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Look at them all!

Where had they all come from? Lynx wondered. He hadn’t seen anywhere near that many when he’d arrived at the compound. A glance over his left shoulder at the gate in the south wall showed him more tonton macoute hurrying in from the pier. He also glimpsed 25 or 30 boats tied at dock.

The dorks must be arriving from all over.

Which did not bode well.

Lynx frowned and gazed at the mansion. They wouldn’t be calling in all the troops unless the activity planned for the night was very special. What did black-magic types do for kicks anyway?

The murmur of conversation abruptly ceased when the door opened and out strode a man dressed in red and a woman wearing a green dress.

Instantly the tonton macoutes snapped to attention.

Captain Francois led his detail straight up to the steps and bowed.

“Here are the prisoners, your lordship,” he announced.

“The Baron and Majesta,” Eleanore stated in evident horror, raising the back of her left hand to her mouth.

Smirking wickedly, the man called the Baron came down and stood next to the officer. The malevolent gaze fastened onto Eleanore. “Well, well, well. It’s been a while, hasn’t it, Ms. DeCoud?”

“You bastard!”

The Baron chuckled and looked up at the woman in green. “Look who’s here, Majesta. Our old friend Eleanore.”

“Hello, Eleanore,” the mambo said sweetly, “Screw you.”

“It appears she’s developed an attitude problem,” Majesta remarked sarcastically.

“Poor Eleanore always was an independent thinker,” the Baron mentioned. “Perhaps that’s why she saw fit to join the Resistance after her stay here was over.”

“You don’t have any proof,” Eleanore declared, taking a step toward him.

“What’s that?”

“You don’t have any proof I joined the Resistance. You’re just guessing,” Eleanore reiterated.

The Baron grinned smugly. “First of all, what makes you think I need proof? If I believe someone is guilty of conspiring against the Black Snake Society, then they’re guilty.” He paused. “However, in your case I do happen to have concrete substantiation of your betrayal.”


“Oh?” The Baron twisted, looking at the entrance. “Would you come out now, my dear,” he called out.

Another woman emerged from the mansion. She wore a blue dress styled to accent her feminine charms. Her blonde hair bobbed as she walked, and her green eyes regarded the captives coldly, especially one of them.

Lynx saw Eleanore’s eyes widen and heard her gasp. She swayed, about to fall, but recovered and cried shrilly, “Violet!”

“Little Eleanore,” Violet said, her tone reeking with disdain. “At long last you’re about to get your just desserts.”

“You’ve turned against the Resistance, “Eleanore declared in disbelief.

“You fool. I’ve never been with the Resistance,” Violet replied.

“But you’re the leader of the movement!”

“What movement? A few pathetic fools foolishly attempting to overthrow the Black Snake Society? Don’t make me laugh.”

“This can’t be happening.”

“But it is, you dumb bitch. I’ve been one of the Baron’s favorites ever since he first brought me here when I was fifteen. Unlike you, I knew a good thing when I saw it. I agreed to work with him, to do whatever he wanted, and he instructed me to infiltrate the Resistance. Neither of us ever imagined I’d become the leader.”

“But why?” Eleanore asked, her voice wavering.

“Are you that dumb you can’t figure it out? What better way to keep tabs on the opposition than to have someone on the inside? I keep him informed of all Resistance activities. I provide him with the names of all Resistance members.”

“Why not just wipe it out?”

“Because new malcontents are bound to arise, and this way the Black Snake Society keeps track of each and every one. Why wipe the Resistance out when we control those opposed to us?”

Eleanore appeared dazed by the revelations. “I still don’t understand. What about the radio?”

“What about it? I sabotaged the shortwave. Even if someone had heard Adrien’s weak signal, they would never have been able to get through. We let him go on broadcasting for a couple of weeks to ensure any suspicion that arose after he was captured would be diverted from me,” Violet boasted.

“Enough of this,” the Baron suddenly snapped. “The bitch doesn’t deserve to know all of our secrets.” He faced the assembled tonton macoutes. “Tonight is a special night, my brothers. Tonight we offer our living god the sacrifices Damballah requires to continue bestowing on us the power that makes us invincible. Tonight we show Damballah the depths of our devotion. We will renew our covenant with the Divine Serpent, and in return our magic will become even stronger than it already is. Are you ready to recommit yourselves?”

Responding on cue, as if they had done this many times previously, the tonton macoutes shouted as one: “Yes, we are!”

“Excellent. Then let us proceed.”

Lynx barely paid attention as Majesta and Violet joined the twit in red, orders were barked, lanterns brought, the entire procession walked northward, skirting the mansion. He was too concerned about Eleanore.

She walked in a trancelike state, shuffling lethargically, apparently in shock over discovering the truth about Violet. Which reminded him. He added the blonde to the list of scuzzbuckets he intended to waste before he departed New Orleans.

After rounding the mansion the Black Snake Society marched due north to another gate in the outer walls. The iron barrier was promptly opened, and walking with his head high and his shoulders squared, in the manner of a king of old, Baron Laveau led his followers along a clear-cut path, continuing to the north.

Lynx resigned himself to going along with the program for the time being. More tonton macoutes had surrounded them as they started out, and at least ten weapons were trained on him at all times. If he so much as sneezed they might blow him away. He noted that Ferret and Gremlin were receiving similar treatment.

The path bore on a generally direct course toward the far side of the island. Thick vegetation and tall trees flanked both sides. An unnatural stillness pervaded the forest. Even the insects had fallen silent at the passage of so many humans.

Since he had nothing better to do, and since the lanterns weren’t bright enough to dispel all of the shadows, particularly from the waist down, Lynx availed himself of the opportunity to work on the cords securing his wrists. The last time he’d used his teeth. This time he had to strain against nylon, then relax, and repeat the procedure over and over in the hope the cord would slacken.

The trek seemed endless.

Just when Lynx was about to ask if the dummies knew what they were going, a two-story structure appeared ahead. It was ringed by torches, and there were arched entranceways all along the base. He didn’t like the looks of it. The Baron halted before one of the entrances and motioned with his right arm.

The practiced precision acquired by previous experience, the tonton macoutes closed on their prisoners, Lynx was caught off guard. A dozen men in black swarmed all over him, seizing his arms and legs and hoisting him into the air. He struggled in vain, unable to utilize his nails, hissing like his namesake. He felt the men move, and in less than a minute he had been carried through a dark tunnel and into an enormous arena. A smooth wall enclosed the whole area to a height of 15 feet, then there were bleachers.