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tropik; —a tropic; —al

troplen overfull n

troplo (bot. ) nasturtium

tror v future of tri, to find

trot; —i; —er trot, trotting n; to —; —otter

trotlo top (toy)

trovayo; —yaro lost property; —office

trovel lucky find, bargain

trovul foundling

Troya Trojan

troye in too many places

troyes too many times, too often

Troyo Troy, Troad

tru through

trubana; —i soaked, wet; to soak, to drench

truca cruel, barbarous, monstrous

truf; —a truffle; stuffed with —s

trufendi to cleave in twain, to run through, to stab

trufuli to shove through the crowd

trui, trugi to go through, to pierce, to stab

truk; —i trick, knack; to fake; to gerrymander, to cheat

trul through the

trulando cross-country

trulerni to learn thoroughly

trump; —i trump; to —

trunk(o) trunk, suitcase

trunket small trunk

trup; —el troop; (mil. ) detachment

truparli to talk up to, to monopolize the conversation

trupasi to go through; —il police pass, safe-conduct

trus; —el; —eyo bundle, case, dressing-case; bundle; (keys-) bunch; (bride's) trousseau, (US) hope-chest

trusemenat bespangled, bestrewed, bestrewn

trust; —eo trust; —ee

trut trout

trutrue through and through

tsar; —in; —ol tsar; —ina; —evitch

tsigan; —in gipsy m; f

tu; tua you, thou; your, thy

tualet; —i toilet; to have a wash, to dress; (also: lavatory)

tub(o); —a pipe, tube n; a

tuberklin (med. ) tuberculine

tuberklo; —it; —ita tuber, (med. ) tubercle; tuberculosis; —ulous

tublin pipe-line

tubyo tub, bathing-tub

Tud; —a; —e Tuesday n; a; adv.

tuf (geog. ) tufa

tugur hovel, slum

tuki to tow (naut. )

tulgo (fabric. ) tulle

tuli to take, to take off, to take away

tulpo tulip

tumor; —a (med. ) tumour; —oral

tumul barrow, tumulus

tumulto; —a; —i uproar, tumult; —tuous; to kick up a row

tun tunny-fish

tunel tunnel

tunik (eccl. ) tunicle; (mil., med., bot. ) tunic

tup; —i cheek, nerve; to have —

tur walk, stroll, tour

turado; —a; —e tour; on — a, adv.

turba; —o; —i dim, blurred, confused, troubled; trouble, confusion; to trouble, to confuse

turbant turban

turbin; —a turbine n; a

turbojet turbo-jet

turbot (fish) turbot

turf racing, turf

turismo; —ist; —a tourism; —ist; —istic

turkezyo turquoise

Turkio, Turk(a); —kal Turkey; —kish; —kish (lang. )

turne in turn, by turns

turno turn

turpa ignoble, wicked, vile; —ado, —eso turpitude

turto pie (cook. )

tus; —i; —on cough; to —; (med. ) fit

tuto; —er tutelage; guardian, tutor

tutol (agr. ) stake, support, prop

tuzi to address s. o. saying "thou"

twist; —i (dance) twist; to —

tyermo; —a delay, term n; a

tyesto carapace, shell

u at, in possession of

ublo (naut.) side-scuttle, air scuttle

uca —e recipocral; —lly

uci to reciprocate

ud(o); —ado; —er; —i hearing n; audience; listener, hearer; to hear

uda auditory a

udaro auditorium

udavida audio-visual

udazo audition

udeyo audience (persons)

udibla audible

uditor auditor (jur.)

uf; —i; —er horseshoe; to shoe; black-smith

uk; —oco corner; nook, recess

ukel dog-ear, corner-pleat

ukoza angular, stiff

ul at the, in possession of the

ulcer; —i (med.) ulcer; to —ate; (fig.) to wound, to embitter

uldo; —i homage, respects, regards; to pay homage, to dedicate

ulex (bot.) furze, gorse

ulka funny, comic, quizzical

ulso coal

ultima last, ultimate

ultra ultra

ultrason ultra-sound, supersonic wave

ultravirus ultra-virus

ultravyola ultra-violet

ulul(o); —azo; —i ululation; to —ate

um around

umaro surroundings

umbo; —i; —er boast; to —; —er

Umbro; —a Umbria, —an

umel pillow-case, — slip

umer; —a humerus; —eral

umi to surround

umida; —eso wet, damp, humid; humidity

umila; —i; —eso humble; to —, to humiliate; humbleness, humility

umo frame, edging, entourage

umor; —kuno humour; — compatibility

umtorno contour

umur; —senso humour; sense of —