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an asteroid, and there we will carry out transfer. Poroshenko which became the scientific researcher recently rationally objected: - And if does not return us to a starting point? Wave of Reason joined the general opinion: - Especially. It is necessary to finish a prospecting component of the device. That the nobility where to jump. Petro Poroshenko sighed: - This you have the most difficult with it problems too. - Yes I know. Inserted Orr. - I as will treat that, I do not know where, will throw out, the truth will back return, does not make problems. Experience is invaluable in particular with the newest system of a peremestitel "Zigerot". - It seems that it became outdated though I personally accepted a fate in its development. - Melor said. - And I and too. - The eternal boy Volya got into conversation. - But this thingummy devastated the whole hyper station. - I am not interested in technical details. The end result is important. - Inserted radiant Orr. Oleg Rybachenko savouring drink, mumbled: - Let's depart now or we will drink up "juice lemonade". - Let's drink up. Seconds do not solve. - Petro Poroshenko habitually looked at a bracelet. Scientists began to pour abstruse terms again, and to Oleg Rybachenko it was boring for the youngest of all. He began to remember cheerful stories and loudly laughed loudly. Purposely nobody paid attention to it. Only Pyotr Alekseevich noticed and threatened the little boy with a finger: - Listen attentively young man, it is useful to you in life - which can last eternity. Having finished food and having stuck to itself a large portion of the amplifier, they easily jumped and went to an exit. - So means on other planet. - Shy Oleg Rybachenko mumbled. - Why you ask again and so everything is clear. - Melor tore off in impatience. The boy placed more widely than a hand buzzed: - And on what we will depart eaglets? The boy academician laconically answered: - On a starprobe vehicle. - Wow! I never before flew on the real starprobe vehicle. - The boy highly jumped up. - And how it looks winged? Melor showed, giving spots of sunlight teeth: - Now you learn. Will switch to the mode of small teleportation. Hyper suits began to vibrate, the three disappeared. Then Petro Poroshenko evaporated. - Where it. - Oleg Rybachenko silly pointed a finger at air. - In Nebylyandiya. Made witticisms Orr. - You that forgot that within the planet we are capable to carry out instant transfer of matter and live bodies. The boy literally could not stop delight: - That's great, and it is not terrible? The girl anion contemptuously sniffed: - No, you will feel nothing. Well be configured to point 5197 and press the button. - Time! For some reason Oleg Rybachenko said. - Two, Three! The finger touches the button. It seems that the easy jolt of electricity beats the head. Already fairly grown hair bristle. Instead of the giant and decorated skyscrapers they appear in the bowl casting in the pink color. Dozen of the ships are at the bottom located - five of them are similar to acorns, four to a whale of a polosatik, two round as balls and only one have no form at all - floats and vibrates. - Here on it we will also depart. - Melor points to amorphous weight. - It is very good starprobe vehicle, it is capable to take any form and will disperse to one million light cycles per second. One of the best in a brotherhood. - Million light years. - Even skilled and experienced Poroshenko vylupit eyes. The boy academician began to explain with great feeling: - Well of course only in twenty four measured space, plus with addition of the termofitorialny accelerator. But with such speed it is possible to pierce space only as a last resort. Usually we are forbidden to fly so therefore - that the starprobe vehicle can turn into a supernew star. - Here is how. - Oleg Rybachenko said in admiration. And who invented the termofitorialny accelerator? - Termofit invented the whole collective, and we applied to it participation too. But so far we have only several similar motors. Wave of Reason it was furiously inflated and kept silent. - Pricks can crush us number. Though the technician at us, welcome better. - Melor sadly shook the head. - Arthropods very quickly propagate. And they lack vital spaces. In principle such race parasite has no right for existence. - Terribly shook Orr's curls. To Melor with it was in a padla to agree: - Well, why so. It is already racism. There are also more exotic types consisting of hyper plasma and ultra-radiation. The girl scientist logically and resolutely objected: - But they do not rush on other people. Reason wave rigidly ordered: - Will be enough, we will leave discussion for later in a starprobe vehicle and we start. Inside the ship seemed much more than outside. A situation of moderate luxury and comfort - the starprobe vehicle is intended for long flights. Navigation aids impress, but demand the highest I.Q. The truth a lot of things solves the hyper plasma computer. - Everything is very simple, we will not begin to leave limits of a galaxy. - Melor explained, and it is already more tender. - Let's just fly to the area of "The confused stars", there all equally almost nobody lives. - And the moving black holes. - Aura's voice was alarmed. They can swallow us. Sil's boy anion did not agree: - Here powerful protection and we will stay in this zone not long. Petro Poroshenko scratched a nose bridge. - It can it is right and will better move in other place. Melor vaguely answered: - Let's look. The starprobe vehicle entered a small