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was gone literally violently put Petke's flat cake in a face, having roared: - To me this plebeian food across a throat! And you guzzle better so far give! - Your will barin! - The got hungry Petka with pleasure devoured, a double, slave portion. Then, all be filled up to sleep, including Abner. Next day to continue a way. The servant approached the sleeping knyazhich, and stayed to it legs in a basin, oiled the peeled soles rose. Also kissed at parting on a forehead, having whispered: - The fatherland remains with you forever! . HEAD? 8 Having appeared in the city of miracles, Oleg Rybachenko did not cease to be surprised. Everything was such unusual huge, fantastic, cheerful. As it became clear, the planet had several types of measurements and if the virgin forest, to others the desert with oases was one of them, then the huge megalopolis was the third. Besides fantastic constructions, there were numerous giant attractions, such unusual types and designs here that eyes ran up. And their variety and quantity is so big that even if to try each attraction one time, then for everything there will not be enough also thousands of years. Did not deceive Lumition Stervell when represented him on council of a brotherhood. The group of boys and girls approximately of its age gathered in the hall, and most of visitors sent instead of itself holograms. Let's accept images, practically did not differ from originals, many of which were on other planets and galaxies. Anions, similar to children, discussed inclusion in the ranks of the new brother, hotly and having fun. The elder brother, to him as whispered on an ear to Oleg Rybachenko Lumi, there were hundred twenty five thousand cycles, and by sight his perfect age-mate offered. - This guy quite reasonable being, even biologically is similar to us and it is not his fault that threw the boy to our world. To survive it has to join a brotherhood. - The immortal aged man boy with pathos continued. - Anion cannot be one as the branch separated from a fire dies away, and the individual who remained alone perishes. To me opinion to accept mine Oleg Rybachenko in our ranks and to give the equal rights. It was vigorously objected by the girl, a three-colored black-white-red hairdress. Its voice on a tonality cast corrosion-proof metaclass="underline" - It is alien to us on culture, its world backward and cruel. And I believe, having entered our family, Oleg Rybachenko can be a stepson - a weak link. Whether it is better to send it home. At these words of the child distorted, he right there imagined what terrible tortures and tortures him wait with inevitable punishment. The boy, apparently, the local academician rationally objected. - And where we will find its Universe? We do not know its parameters, maybe, it is necessary to be stuck to and fro, risking to fly in a black hole or the hyper plasma universe with a temperature of quintillions degrees. The little girl frowned and proskulit: - And the superquantum intelligence agent - "Shapiro"? The academician answered already more emotionally: - Other Universes many trillions, and exact number are known by nobody, and each transfer is enormous expenses of energy. You taught the multiphysicist. The girl anion aggressively noticed: - Certainly, learned. But, having moved from the backward planet, Oleg Rybachenko will become a brake of our commonwealth and a brotherhood. The eternal boy academician did not calm down: - Still what life in the conditions of the difficult world tempers, does wiser. And though on age the boy he will perfectly get on in our collective. On the contrary it is so interesting to live near the representative of other race, besides, his reason is mobile, we will teach the boy to our knowledge. The little girl mistrustfully proskulit: - And if he does not want to study?! The academician-boy having let out a lightning, surely answered: - It yet never was and process of receiving new knowledge is not burdensome. You put on a helmet, and they fill the head. Without saying that the majority of anions does not use them. Oleg Rybachenko butted in conversation. The boy beggarly provorkovat: - If it is diligently necessary to study I. - knowledge is life as air for lungs. - We trust you. - Amicably chanted the most part of attendees. The girl skeptic did not wish to calm down: - And unless you do not want that you were sent back to your Universe to the native planet? Malchishka-popadanets begged: - In the world I am only an unfortunate convict. What so waits for me, the death penalty or a concentration camp. And here I can live in the habitual world with the peers. The little girl giggled and too let out sparks from hair: - And to live almost forever. And what you did at yourself what you were sentenced to death? In a voice of female anion grown wise not in one millennium of life experience scepticism and suspicions sounded. Oleg Rybachenko sighed, memoirs gushed over him, from children's eyes teardrops poured down: - Nothing one my peer, the hooligan and the informer is deserved received from me on teeth. Then scribbled a denunciation as if I attempted upon Neron ibn Totalitarnogo, wanted to kill the emperor of emperors. Now and in a voice of mistrustfully adjusted girl sympathy appeared: - And it is your such elder brother? - No - the So-called father of the nation! I loved it thought earlier that all what we possess received thanks to it. But this delusion, having sat to prison, and having seen as scoff at innocent children, I understood that Neron a monster - the terrible