this time. Germans amplified at the expense of the numerous released prisoners of war, armed with the excellent MR-44 submachine gun whose production constantly increased. Release of tanks and self-propelled guns grew... But the most important the fighting spirit of the German troops increased, they were ready to battle up to the end. At the price of huge losses by April 22 Zhukov managed to crack nevertheless the line of defense in the center, but the exit of the shabby Soviet troops to an operational scope did not give the chance to bypass Warsaw. The southern armored group of the opponent put strong counterstroke and on April 26 significant forces of Red army got to an environment. In air unsteady balance was established, but jet German bombers at the expense of speed could bomb practical with impunity - breaking supply. Besides fritsa applied the bombs rockets operated on radio which laid down very precisely and destroyed crossings. Stalin in rage forbade the Soviet, got to an environment troops withdrawal. However quickly spending ammunition and fuel, heroic Soviet parts could not last too long. At the beginning of May the most part of the Soviet troops in a copper was liquidated: it is partially destroyed, and partially captivated. Approach under Zhukov's command came to the end with the large, military accident which forced the Soviet troops to depart for Vistula. However, Stalin showed obstinacy and ordered to keep bases at any cost. The third Reich in the West controlled the Netherlands, and also French - Elzarts and Lorraine together with Luxembourg. Thus, friyets still have enough resources that in the absence of bombings to increase release of arms. Especially easily and cheap NE-162. So advantage in air gradually passed to fascists. The most productive German expert - Huffman, was entitled May 8 the major and together and him NE-162. As soon it became clear the new car, was ideally suited under Huffman's style: to attack the opponent on rapprochement. Very much it has a good maneuverability and speed. And the most productive expert of World War II continued to type accounts. Well, and Maynstein began approach in Hungary. Germans used tactics of night blows, and maneuvers in a night-time, and also jet bombers again. But moved ahead rather slowly and sustained big losses. The Soviet army was not so earlier any more. Troops got fighting experience, and resisted, desperately showing firmness and mass heroism in defense. And command of Red Army worked rather quickly and almost in time entered reserves into battle. The price, big losses Germans promoted on one hundred kilometers, and without having reached a little Budapest - stopped. Besides the Soviet command tried to counterattack. But it is not too still successful. The German SAU e-25 perfectly proved in defense. The low silhouette and strong front booking allowed to show superiority in the battlefield including on SU-100. There came the hot summer of 1945. Both parties in the previous fights were strongly bloodless. Hitler was forced to suspend approach in Hungary. Stalin in turn tried to keep bases. Big fight began to boil in air. On July 2, 1945 Huffman shot down the four-hundredth plane for what it was awarded by gold oak leaves to the Knightly Cross. So having become, thus, the second pilot who received a similar award. The first There was legendary Rudel. Among the Soviet experts Kozhedub which received on August 19 the third star of the hero of the USSR for the 75 shot-down opponent's plane surely came out on top. And it besides that qualitatively superiority more and more passed to Luftwaffe. Gradually Germans curtailed release of screw cars, replacing them jet. There was a fall 1945 and the latest ME-262 model with arrow-shaped wings, and speed up to 1100 kilometers per hour. The summer passed in swoops and skirmishes. In Augustus Soviet tried to prolomat the German positions in East Prussia. Fights lasted about a month, but it was not succeeded to overcome the most powerful German defense. Germans in turn did not force approach. They increased the number of new Panther tanks-2 and "Lion", tried to take total advantage in air. The Soviet Union lost deliveries under the Lend-lease and, it negatively influenced military production. The decision to keep bases on Vistula costed too expensive Red Army. Also was not repaid. And Germans also diskoleta appeared... Stalin after some fluctuations decided to come nevertheless in Hungary. There is more convenient relief. But in general it is necessary to recognize, the increasing degree resembled World War I. When lines became motionless, and the coming party lost much more, than sitting in defense. And the Soviet command came across strong creation of friyets. Fights dragged on till late fall. Stalin this time demanded approach, and resolute progress. But there were not enough forces, more precisely the opponent was not weaker. Germans finally at the expense of jet aircraft intercepted an initiative in air and used the latest, very effective SAU and tanks in defense. And to oppose, it was possible only mass heroism of the Soviet soldiers. The T-44 tank was too crude and unreliable that to put it in a mass production so T-34-85 remained the main equipment. Small party IS-3 was issued. But also this car, despite excellent front protection, was not really effective, especially in respect of road performance. The Soviet troops, also tried to come both in East Prussia and on Vistula, but could not break through the front of the opponent anywhere. And Germans were limited to active defense. To Hitler it neduzhitsya, and the actual duties of the Supreme Commander were fulfilled chapter CC by Himmler. And this four-eyes executioner differed in care. Goering too because of abuse of a nonsense, finally decayed. So Himmler managed to seize almost absolute power. But chapter CC waited, and very much counted on new types of arms. Fritsam was already succeeded to start a nuclear reactor, having corrected an error with graphite, besides very successfully showed themselves aircraft of new generation - a diskoleta. So it is the freak counted on the wonderful weapon, and preferred to protect forces. Besides, it is unlikely allies will resume military operations against the Third Reich. After a failure of disembarkation to Philippines, again Americans returned to careful tactics, expression of Japanese from islands. They, moved, across the Pacific Ocean, but extremely slowly. Not without reason Nimitz's tactics nicknamed: from a palm tree to a palm tree. The nuclear weapon passed test, but for certain it is difficult to get still Japan. In September, 1945 Americans tried, but