giperdvarf, stars slid on a black bottom, leaving long loops behind a board. The computer prochirikat: - We make now... - Oho, I did not see it. - Oleg Rybachenko interfered. Also pointed a finger. Stars as an infusorians slid on externally smooth surface. Their tails were weaved into a network. Melor with pathos said: - Here other laws of physics reign, stars constantly move, extorting crowns. It is beautiful, but for less covered starprobe vehicle death. - I understand. - Oleg Rybachenko drew a finger according to the hologram. - But without risk not interestingly. - Still you will find a way to put the head in a loop. - The former president of Ukraine looked at the boy with a severe look, his levity got. The girl Vremya adjusted the panel, the meteor shower ahead flew. Having dexterously translated the purpose, she shot from a luchemet. The granite block blew up, having scattered on splinters. - Sniper! - Oleg Rybachenko said. - Give me. The centuries-old girl anion giggled, transferring control to the boy: - Take, here only do not put the power regulator on a maximum. The boy twitching asked: - Why? - Energy absorbs too much. However, we have a thermo-preonnovy reactor, reaction slow operated. - Volya pressed a finger to lips. - But it is still confidential development. Oleg Rybachenko pricked up the ears: - You have all confidential, hide from a brotherhood? The little girl titan vigorously objected: - Of course, no. But until everything is perfected, it is impossible to start in mass production. And that there will be any accidents. The boy from alternative Earth insisted, on pressure: - You what you are afraid of risk? Accurately got into conversation Orr. - Anions can live almost forever, and reproduction at us, itself know what. In this case life to be highly appreciated very much. And if someone dies, then it is such big tragedy. - The girl widely made a helpless gesture and let out from them spherical lightning discharges. - And if not immortality, then it is possible to be annihilated without fear. - Oleg Rybachenko took on some expression of the philosopher. - Well, you know, nobody wants to die - even if the term of life is short. At us it with pathos is described in many poetic works. And, nevertheless, then there were anions that sacrificed the life for the sake of another or the Homeland. The little girl drove quite frank wave: - I will not begin to hide, we had a period large-scale in specific wars when anions killed anions. That's when there was "a Brotherhood Sveta" - which finished wars, and then and death. Though disappearance can be and not death, and so transition to other level. - And on what! From the baby in an ovum. - Clumsily the boy Oleg Rybachenko made witticisms. Orr wanted to answer, but her words stiffened in a throat. The deep and deep voice of the on-board computer sounded. - Danger on the right on a board the wandering black hole. - We leave to the left. - Melor ran fingers over the hologram. The starprobe vehicle moved, hardly loading considerably grew. Stars instantly blurred as drops on glass. Then the ship braked. The boy academician chilly ordered: - The necessary asteroid before us seems. It is time to land. The celestial body was the big sizes. If to take terrestrial analogs that, perhaps, about Mercury. The remains of the atmosphere raised dirty-violet clouds, they were turned in fancy tornadoes. - The asteroid is uninhabited? - With interrogative intonation prnbsp; oiznes unruly Melor. Time answered with aplomb: - For us everything is manned. - Also added - Yes of course, here very cold temperature a little distinguishable from absolute zero. The boy academician rationally noticed: - But also at such temperature various life forms can meet. Time frowned: - There was an observing station earlier, and we found nothing. Melor moved with a nose which at it was extended as if a trunk: - And carefully investigated? Here gave a vote Siclass="underline" - Well of course. Directed works the Reason Wave, and it does everything accurately. Time giggled: - Well, if the Reason Wave, then I am quiet. Landing took place softly, high-rise steep slopes remained at the edges and smoothly dispersed in the parties. At the bottom of gorges liquid air - oxygen, nitrogen and even hydrogen lapped. - All to put on Giperkostyuma with protection. - Melor moved the screen. - Everything seems quietly. They without effort passed through a ship board. The eternal boy Volya remained to protect a starprobe vehicle. Other five, having stretched hands, soared over a surface - chose the place of landing. At this moment the alarm signal began to squeak - on plazmo-computers the red bulb was lit. The boy academician was surprised: - This is strange, the huge asteroid is stable. What's the matter. - Let's themselves cover with an invisible camouflage. - A reasonable ogolets Oleg Rybachenko offered. - Perhaps, it is also right. - Petro Poroshenko highlighted an inscription on a computer bracelet. - The starprobe vehicle of an unknown design approaches an asteroid. - The computer began to squeak. - And this is already interesting. It is better to hide and observe. - Melor kept calm. Brave travelers hid in a peshcherka and gravioskaner included. Their ship however, was so perfect that completely merged with the rock. - We now as a pangolin in an ambush. - Said Sil. . HEAD? 10 Abner the first half of day was carried in turn on Petk and Vask's shoulders. Then the stony road terminated, and boys slaves embroidered on the Balkan way which is laid out by an equal tile. Knyazhich willingly got down from the boy lackey's