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young researcher on a bottom. Having dodged, he tried to break off a loop, one forces were not enough. And terrible reptiles already swam up to it. The despair prompted an exit. Having used teeth, the boy terminator bit through a dense cover and tough meat. Mouths clanked hardly, without having cut off the head, will hook firm as diamonds canines a shoulder. It was very sick, the Tapir struck with two fists in eyes at once and from a reciprocal push a bullet took off on a surface. Then, having jumped reptiles on a back, he struck it heels, having forced to spin, and after leaning on a prickly back made a jump. Nasey, time he almost reached the coast. The feeler inertly tried to hook on it for a foot, but the boy managed to escape. Having reached the firm soil, Oleg Rybachenko felt more surely. The biome to fish soup waited for it soaring in air, the hyper suit also rose having extended by the soldier. . HEAD? 9 Poroshenko has adventures at height, in the world of space eternally young monsters too. Here the President-billionaire also asks: - And how we will distinguish each other? The boy anion automatic answers: - By means of a gravioskaner. - Well, it is possible. - Pyotr Alekseevich transferred the hyper suit to a condition of a nezrimost. Then it became easier to fly, and nobody paid attention to them. Only the image through a helmet began to move with a greenish shade. The academician anion playfully and fervently offered: - If you want, we can visit our laboratory. Poroshenko was surprised: - It there where you make experiments? - Yes in it. There we have serious developments. - Melor pointed a finger in an orange distance. - Let's hurry! Speed of men of science grew. Some of anions by which they flew by, quickly jumped aside in the parties. - Eh, razzudis shoulder. - Pyotr Alekseevich cried out. Its shout frightened away "children" and some of guests. One of them reminding a shestikhvosty jerboa so sharply jumped aside that sshib an anionka, and then crashed a wall. - Women! Boom! Bach! - The cheerfulness wave rolled on the president-billionaire, so laughing, he, nearly crashed into a triangle of on the point duty flying robot. The power screen softened blow, teeth clanked. The boy academician prompted: - It is effect of an energy surplus. Holds apart you, but try to hold emotions in hand. Pyotr Alekseevich confusedly murmured: - Yes I also understand what is not serious, but it is so much in me a nonsense. The young boy in centuries answered: - Nothing you will have soon an opportunity to splash out energy. Over a brotherhood clouds are condensed. It not too surprised Poroshenko: - What does war threaten? The academician-boy confirmed: - Like it, besides, it is possible to be enlisted in army of universal rescue. Poroshenko was puffed up and answered: - I will consider it. - Here we also arrived. Melor pointed to a floating bubble with the sharp shining top and loudly exclaimed: - Our laboratory. The construction was kind one and a half kilometers in the diameter. Pyotr Alekseevich moved apart widely hands. - I understand this - the building of science. - Boredom sciences! - The president-billionaire smacked the lips lips. - Where we will dive, there is no door? - Directly in a wall. Time, two and in the king! - The boy genius looked at Poroshenko as on intellectually defective child. Two men of science flew in a bubble belly. Walls were moved apart by itself, having passed grandmaster. Interiors were divided into several compartments where robots and not numerous anions worked. Melor became visible again and greeting waved with him a palm. Those joyfully answered, music played, fires flickered. - Here it a miracle - your peremestitel, you can explain us the principles of his action. The boy academician resolutely objected: - It is my personal secret - a know-how! I want it to give out to nobody. In which president, all considered as the cold egoist, the hero suddenly woke up: - Even if will inure to benefit of all mega-hyper Universe. Having improved a movement method on the worlds, we could give help to all oppressed beings of the infinite universe. Akademik-ogolets doubted: - Again references to advantage to whom? Poroshenko helplessly made a helpless gesture. Then Melor was responsible for him: - To all that is reasonable there are billions and even trillions of different types and types of live and reasonable matter. And we still a young civilization not most advanced in the Universe. But in the majority of anions are full of love and compassion. Poroshenko heaved a deep sigh: - As spoke at us wise muzhi-good intentions the road to hell is paved. - Hell this bad place of posthumous dwelling? - Melor specified. Skilled Poroshenko nodded: - You are acute. Sometimes it is a foul place and during lifetime. Young anion willingly confirmed: - That's it posthumous existence is foggy and is not proved, there are only numerous often inconsistent theories. Therefore our main goal to achieve justice and happiness during lifetime. Pyotr Alekseevich pompously said: - Good purpose. I and most would not like what churchmen teach to - wait, suffer, and after you it will be rendered in heaven. And specifically to improve life to them it is weak and there is no desire. - All religions in all universe are constructed on mercantile interests. Melor hooked a leg a spring, it began to vibrate. - Self-interested deception here credo of priests of various races and types. However, at us in it still will be, an opportunity will be convinced. - I on the planet saw enough