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trap; —il; —el trap, — door, hatchway; (ship's) hatchway

traplo; —i trap; to —, to set a —, to catch in-

trar v present of tri, to find

trashenda; —o transcendent; —ence, —ency

trasit; —i transit; to —, to send in —

traso; —i (comm. ) bill, draft; to draw

tratado treatment

tratal treaty, agreement

tratali to negociate, to treat, to discuss

tratayo treatise

tratel contract, transaction, bargain

traten; —i treat, feast, banquet; to entertain, to regale

trati; —o; —azo to treat; —ment

traumo; —a (med. ) traumatism; —atic

trav; —ek beam; joist

travel; —i; —er travel; to —; —eller

travelcek travellers check

traversel bolster

traverso; —i crossing n; to cross

travest(o); —azo; —i disguise; to —

travet small beam, girder

travolvi; —o to overthrow, to upset; — n

travon; —i prop; to —

trax(o); —il; —ingo traction; to draw, to pull; tractor

trazi; —o; —er to betray; —yal; —er, traitor

tre; —a three; third

treanya three years'; — — old

tred (o); —i; —er trade; to —; —er

tred-akord commercial agreement, —treaty

tredaflot merchant service, mercantile marine

tredajus commercial law

tredakod commercial code

treek three hundred

treflo (bot. ) clover, trefoil; (cards) clubs

treis; —o thirty; a group of thirty

trel; —azo; —i warping, hauling; to haul, to tow

trelyo; —suk climbing vine; vine-juice, wine

trem(o); —i trembling n; to tremble

tremigi; —o to shiver, to tremble; —ing n

tremoli to totter

trempo; —i temper; to —

tren; —e; —i train; by —; to go by —

trenc(o); —i trench; to entrench

trengo implements, outfit

trenior train-ferry

trenon; —i living in style; to live —

treo trio, a group of three

trepani; —azo (med. ) to trepan; —anning n

trepidi; —azo to vibrate, —ing; to quiver, —ing, to shudder, —ing

tres; —i tress, braid; to —

tresor; —i; —ist treasure; to hoard; treasurer

trespo stage; trestle

trev(o); —i truce; to make a —

tri to find

triavel great-great-grandfather

trib(o); —a tribe; —al

tribord; —a (naut. ) starboard n; a

tribul; —i tribulation; to afflict, to pain

tribun tribune

tribunal tribunal

tribunist popular orator, — leader

tribut; —er duty, tax; — payer; tributary, dependant

triciklo tricycle

trident trident

triglo(fish) red mullet, gurnard

trigon; —a triangle; —gular

trigonometrio; —etra trigonometry; —ic (al)

trik; —i (cards) trick; to take a —

trikin (med. ) trichina

trikorno; —a tricorn; three-cornered

trildo; —i wire-drawing; to wire-draw

trilingua trilingual

trilyon trillion (1018)

trim; —i a third (fract. ); to divide by three

trimbali; —azo to drag (to lug, to cart) about

trimes; —a quarter, three months; quarterly

trinki to clink (to chink) glasses, to have a drink

trio trio

trionfo; —i; —er triumph; to —; —ing, —er, victor

trip (cook. ) tripe

triparta tripartite

triped tripod

triplex triplex

triplo; —a triple, treble, threefold n, a

triportil carrier-tricycle

tripot; —azo; —i; —er mess, messing (pottering) about; to mess about; meddler

triptik triptych

trir v past tense of tri, to find

trisanye thrice a year

trish; —i; —er cheating n; to cheat; — (player)

triside three times a day

trismese three times a month

trisore three times an hour

trista; —eso; —i sad; —ness; to sadden

tristol; —i sorrow, grief; to grieve, to afflict

trisveke three times a week

trit(o); —azo; —i; —el crushing, to crush; hashing, to hash; minced meat

tritil; tritol chopping-knife; (cook. ) meat-ball

triton triton

Triun; —a (eccl. ) Trinity; —arian

trivyala; —eso; —ado vulgar; —ity

trizo; —i sorting; to sort

tro; —a too much pronoun; a

troen (bot. ) privet

trofeo trophy

troglodit; —a troglodyte; —tic

trok; —i barter, exchange; to —

trolebus trolley-bus

troley trolley

tromben waterspout

trombo trumpet

trompi; —a; —era; —o to deceive; —ing a; —er; deceit, cheating

trompiok camouflage, trompe-l'oeil; dummy drawing

tromponi to make a gross mistake

tron; —a; —i throne; of the —; to —, to reign

tronso stump, piece, section