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ns of various stars, and also food for natural anomalies. Here magnificent food, apparently, vitamin-rich and minerals. However besides me, also environment looks younger. Plants and trees decrease, perhaps, the same happens to animals, by the way, it is necessary to observe them. In general a conclusion something here not so with the fourth measurement - time arises. It moves not rectilinearly, and on a meeting or more precisely in the opposite direction. So everything goes exactly the opposite. The old man turns into the man, then into the young man, then into the baby. And later? Probably, absolutely disappears. Poroshenko combed a palm rebellious locks. - Mm da! The prospect to disappear does not seduce me. Really so everything is gloomy, no, it is necessary to find a way to recharge the accumulator urgently . HEAD? 3 Obama as Napoleon accustomed quickly. Especially at it unlike widely famous hero of the novel of Hamilton: "Star kings", it was held in full excellent in remembrance Bonaparte. So special problems did not arise yet. To some extent in the democrat Obama the despot almost at once woke up. He ordered to sew to soldiers a new form, under color of meadows and fields, to refuse cockardes, curls, braids and other jewelry. And, certainly, to shave all, including also officers bare. New decrees of the emperor caused certain discontent at once. But Napoleon's authority is high more than ever, and several public floggings at once made silent dissatisfied. Introduction of transfer of teams tags, and by means of spots of sunlight became one of simple innovations. Obama-Napoleon also called engineers and chemists, having stated to them, the general reasons on these or those I will give arms. Also charged to work. Balloons can already be produced now. Technology of receiving hydrogen rather simple and Barack-Bonaparte, showing excellent school memory, gave installation on production not only balloons, but also the first-ever airships. War with Russia was postponed so far, but forces are already collected enormous and their contents is burdensome for treasury. Only against Russia 450 thousand soldiers, apart from two hundred thousand more scattered on the European garrisons are allocated. So that to hold such armada and not to be at war... What to dismiss them on houses? Obama could decide on war with Russia in case of some internal disorders. For example, flash mass revolts there. Agents to Cossacks and to the Ukrainian lands were already transferred. But when it will be... And time goes, every day the winter is closer and closer. And fall with pouring rains for a campaign to Russia not sugar. Obama-Napoleon had quite logical and artless thought. Why to go a campaign on the country where Napoleon and Hitler broke to themselves ridges if it is possible to take territorial acquisitions from weaker opponent. In this case Turk. Just Ottoman Empire lost to Russia war, so, showed weakness. And at Turks remained efficient forces very little. So why not to revenge Ottomans for Egypt? Obama very much liked to talk and perorate. In America a system close to real democracy, it is also necessary to have a speech power to become the head of state. Here and now Napoleon-Barack made the two-hour speech, and vigorous gesticulations. For the last two weeks, Bonaparte lost several kilograms. Thin Obama tried to go more, is less and to get rid of excess burden. So now Napoleon seemed to a few land more angrily. A campaign to Turkey? And why is also not present? To exempt Christians from oppression of Ottomans, to release a coffin Dominical, and certainly, to solve some own problems. Obama spoke beautifully, with great feeling and long. As the U.S. President often liked to repeat it: silence gold - only often giving yellowness of change. Campaign to Turkey... Thousands, tens of thousands of soldiers welcome the speech of the emperor. They exult and throw highly up the headdresses. Did not manage to pass to caps yet and to get helmets. Napoleon-Obama however, is sure, as they will do without it. Rather mountain tops of the Balkans, and the Turkish garrisons will become the main obstacle in a way. At real Bonaparte prompts memory, too there were views of the Ottoman Empire. Napoleon spoke: "I will calm down only in Constantinople". But Bonaparte postponed the decision on a campaign for the South until defeat of Russia. The tsar Alexander does not show any aggression. Even sent gifts to it. However two attempts to marry sisters of the Russian emperor failed. Thus, the union with Russia was impossible. And Napoleon strongly took offense. But Obama remembering lessons of history it is careful. In the European territory, it is possible to win against the Russian army still, but houses and walls help. And the Ottoman Empire is quite worthy prize. The emperor Franz can receive ports in the Mediterranean Sea again, and France new resources, for war with British. Here in particular and submarines will be put to use, and even torpedoes! However, at desire Britain can and be crushed quantity. If Hitler would not begin war with Stalin or if quickly would crush Russia, then England held on not further 1943! The truth in this case and the USA could have problems. Still in America there are disputes, Roosevelt was right or not, helping the USSR. Maybe it would be better to continue war in the coalition with the Third Reich and to divide Russia? The public opinion is formed in the West by mass media so it is not difficult to incite them against Bolsheviks. Obama caught himself on thought that