of such rats. - Pyotr Alekseevich approached the device and began to adjust. The boy academician was surprised: - What do you do? - I watch what incidentally would not jerk. - Half in jest the president-billionaire said. Melor gave a whistle through clenched teeth: - All right, but you I hope, will not try to run away from us. Poroshenko quite rationally noticed: - And why, so far I could be convinced that you quite decent civilization. Melor did not answer it. Anion made a sign to the robot and delivered the whole set of unknown devices and details. - This will help you to improve the car. And the most important we can arrange conveyor production. Here by the way get acquainted with my colleagues. Two boys and the girl at once teleported, having got up near Melor. - We traditionally call ourselves not on names, and by nicknames. - There began a girl. - My name is Time. Another melodiously continued: - And me Sil! The third stridently loudly added: - And I am Volya! And all amicably roared: - Each of us made a set of discoveries for the benefit of a brotherhood and all reasonable. Force the blond boy with a tattoo in the form of lightnings and thorns on a face a grasshopper jumped up, then took similarity of a luchemet. - I made it. Unlike usually already traditional and set the teeth on edge laser this weapon special - it shoots the granulo-field. - Well and in what difference, from the laser. - Curious Pyotr Alekseevich inserted. The boy with a type of the know-it-all of universal scales explained: - At hit it causes turning of space. At the same time matter is turned as a snail, compresses to the molecule sizes more true. The enemy who is naturally reduced to such sizes is not dangerous at all. The president-billionaire did not understand in what a dirty trick: - But the opponent cut by a beam does not pose threat too. The boy academician logically and rationally explained: - Truly, but the force field easily parries beams. The truth is more powerful luchemeta with a termokvarkovy rating, but also filters are improved. Already made experiments from the field on twenty four measurements. The weapon grows - the armor improves, the armor amplifies - ability to punch it increases. Poroshenko absolutely fairly clever by nature guessed: - And the granulo-field as far as I understood, punches any power and protective barrier. Eternally young academician with enthusiasm confirmed: - Almost except thirty six measured, but so far it was not created. I think, as there are no pricks of it though billions of the worlds work at them. - Pricks. - Pyotr Alekseevich cheerfully burst out laughing. - Similar to pricks! What for types? The academician-boy frowned: - And we did not speak to you: the arthropods with eight floors breathing radioactive isotope of fluorine. These are even not proteinaceous individuals. Very aggressive race has an incalculable great number of slaves and satellites. Poroshenko at once guessed: - And you prepare for war with it? The immortal genius it is tearful prosipet: - If prepared. Most of our brothers to belong not seriously to the hung threat. And the main thing pricks outnumber us. They have trillions of heavy and easy starprobe vehicles - enormous force! There is a risk, they can be through with us with one blow. The president-billionaire was glad to show the erudition: - I understood, and only fear that time will get up with them a mean joke, stops armada. The boy academician with hunting confirmed: - Itself guessed. I praise! Your high I.Q. does credit. Well, now, you understood that why we should combine efforts? Pyotr Alekseevich with enthusiasm nodded: Got that. But it is obviously not the only threat. Eternally young academician confirmed: - Of course. We will in detail tell then you for now let's you make loading. Poroshenko began to smile all the new teeth: - It as. Though clearly you want to make happy me with knowledge. The academician-boy giggled: - Certainly, and extensive in various areas. - He agrees. - Pyotr Alekseevich gave a hand. The four of anions reaped it. The president-billionaire very much wanted to return back and will finish about Vladimir Vladimirovich ibn Hotabby. But here not the task, is an opportunity to learn a lot of unique, at the same time to increase the force. And that the arm - it will not leave payments. Inquisitive and inventive Poroshenko spent the next several days in studying, reflection. The new multidimensional physics, chemistry with million elements and measurement so far consisted from modern that it is very difficult to explain the main doctrines with normal human language. Too most concerns biology, cosmology, sociology, ultrahigh mathematics. All this poured out in millions of terabytes of information. It is good that the human brain moreover improved by bioengineering has sufficient volume to absorb the volume of knowledge to the sizes that it is possible to lay out a pile of volumes the sizes from Earth to the Sun moreover to wrap up several times around a star. And all this by means of hyper plasma is directly loaded into a brain. After that the head of Pyotr Alekseevich cracked as the rattle filled with peas in the child's hands. Thought to improve the car, relying on much more basic researches. First of all to expand range of action, to make it more compact, to move not to one, and with a group of persons. And it is even better not only in parallel space, but also within it is took for example and flew in other galaxy, or even the Universe located within a three-dimensional continuum. This multilevel hyper plasma - god of science of the future