also loss both nuclear bombs ran into an ambush. So so far Hiroshima and Nagasaki stand. And Japanese, having found experience, use the battle ships more successfully, forcing America and Britain to show the maximum care. Thus replaced Roosevelt Truman was not hit trumps in the hands yet to press to the USSR and the Third Reich. In the middle of November, 1945 the Red Army suspended approach, fights passed into an air phase and small firings. For Stalin became obvious that military operations came into the position deadlock. And the best exit from this conclusion of peace. But... Himmler and Hitler wanted though some territorial acquisitions from the USSR and still trusted in the wonderful tool. So in January, 1946 Stalin made the decision, once again to try to break ridge to fascism. . HEAD? 4. The president of Ukraine appeared in the complete confusion. The goddess-demiurge gave it a key from the power over the worlds and spaces, but he does not know as to use it. But can be better to try by a poke method? Where? Yes at least back. There I will be other person, nobody recognizes me and the probability of return to a touch the point is small. Can to me will carry, and I will land in the presidential republic United States of America, this place for the real flight of fancy. There pay scientists sound money. A problem only where to find so much electricity or even hyper electricity! The president-billionaire spent the next days in work. On hunting descended only once caught a rabbit, but is did not become, bound on a rope. Supervision showed correctness, the small animal gradually decreased in sizes. The dream at the former president of Ukraine became disturbing, it dreamed kindergarten, a day nursery as he is fed from nipples. But the most opposite was when he imposed in panties and to him changed diapers. Crying as the baby it touched hands and because of all forces pushed away a pacifier. Then all wet woke up. It became a shame the adult still, and it obmochitsya. Petro Poroshenko convulsively ran up to a peremestitel, pulled it, on - monkey pressing the buttons. It is useless as if dead metal. - Here and go crazy. Well, there has to be some exit. The despair prompted it is necessary to leave the place of a constant disklokation. The president of Ukraine and made. Having taken onions, arrows, and the familiar peremestitel who is already presented by Harlequinade went strictly to the North. It was still easy to go, here only air seemed, tickles stronger person which became sensitive and young. Several days it went, without sorting the road. At last reached, the rivers whose water seemed blue-violet. Here he felt the beard, unexpectedly chin hair completely disappeared, and only near by there was a down. In despair Petro Poroshenko approached the river glanced in a smooth surface. Watched reflection of eighteen at it, and can even the seventeen-year-old boy, still broad-shouldered and brawny, but already foolish expression on a face. Then his eyes became whining. - How quickly my body moves back - not for long remained to me. I have to leave this damned world. Has to at any cost. Here the president-billionaire even forgot that he already died twice. Poroshenko punched himself the person. Well why his reason so grew dull, can be because of oncoming traffic of time too. Think up where to get electricity, there is no lightning, it is not possible to build a dynamo car, can use diamond animals and friction. Nonsenses any friction you will not achieve the necessary concentration of a charge. From Pyotr Alekseevich dug cold sweat, for the first time his mighty intelligence was powerless, well does not come to mind in any way - as in the primitive world to get the necessary category. - I do not understand personally one why for me everything goes so promptly. It seems recently it appeared in this world, and already so many years wound off back. Perhaps, it is connected with the fact that my foreign matter for this Universe, and it tries quicker will get rid of me. The president-billionaire fell into despair again. - In this case at me it is necessary only - to pray one. Croaked Poroshenko. Having kneeled, he began to whisper almost forgotten prayers, slyshanny in the far childhood. Asked God Boga long, especially about a lightning. Finished with words. - Slava Tebe Great Triune is the Father, the Son and the Spirit Svyatoy. Hallelujah! However prayers did not help with the sky cloudlets, then Pyotr Alekseevich cut a naked head about a stone, from eyes sparks fell down, but them was insufficiently even to kindle a fire not that to charge the portable generator. However in despair it struck with the head more feasibly, a vzbukhla the huge crimson cone. But the president-billionaire and it was has not enough, next time he was struck so the consciousness was stirred up, before eyes the gray haze floated. It seemed to it that the assembly of angels went down on the guilty earth. Beautiful cherubs surrounded it from all directions. Such all snow-white and sparkling, with cute faces. Around the voices reminding a ringing of silver hand bells sounded. - It is unfortunate vzros, was at the end of the resources if decided to finish suicide. Maiden golosochek made a purring sound: - Yes it became much more nice lately what so is nervous. Lower, than at other angels the voice with imperious tone answered: - Unless it is not obvious, the newcomer obviously from other Universe and probably, is dumbfounded by our reality. He is afraid to disappear absolutely and therefore tries to leave our universe. The girl perelivisto asked: - And from where you know? Confident tone uttered: - From that the moment as interspatial transfer was carried out, I watch it, tracing each step. First he exulted, having appeared in our commonwealth, and now becomes hysterical. Poroshenko opened eyes and attentively examined a young, sharp-sighted look of speaking. Over it very beautiful children, similar to fantastic elves, in snow-white clothes flitted. They friendly smiled and did not show aggression. Rather on the contrary they was are ready to take. The senior from them by sight the boy of years of twelve pressed a ring, from his hand the beam poured down, it instantly zazhivit the injured forehead of the president of Ukraine. - Well you should not be killed so, you already adult and even old by the standards of the universe, and conduct as our juvenile old men, more true it is even worse. - Who are you? - The president-billionaire asked the most usual, even banal question. Children elves synchronously answered: - Reasonable life form. Or if to speak more modestly representatives of the greatest comm