despot. Anions the surprised chorus exclaimed: - Scoffed at you? The boy, hardly constraining sobbings, prosipet: - Yes tormented, tortured, forced to work excessively. Besides, arrested my parents, also tortured them and now, probably, executed. Without volition of a tear poured down in three streams, flowing down on the grown thin child's cheeks. The elder brother addressed him. - Do not cry. So only old men and old women roar. And you are by sight a full-mature guy and has to hold a ray. Oleg Rybachenko unexpectedly from joyful and amusing thought, was stirred up: - You have a powerful civilization and perhaps you will manage to revive my parents? Anion with regret shook the head. - By science it is proved that after death of soul go to other Universes to continue to live in new bodies. But as the quantity of the Universes is infinite, and the planets which are available in them it is almost impossible to count probability of a meeting with the initial individual - is extremely small. - Seeing the upset child's look, the head of anions hurried to add. - That is the death is not the end, life continues, but everything around you so changes that it is similar to a rebirth. Be consoled that your ancestors continue to enjoy existence and are quite may be happier, than in the world of the dictator. But the probability to find them is insignificant - is scanty. Oleg Rybachenko wiped the pinching cheeks of a tear and moaned with despair: - It of course consolation, but very weak. Though you have me already adult and to me to cry to anything. How to call you "wisest". - In the last word the irony took. The head of anions reproduced the eight in air and in pathos style uttered: - My name is the Reason Wave, but the wise should not call me other anions very clever too, and we have no fools and morons by definition and, cannot be. - Faugh, I hate mentally retarded. - Oleg Rybachenko saw somehow one and he kept the most disgusting memoirs. Though he studied at exclusive school, all little fools and poor people were thrown out by the authorities for gate. Reason wave expressly politely objected: - The unfortunate individuals damaged in mind should be treated. We own in the ways to increase brain fabric and then even the idiot to become reasonable. Flying to the backward worlds, we help oppressed races. Oleg Rybachenko having thrown up a hand in pioneer salute, rang out a voice: - And it is possible to join you, I want to help weak and poor too. Wave of Reason declared: - Let's solve vote...-The elder brother roared. - Well, who - for! - Wait. - The annoying girl objected. - We did not finish discussion yet. - And here and there is nothing to finish. - A wave of Reason slapped a fist up to a palm. - Arguments are in advance known, but unless it is not visible that Oleg Rybachenko the individual not weak and not silly. Tells at the same time the truth and hides nothing. Right! The boy from similar to the terrestrial world, widely made a helpless gesture: - I have nothing to hide. Wave of Reason cried: - And such modes - bloody morons, often meet in the lagging behind worlds. And you yet never killed reasonable beings. Oleg Rybachenko honestly answered: - Is never present. The elder brother annoyingly asked: - Also did not steal, plundered, took away property from weak. The boy threw up a hand in solemn salute: - Never it was. I swear! Reason wave surely exclaimed, starting up pulsars from a palm: - Here you see, he ours - does not lie, and is not afraid. Here it is only badly too emotional, it is necessary to constrain the feelings. Now we pass to vote. Anions amicably vote - Pro, including eternally arguing girl. The boy, Oleg Rybachenko is very happy, take away him to other hall. Where doctors have to carry out several procedures stopping falling in a temporary abyss and giving additional force. The situation reminded mix of plentifully decorated temple, and extremely advanced laboratory around. Oleg Rybachenko plunged into the bright green slightly pinching from time to time liquid. It included dozen of flexible lasers and tiny the sizes from microns mini-plazmo at once - computers, without encountering resistance, they got into a body. Muscles at once began to be poured by force, and grow, and thoughts zaskakat in the accelerated leapfrog. The boy was extended, it seemed to him that he began to choke, but actually oxygen came to lungs directly through substance. Sighed few times and, having convinced that everything is all right Oleg Rybachenko temporarily calmed down. However it is difficult to lie quietly hard, especially if you are overflowed by energy. The boy span and twitched, splashed with legs. The robot - Tempo provereshchat. Cool it! Otherwise you will bring down process. However it is difficult to calm down when in you there are so much forces. Probably the cybernetic device understood it, and sent the gipnovolna which shipped the child in a condition of a dream. Now Oleg Rybachenko was happy, he dreamed other worlds and fights where he was the first fighter and the commander. It is pleasant to feel strong and great, using the heavy-duty weapon, to force down enemy starprobe vehicles in thousands. When he, at last, woke up, it seemed to him that it just about will burst, from excess of energy. Even eyes became red and shone. Wave of Reason arrived personally to look at new creation. The boy who just got out of a pressure chamber literally boiled and when gave a hand, from it struck with a charge. The elder brother however, did not even frown. - You liked our bathtub? The boy sincerely answered: - Not bad, just fine - I am overflowed with force, is ready to feats. Here only why. - He looked at a mirror wall - Eyes at me shine? The elder brother patiently explained: - A side effect in you introduced ultrastable hyper plasma and now you and your proteinaceous structure have to, to it to adapt. But, what opportunities it is possible to fly, including between stars. It surprised Olezhka: - How without space suit? Reason wave pompously uttered: - Mind can solve any problem, the genius to make so, no problem will arise at all! - The elder brother winked and continued. - And you can be closed by the special field. Here you see the robot, it brought you a suit, there various devices. The brother you now ours and we take Oleg Rybachenko under our sacred protection. The boy according to nodded, but before putting on a nanosuit looked at himself in a mirror. What extraordinary brawny it became, the deep traced relief, large sharp bicepses, steel a wire of muscles, each sinew is visible. The elder brother with badly hidden irony in a voice noticed: - That you admire. Here to me all such, even the little girl only under clothes is not visible. Oleg Rybachenko poigryvy muscles, exclaimed: - And it will be possible naked to go I, so it to be pleasant to me more. Reason wave willingly agreed: - Your right, only you will especially surprise nobody with it and why to you to be allocated. Will say that the odd fellow and will badly think of other reasonable beings in your Universe. - Well I will think. - And Oleg Rybachenko with some regret dressed a nanodress. The clothes however, fitted well, at all without constraining the movement. The tapir carelessly moved and flew up up, having prebolno crashed into a translucent ceiling. Rang out, but the head sustained. - Well, where you. It is so possible and be hurt or get stuck in the center of a star, and even it is worse in a black hole. Give I to you I will explain how to operate. Wave of Reason put on bracelet mix with the shining hologram and hours the boy's hand. - Remember it the hyper plasma computer including twenty one measurements. With its help it is possible to operate the ultragravitational motor, and various fields. It is impossible to travel between the Universes so far, more powerful equipment is necessary, but here you will find everything that it is necessary to live in this. Oleg Rybachenko with nervousness asked: - Means so far, I am free? Reason wave skeptically said: - Not absolutely it is necessary to load new knowledge into your head, and it should be done gradually. The boy doubted, having shrugged brawny shoulders: - And it is not sick or boring? - Well, on the contrary pleasantly, every day a half-hour you will have a sleep, and in you will write down all information, and and so in a week you will become professor. - The Reason wave winked at the boy again. - Well. Week is not a lot of. - Oleg Rybachenko moved with fingers of hands from the manual computer, the hologram came up. It was huge in ten meters, and on it there were represented numerous files. The elder brother prompted: - Reduce, click here. If it is impossible, give the order by voice. - And well contract. - Oleg Rybachenko ordered. Display time was pressed down, the most necessary folders began to sparkle. The boy joyfully exclaimed: - I in the last Universe had a computer and this very much is similar to it, the truth is better! Reason wave pompously provorkovat: - We specially made such that it was convenient to you, it has a program of artificial intelligence, and you can talk to it. The electronic device pleasantly prochirikat: - You have a vigorous look my young owner. You do not want to sweep on "A fragmentary black hole". Oleg Rybachenko negatively shook the light head: - Then. At first show how it is necessary to fly. The manual computer answered with a melodious voice: - Well, it is simple. It is possible to give the mental order, or an easy wave hands as if wings, sometimes it is possible to use the movement of fingers. But most often it becomes telepathic - represent flight, its speed and come off the planet Anion or any other. In the same way it is possible to use also the attracting field, a wave of a hand and it is even better simple to imagine that a subject at you in hands it also will come to be. The boy licked to himself pink sponges: - That is I understood, it is necessary to think. But probably the understanding was incomplete, so the child hit the head in the blade probably on a unit mill, and was rejected on initial positions. However, from it even it became a little more pleasant. The cybernetic device continued: - To think and imagine, here look what I was created, I can think even for you when for example you fall asleep though now the usual dream is not required to you for many years - the body and a brain will not know fatigue. Became the boy annoyingly: - Remarkably! And why you allowed me to beat the head? The computer willingly answered: - That you became more attentive, do not worry the boy, you even have no cone. Oleg Rybachenko smoothly flew up, then felt the head, everything was as it should be. Having darted a glance at the Reason Wave, he took off through doors and, having passed several corridors and fancifully arranged rooms took off outside. In the head music sounded, there was a wish to sing. Oleg Rybachenko tightened in all not childly a thunderous and orotund voice; The cruel fate of the Universe governs, And we were tired of destiny of blows to wait. Alas sometimes spiteful Cain exults, Also the mean, infernal Tat triumphs! But won against Wehrmacht sweet Mai, There w