gives special opportunities. With its help it is possible to do everything, even to change function of "peremestitel". It of course already almost omnipotence. Melor and his colleagues helped the president-billionaire and the academician on erudition and knowledge. The eternal boy genius prompted Petra: - Be more careful, it is about energiya here capable to spray the planet. Poroshenko partly agreed to it: - I also understand, but in my option such big expenses will not be. In general at you a long time development went an expensive way, and it is necessary to belong to what is more rationally. The boy academician, seriously took offense at the similar remark: - We are also engaged all the time in it. Meanwhile the main volume of work came to an end. Peremestitel was ready to action. Time, Will, Force - gathered to celebrate a great fulfillment. Pyotr Alekseevich suggested to wet opening on ancient custom. Unfortunately, ethyl alcohol was considered as drug too, and any nonsense was forbidden in the territory of a brotherhood. Therefore instead of champagne decided to use Afarol drink causing easy euphoria and very nice to the taste. The pangolin cat and pineapple turtle in a diamond armor from other galaxy had a snack on zironovka meat nutritious. Petro Poroshenko proposed a toast to friendship and prosperity of all people, the nations, races, types. Then saw for good luck. The robot in a form reminding the person smoothly went to this moment at the height of a holiday to them. Having apologized, he squeaked. - To laboratory two anions flew up, and they ask to accept. The president-billionaire rose. - We wanted to keep all our researches in a secret. Melor with noise put a glass: - Yes unless you will hide it. Besides, I informed the Wave of Reason and still someone. Volya raised a forefinger up. - In a research secret all the same you will not conceal. And we for certain need the help of other anions while we pass to conveyor production. Poroshenko already quite accustomed to a role of the commander and bellowed: - Let fly. Will be guests. Oleg Rybachenko and Orr Sharli after adventures in another dimension could not but go to a meeting with "legend". Rybachenko Jr. on the way to kind five hours distracted, having been fond of game in virtual war with other anions and two tens inomiryan. Orr it was not really happy - if the young friend still can be understood - small still, then other anions are already adult, and from inaction do not know where will be stuck. The truth is one justification it is not bad preparation for war. Having gamboled, having fought, Oleg Rybachenko, at last, returned. What was further - did without total mutilation. The boy turning a printseps-plasma top even output morals: - You want to live - be able to spin, you want to survive - be able to get out, and you want to live well - do not spin, and be untwisted! Now it, at last, got in an inner sanctum, the wall originally did not let them, but then was moved apart. Having whisked as if, small fishes they appeared inside. Oleg Rybachenko paid attention to Petro Poroshenko at once. He is the former president of Ukraine looked as very large youth body builder. Other children on its background seemed absolutely small. However, they were growth approximately from Oleg Rybachenko, the boy understood it at once when he approached closer. - Well, you sit down. Melor specified. The table was moved apart at once: became much wider. - You I see, found to myself the new friend Orr. The eternal girl friendly nodded: - Of course, get acquainted it Oleg Rybachenko. The boy academician sent a mental impulse of a greeting: - Very pleasantly. I am Melor. Obtained about me information? The boy from alternative Earth with great feeling answered: - Yes as about one of the best scientists of the present. Children anions started giggling: - Here is how, and you know Poroshenko? The boy, unevenly drumming legs on a covering, answered: - He is our guest from other Universe. - As however, and Oleg Rybachenko. - Interrupted Orr - He got to us from other universe too. - And with what it planets. - Pyotr Alekseevich took an interest. - Fidelity! So we call it still Earth. - Having looked down, Oleg Rybachenko said. - Aha! Melor quickened. - He is your fellow countryman Mr. president. Pyotr Alekseevich rose in air. Personally the boy was not familiar to it. - Also the fellow countryman can, but I see you for the first time. - The president-billionaire attentively peered at a baby face of the boy. Oleg Rybachenko blinked the eyes: - No, I do not know you. You from Paracelsus? Poroshenko aggressively rolled up the head: - Is not present from this dreadful state... But from the country where now real war rages! The boy academician prishchuryas, asked: - Why dreadful? - Yes therefore. - At reminiscence at Oleg Rybachenko children's tears acted, the boy, choking with a grief continued. - Here that at first I was thrown into a jail, scoffed, tortured, then arrested and, most likely, shot my parents. Poroshenko with visible sympathy said: - I understand. This totalitarian regime has no right for existence. However, billions so think. - So can be, we will go together back, in the universe and we will wet the despot. Almost Oleg Rybachenko cried out. The temptation was too big. Pyotr Alekseevich made a silly smile. - We can quite make it. I am personally ready though now. The boy academician vigorously objected: - Well, is not present. It is very dangerous. I do not want that jerked in the densely populated capital. My simple sentence. Let's depart, on the empty planet or