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Xenlejon Foreign Legion

xenofoba; —io xenophobe; -obia

xilofon xylophone

X-rado, Xerados X-rays

ya yes

yagen (hunting's) game

yago; —i; —er hunting; to hunt; -er

yam; -ol bait; fish-hook

yanko skein

yash; —i axe, hatchet; to mangle, to hack

yaza; —i affirmative; to assent, to acquiesce

ye; —a there; of that place

yedus over there, yonder

yef beetle, pile-driver

yefon; -i steam-roller; to level a road with a -

yego hedge

yeinte, yeine therein

yem; —a, —e; -sportos   winter; -'s; in winter time; - sports

yen that a

yenelte on that side

yengo hyena

yenid; -a that day; -'s

yenin that one f

yenkaze in that case

yenko (bot. ) reed

yenie for that reason

yeno that pronoun

yenoxe on that occasion

yentempe in that time

yenun that one m

yenyes that time

yeobe there over

yer; -a; -ser; -matin yesterday; -'s; - evening; - morning

yerarka; -io hierarchical, -archy

yes time; —os -s

yevo age (epoch, era)

yo ago

yoanyo; —s a year ago; -s -

yobenlong a long time ago

yobivek two weeks ago

yoga, yogo; -ist yoga, yogi

yoinstant an instant ago

yolong long ago

yomes; —os a month ago; -s -

yominut one minute ago

yonolong not long ago

yor; -a horror, horrible

yosomidos some days ago

yot; -ing yacht; -ing n

yovek; -os a week ago; -s -

Yuda Jew, -ish

Yul; -a, -e July; of, in -

yumi to inhale, to breathe in, to feel a smell

yun(a) young

yundelikteso juvenile delinquency

yunel; —in young man; girl

yuni; —fa to rejuvenate; -ation

yunin girl

yuno; -eyo; —eso youth (age; young people; condition)

yuvo; —i profit, advantage; to - za their

zampo paw

zaopine in their opinion

zap; —uyo (techn.) tenon; mortise

zas theirs

ze them

zebro zebra

zefir zephyr all s

zel they f

zela their f

zelo zeal

zen; —i constraint; to constrain; to oneself

zep spade, shovel

zero zero, naught

zey them f

zezel; —i lisp; to —

zi they

ziel they (m and f)

zigzag; —a; —e zigzag n; a; adv.

zim ferment

zinko; —a zink n; a

zirkon zircon

zirkonyo (chem.) zirconia

zo thus, that is why

zobel (zool., lur.) sable

zodicande, zodice so to speak

zok sabot

zom; —a; —e summer; —'s; in —

zon zone

zonyo (med.) zona, shingles

zoo zoo

zoolog; —io zoologist; —logy

zorger caretaker

zorgo; —i bother; to —; worry; to —

zorgol; —i attentions, waiting, to wait on someone hand and foot

zorgoza very careful, careworm

zu to them

zuk; —et (bot.) gourd; small —

zum; —i buzz, hum(-ing); to —

zun; —a; —e; —i knee; —'s; kneeling a, adv.; to kneel

zunil knee-pad, knee-guard

zura smoked, smoke-dried

zurel kipper, red herring

zut! dash it!

zuy to them f

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