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I made a quick stop by Blackgentlemen.com to see if any new bachelors had been added. All I could say was, “My, oh my!” The commercials for the website are what motivated me to check it out. I was shocked to see the way it was laid out. It was a free site, but I didn’t want to join. I rather decided to tour the site as a guest. They had me check two boxes; one telling my sex and the other telling which sex I was searching for. I checked female and then male and hit continue. Then they asked if I just wanted to hang out and meet people, seek out a committed relationship, or just try something wild and freaky. Of course, I chose the wild and freaky button. It then asked me what age group I was interested in, what my zip code was, and what my sexual interests were. I entered 30344 as my zip code and selected the domination and submission button. What the fuck!

I was surprised to see a ton of matches come up with pictures included on the site. Now being on a bachelor or bachelorette site is one thing, but being on a site and announcing to the world that you are into domination and submission is another thing altogether. It was cool by me because it just made me hornier to know I wasn’t the only freak of the week. The real trip was the fact that at least half of them were married. It’s a small world and I could imagine the beatdown some of them must have gotten when their wives, or worse, one of their wives’ friends spotted the ad and then spread the word to all the other friends, associates, and family members.

I scanned the ads, mostly checking out the pictures, since most of them were jacked up and easy to eliminate. I finally spotted a thirty-nine-year-old male named DickinUDown. He said he was five-eleven with a muscular body and that he didn’t smoke but he drank sociably. He also said that he was open to conventional sex, sex with a couple, sex with no intercourse, and domination and submission.

He was looking kind of fly in his picture, even though it was sort of blurry. I decided to email him and get straight to the motherfucking point.

To: DickinUDown@pitbullsonline.com

From: DurtyDeedz@cumntastethis.com

Subject: Cum and Dick This Down

Dear Dickin,

I saw your ad on the dating website and I am not one to mince words or play games. You live in Atlanta and so do I. Let’s hook up and see what can happen when we get “durty” together in the Durty South. I prefer to remain a mystery so all I’m willing to tell you at this point is that I have “the three F’s.” I’m freaky, fine, and I have a fat ass.

If you get this email right away, you are looking at the opportunity of a lifetime. I’m willing to meet up with you in a private place and fuck the living daylights out of you. Why, you ask? Because I’m bored, horny, and sick of not being able to find a decent fuck the traditional way.

It is now ten after four. You have until exactly six this evening to respond. After that, this offer expires and I’m moving on to the next man that catches my eye on the site.

Keeping It Real,


I stayed online but went to the kitchen to fix something to eat. There wasn’t a damn thing in there. I went through Jon’s purse to see if she had any cash and there was nothing so I hit up her reserve that she kept hidden in a sock in her lingerie drawer.

I got a twenty out and then called the closest pizza place to request a delivery. I wanted a pizza with all the red meat they could find on it. While I waited for the pizza, I turned on Jerry Springer. That’s my motherfucker right there. If they ever try to take Jerry off the air, I’m putting my foot to someone’s ass.

I had just sat down when the email chime went off on the computer. I got back up and went to read it.

To: DurtyDeedz@cumntastethis.com

From: DickinUDown@pitbullsonline.com

Re: Cum and Dick This Down

All I can say is Damnnnnnnnnnnn! What’s up, my freaky honie? There is no need for you to search any further. I am definitely down for whatever. Just let me know when and where to meet you so I can check out those “three F’s.” I will be there, ready and waiting. I’m doing my tongue warm-up exercises now and then I’m going to jack off a few times so I won’t cum for at least an hour when I tap that ass. Holla back at me with a quickness.


Humph, he was beginning to sound like he was full of shit. I talked a lot of junk but I could back my shit up. I wasn’t so sure about him, but what the hell. Might as well find out. I responded right away.

To: DickinUDown@pitbullsonline.com

From: DurtyDeedz@cumntastethis.com

Re: Cum and Dick This Down

All right, Dickin, it’s on. Meet me tonight at eight in front of the Paradise U.S.A. motel. If you don’t know where it is, get the directions off Yahoo. I have nothing else to add. See you when I see you.


I glanced at the time in the right-hand bottom corner of Jon’s computer screen and realized the pizza place was getting dangerously close to their thirty-minute guaranteed delivery time. Shit, free pizza is even better than good pizza.

With a mere two minutes left, there was a knock at the door. As I went to open it, I said, “Shit!” After I opened the door, I said, “Triple shit!”

The brother standing there in front of the doorway was just that: fine as triple shit. He was tall, dark, clean-shaven, and had lips to die for.

He just stared at me for a second, checking me out. I spun around and poked my ass out at him so he could get a better look.

“Do you like what you see?” I asked him.

“Uh, yeah, I love what I see,” he responded hesitantly. “Um, here’s your pizza.”

“Could you be a sweetheart and bring it inside for me?” I grabbed my right wrist. “I have that darn carpal tunnel syndrome, fooling around with that computer mouse and all.”

“Sure, I can bring it in,” he replied.

“Thanks.” He followed me into the dining room. “You can just sit it down right here on the table.”

“No problem.” He looked at the receipt taped to the side of the box. “That’ll be sixteen-fifty.”

I had tucked the twenty into my bra. Instead of reaching down to get it inconspicuously, I put on a show. I unbuttoned the shirt I had on and exposed my bra, then whipped out my titty so he could see my nipple and took out the money. I handed it to him, without covering myself up. “Here you go. Keep the change.”

He licked his sexy-ass lips. “Thanks.”

I started squeezing his arm. “You look like you work out. Do you?”

“Whenever I get a chance.”

“You work out at home or at the gym?”

“Mostly at home but sometimes I go to the gym.”

“Which one?” I asked.

“The Body Sculpture.”

“Oh yeah, I’ve heard of it.” I licked my lips back at him. “Do all the men who work out there look as fine as you? If so, I might need to start hanging out there.”

He blushed. “Um, I’m not sure. I’m not one to check out other men.”

“So you don’t know if they’re as well-hung as you, then?”

“What makes you think I’m well-hung?” he asked me.

“Just an assumption. You seem like the type of man that would have major holdings.” I slid my hand down his arm and onto his crotch. “Oh yeah, my assumption was right.”