shoulder. And so to itself the back stayed all. The brought-down soles already began to hem though to go still bolnovato, but on a gladenky plitochka is quite tolerant. Knyazhich walked and admiring the Balkan beauty thought. To what the Pallada is changeable and whimsical. He is now a half-naked slave who limps on the brought-down legs, and with the connected hands moves in the southern direction. It is interesting that his notable peers thought having seen Abner in only one dirty, a loincloth? For certain would begin to laugh and point a finger at the princely son. Here so the fate wheel spins! In the evening Abner did not pobrezgat stale flat cake and date any more. Soles burned, and the boy-knyazhich at first cooled them in a streamlet, and then lifted up above that blood rushed back. The continuous course of game ached of several o'clock. Slave... It now only the barefoot, unfortunate slave whom the lash at any time can burn. Abner fell asleep... To it something absolutely inconceivable seemed in a dream, and it is even difficult to call it a fasmogoriya; The first high stone walls of Tsargrad - Constantinople arrived. Then followed the whole cavalcade, impressive and magnificent palaces and buildings, the greatest and magnificent city of the Middle Ages. Especially brightly hundreds of gold domes of orthodox churches shone on the sun. Even great Kiev was not as magnificent as this tsar of all grad. The picture showed the past, there was a summer and everything blossomed, palm trees, lianas, oaks, maples and silver fir-trees everything mixed up in the exotic city. The ports of Tsargrad were overflowed with vessels, the colourful ships filled harbor. Some of them were huge, the boards sheathed by iron from each party one hundred oarsmen. Heavy soldiers to them semicircular boards stuck out on each side, on a nose the established catapults and pipes for the Greek fire. Warships romeev big - dromona, less skendiya covered a way to harbor and the first stage to the passage Bosphorus. The first grand duke of Russia Oleg will give the order to future time to a half of the Russian fleet, from small castles to stick to the coast and to set the ships on wheels. Having bypassed terrible Byzantine fleet by land, the Russian soldiers under the screen of night struck from the back. In near fight, dromona lost advantage, many of them are simply boarded, also legendary Greek fire did not help, so promptly met in near fight of an urusa. After bloody fight all fleet of Byzantium died, Bosporus gate fell, and boastful Byzantines were forced to agree to shameful capitulation, having paid an enormous tribute. Then the grand duke Prophetic Oleg also took out a throne of the Byzantine emperor. If not a fatal sting Hindu (obviously brought by some overseas magician!) the viper who hid in a horse skull as the nobility there would be no prince Oleg the Russian Genghis Khan. In the centuries which passed since the time of Konstantin, shine of the Byzantine glory slightly grew dull, but the hail still strikes. St. Sophia Cathedral, a real miracle of the world of that time is especially big. Constantinople enormous the peninsula is given in the sea. Very tall white walls from four and hexagonal towers, appear, grow from the rocky granite coast. And the Gold horn is decorated with the giant beacon, at night, shining as forty moon and the fortress palace which is carried away in height. On the left side, on an extremity of the peninsula, over the sea diverse assemblies of palaces of emperors - the Second Rome were seen between harmonous cypresses, they were decorated by numerous fountains and statues of the enormous sizes, especially there are a lot of gilded griffins. All this curled fancy curls. St. Sophia Cathedral seemed, hung in the blue sky, and easy its design was so unusual. And several rows of white walls, according to the legend of Romans Apollo and Poseidon helped to build them. Many Byzantines and on the quiet esteem now the most ancient antique gods. How many tens, and maybe hundreds of thousands of slaves, lay down on buildings, only one God the Lord knows. Far away from palaces the city looked differently, too stone, but more gray, though blossoming. Constructions as if rise on steps, higher and higher. They to last to the horizon, merging with dark-cornflower-blue clouds. The building of the Supreme Court reminds the gold horn topped with a terrible lion's muzzle. In this hour when the sun already jumped a zenith, and slightly weakened the heat, from the uncountable ships which came from all over the world, dumped anchors and vacationers in quiet waters water is not visible. There were vessels which did a long and difficult way by the Russian sea - merchants from the state Shakharmenov, from Shirvan, Baghdad, the ruined Khwarezm, Kashkar and China and many other countries went to them. Were here and from India, Arabia, Egypt from Hansa and Europe. By the ships various voices and diverse languages were heard. Overseas dealers constantly exchanged, bought, sold furiously bargaining. Behind a gold Horn the Coast of Peru turned pale, he reminded slightly embellished hail Vladimir. In places churches and towers rose, the biggest tower of Christ hanged over the sea. And in the distance, in beams of the sun gentle turned blue and cast pearls of the mountain. - Beauty! - The beauty princess Dolgorukaya exclaimed, and rounded cornflower-blue eyes. - What delightful look! But I do not want to admire beauty of Tsargrad, and I want to see the children. The saucer changed the image, having moved to the slave bargaining. The place allocated unde