he is thought of events of the twentieth century now. Unexpectedly Bonaparte-Barack appeared on covered bright as asterisks semi-precious stones a throne. Harlequinade of a sleg changed appearance, having become dark-haired with similar the Turkish woman. But Obama at once understood that it it. The girl demiurge kissed Napoleon-Barack on a mouth and greedy attacked on him. Probably Harlequinade got used to be the active party in sex, and literally forced men. But the pleasure from her divine body, and energy of the Creator of mirozdaniye, passed all imaginable and inconceivable limits. As if blew up in infernal flashes - supernew stars, and the incalculable worlds were born time. The vacuum was shaken, and photons executed bravura march! From which the Marseillaise was born. When madness terminated, Barack-Bonaparte felt to himself vigorous and not tired and as if received an energy charge. And in it began to sparkle, batteries of termopreonny synthesis. Harlequinade looked blossoming too. Even again her hair found color of gold leaf. The goddess-little girl playfully noticed: - Here you, of course, now are far stronger than Turks, and your campaign, will be braked rather by a relief, than Ottoman troops. But you could win against Stalin hordes? Obama introduced quite sincere idea: - At Stalin Russians won, at the expense of a mighty military vehicle! - Napoleon-Barack parted more widely than a hand, and continued. - At two hundred tools on front kilometer do not ask about the opponent and do not report but only inform what boundary was reached by our coming parts. (C) It seems... It is attributed to the marshal Moskalenko. The harlequin on it it is soft, but persistently declared: - In real war if the line of strengthenings is strong, and blindages reliable, then artillery preparation in itself war does not turn an outcome. During fight at the Assembly shelling German positions continued seven days, and 350 thousand shells per every day were thrown out. From the Soviet history, Rzhev and Sychovsky operation ended with failure though the Soviet troops had more favorable ratio of forces, than near Stalingrad. The little girl with gold hair threw a leg the dagger covered with sapphires and continued: - It is possible to give a lot more examples when the spirit was much higher than matter. Obama with a sad look noticed: - Precision weapons kill heroes! And whom the fighting spirit of the opponent interested? The warrior demiurge from pressings in a voice noticed: - And it is frequent and there is a most important... To remember 300 Spartans battling from two million army of the tsar Darius. The example, that as spirit is stronger than matter! The American president scratched to himself a cocked hat that estimated and skeptically said: - It is a hint on possible failure of a campaign to Constantinople? Harlequinade negatively shook the head: - No! Just I will show you one of parallel mirozdaniye where history and to what consequences similar could lead was a little displaced. And the goddess-creator struck a finger by air. Now Obama could observe an interesting show. Not too, however, pleasant, for the American. Command of the well-known break of December, 1944 in Anderrakh was charged to Maynstein. Hitler decided to return and disgraces the most talented and the carrying out having an extensive experience offensive operations of the field marshal. And charged to Model command of group of Vistula armies in the center of the German defense on east front. It seemed that it will not have crucial importance, but... Here opinion of the American journalist Ralf Irgensoll. As it describes break; Germans as though had everything - suddenness, speed, fire power and a high morale. Looking at the card in the morning on December 17, it seemed impossible to stop them, - they broke through our line of defense at the front in fifty miles and rushed in this break as water in the blown-up dam. And from them, on all roads conducting on the West Americans ran at top speed! That is it is visible that the failure was not predetermined at all, and nazis stood to win. Maynstein managed, using tactics of the concentrated blows to take straight off Baston. The success was promoted by the deception, more than once, tested by Maynstein on East front. Germans advanced to the attack under the American flags, and Yankees took Hitlerites, for the own receding troops. Germans used a small amount of captured machines of the western sample, and is trivial painted over swastikas, having drawn white stars. Capture of Bastoni who was covered by a 101-airborne division led to the fact that Hitlerites could leave to the Maas River, even ahead of schedule and to occupy not blown up bridges. And further, not destroyed warehouses to Liege and Namur were taken. There fascists found for themselves huge reserves of fuel and ammunition. In fights "Royal tigers" caused a stir, and bad weather promoted that the aircraft of allies bowled off. On December 23 Antwerp was taken, large forces of allies appeared in an environment. And on December 25 by Christmas Germans occupied also the capital of Belgium - Brussels. For the first time since 1941 Hitlerites could brag of the taken capital. Approach, unprecedented on the scales, its mad speed and abundance of the taken trophies, and also many ten thousand prisoners of war, shook allies to the basis. It seemed that to be created a miracle. Germans felt inspired, and Americans with British gave up more and more. In these conditions Wilson Churchill offered the unexpected course: a truce for a period of hundred days. Roosevelt was already seriously ill, and reported that start up this question, generals solve. The unity in the circle of commanders was absent. But threat of a complete disaster, and huge losses, pushed the American generals to support a truce since January 1, 1945. Now the word remained for Hitler. The Fuhrer after the message on the largest progress in the West recovered. To it returned cheerfulness, and he literally looked younger. And first apprehended the offer in bayonets. - As it is possible to stop such brilliant approach when we are very close to a clear victory! However the general quite rationally explained to the Fuhrer that Americans have the population almost equal USSR, and thirteen-million army, and Britain together with colonial troops and dominions is even more. So that even taking into account a morale of the opponent, allies will quickly go, and will turn into counterattack. And Russians according to the latest data prepare powerful blow in the center and East Prussia. Then the Fuhrer offered a truce for a period of a year, and with a global exchange prisoners of war. Considering how many captives, took fritsa, it is quite clear that Churchill and the American oligarchs did not begin to argue. Especially the German prisoners of war will fill up Wehrmacht and will not allow Stalin to take Europe in a year. And where to allies to hurry? America will carry out test of an atomic bomb soon, it is possible to break Japan - having given itself a free hand. And at the same time to exsanguinate even more both the Third Reich and the USSR. And then to take their lukewarm... So Churchill made the decision itself, and Roosevelt, being sick and spineless did not begin to object. And Hitlerites right there decided to throw tank army CC and sixteen of the most full-blooded divisions on east front 6. Completely it is impossible to hide concentration of the Soviet troops on bases on Vistula and Model managed to strengthen defense. Besides this lion of protection took away reserves from under artillery preparation of the Soviet troops, and most strongly strengthened the second and third line of defense. He managed to convince also Hitler to throw part of forces and Hungary and Slovakia. The Fuhrer decided that if in Italy approach is not expected, then it is possible from there and to remove part of troops. Stalin appeared unexpectedly in private with Wehrmacht which still controlled considerable part of Europe and... began to hesitate. The situation sharply changed, Iosif wanted to deal with it at first. Approach in the center was planned for January 20. In real history it began for 8 days earlier, and in not really favorable weather conditions. However Churchill of Stalin did not ask to come now, and usually careful Soviet head of state credit obligations felt some confusion. Of course the most logical decision, was to begin approach as soon as possible not to allow Germans to strengthen defense, at the expense of the parts thrown from the West. But indecision at sharp change of a situation and not clear provisions was one of Stalin's shortcomings. The leader, for example did not decide to strike Hitler with the first in 1941. Stalin did not decide, to take Berlin in February, 1945 though because of shortage it is combustible and ammunition hardly counterstroke of Germans from Pomerania would be effective. The Supreme Commander also did not decide on direct military invasion into Yugoslavia, against hated Tito, on annexation of territories in Iran, or planting of communist regime in Finland. Stalin in foreign policy always more reserved, than in internal. At there is no more fear of foreigners, and even what awe. So contrary to a logiya the leader began to hesitate on the present, and solved approach in the center so far to postpone. The number of the German troops of group of Vistula armies increased quickly. In a month in infantry doubled from 800 thousand to 1650, in tanks and SAU with 1136, to 3870 cars, in artillery from 4103 to 8000 thousand, and aircraft with 270, to 2100 planes. Thus, Germans could make overweight of the Soviet troops in forces not so catastrophic, than earlier. Besides Model constructed more viable defense. Germany after the termination of bombings increased release of equipment. Especially jet fighters ME-262. The last car became more and more technically reliable, and it reduced weight. Promises were shown also by NE-162, the best fighter on the flight characteristics in the world. And the jet bomber of Arado increased quantity, and its new modifications appeared. Gradually German aircraft began to get over Soviet qualitative superiority. While the Soviet aircraft designers are still very far before emergence full jet the plane. Let's remind, MIG-15 began to fly only in 1948, and went to a series in 1949. And it in a peace time and by means of the German designers and developments. Considering rapid growth of production of jet monsters, superiority of the USSR in air was called into question. In tank construction it was a little better, but Hitlerites could start in a mass production of SAU E-25 possessing quite decent booking by a 88-millimeters gun and at a low silhouette and weight. Superiority in quality could transfer a possibility of emergence of cars of a series E to Germans and in tank construction. However and "Panther" kept superiority in encounter attack over T-35-85 first of all at the expense of more armor-piercing gun so far, and "pantser"-4 had front booking and arms, at a low silhouette quite satisfactory. The gun of "Panther" coped with all Soviet tanks, 80 - millimet