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She deserved to be cherished.  And from the tears she shed earlier, he was sure she was not.  And his pack had the means to do so.  After one thousand years of knowledge and continued learning, and amassing collections of items of value, they had a treasure trove, as well as a keen insight on the Stock Market.

Karli would look beautiful in silks and diamonds.  In his king sized bed on silken sheets.  Ryden sensed no happiness in her heart, only determination.  He wanted her to smile everyday.  And he wanted to be the reason she smiled. He would give her the world if she let him.

She thought he was a dream.  Had she so needed someone in her bed tonight, someone to hold her and make her feel safe that his appearance was dream worthy?  The fact that she had not screamed at his wolf self, even though she thought it all a dream, the simple fact she had accepted the change without fear, spoke volumes.  Or was calling it all a dream an easy way to avoid what she could not easily explain away?

Either way, he felt honored to hold her in his arms, to comfort her in her time of need.  And he and Rayne would be there for the next, if there ever was one.  She was theirs.


“You are here early.”  Karli looked at David as she was strapping on her radios, getting ready to head out into the park for her tour.  Her boss was the last person she had wanted to see on her way in, scared her sensual dreams that made her blush in the daylight, and her errant thoughts, were displayed all across her face.

Karli had half expected to wake up with Ryden beside her, and had been upset that it had in fact been a dream.  Waking up to a cold bed, alone, had been enough to make her chest ache.

“Yeah, Scream Town crowds were heavy last night, and the weather is perfect again tonight, so I expect more of the same.  Figured I’d get a head start tonight.”  Liar.  You are so going on the look out for Ryden and his twin.

“I like your attitude.  Good thinking.  Let me know how the tour goes.” David clasped a hand on her shoulder, and Karli wanted to squirm away.  “Great job with the team.”

Karli smiled the best fabricated smile she could and pulled away from that palm on her shoulder.  Starting her job here when she was only sixteen, she had worked summers through high school and college, moving up the ranks as she proved she was competent and capable.  Once she completed her degree, she had loved the park so much; she had stayed, moving into management instead of using her degree in Art History.

All along the way, David had been there, encouraging, coaching, mentoring, and always helpful.  But there was always something simmering below the surface that she tried to ignore, as if she acknowledged his lust for her, she would be caught in his claws.  The thought gave her a shiver, as just about any interaction did at this point, the years of denial growing into revulsion on her part.

But not on his.  Every time she turned around, the man was watching her, commenting on something she had done or said.  Like she was a homing beacon, she could not shake the man, but in all the years he had worked with her, he had never crossed the line, so at times she wondered if it were all her imagination.  David was a well-respected member of the team and was next in line for a Director’s position, and Karli knew that she needed to remain on his good side.  No matter how it disgusted her.  But interoffice politics was not her cup of tea.

Throwing open the Operations door, she quickly stepped to the employee entrance into the park.  Greeting team members and supervisors as she went, Karli ultimately had an eye out as she walked.  She was looking for flashes of silver.  It was another two hours until dusk, and she had plenty of time to stroll through the park, looking.

“Unit fifteen-ten, you have a ten-ninety-nine B right behind you.”  Karli closed her eyes and shook her head as she heard the radio call echo in her ear.  Karli was unit fifteen-ten.  And a ten-ninety-nine B was not good.

Belladonna, or B as most of the staff called her, was their resident crazy lady, who showed up every single day the park was open.  B talked to few people in the park, she just came in, walked around all day, looking at the sights, rode a few rides and then went home.  Every single day.

Karli was one of the chosen few B ever talked to, unfortunately.

“Howdy, Karli, what’s shaking tonight?  Ready for Halloween?”

Karli turned around slowly.  No, but I sure bet you are ready for Halloween.  The tight leopard skin dress along with the extra curly blonde porn star wig was just not a good look for a woman of her age, nor was the three pounds of makeup she always wore.  No one was completely sure of B’s age, but most guessed her to be at least sixty, if not older.

Today’s look was B’s normal daily appearance.  There was nothing on the woman’s body that was there for the holiday, but at least the guests stared less during this time of the year, assuming she was just in the Halloween spirit.  Cringing inwardly, Karli tried her best to plaster a smile on her face.

“I think we’re ready, Belladonna.  What do you think?”

“Park looks good, but too many people.”  B stepped closer to her, and Karli had to fight the desire to step back.  “Come to think of it, you look good.  You are all bright and shiny tonight.”

“Oh, you think so, do ya?  Must be the crisp, fall air.”

“Nahh.  I’d say you got some.  That spring in your step and the glow on your face doesn’t come from thin air.”

Karli fought to keep her jaw in check.  “Wow, B, tell me how you really feel.”

B stepped closer to Karli, and for once, the crazy woman made her feel panic.  Smelling the fetid odor of the woman’s breath, she tried to stand her ground while holding her breath at the same time.  B’s eyes got small, as she invaded Karli’s personal space.  “You gotta watch those men, Karli.  They are good for nothing and will only bring you pain and suffering.  You count my words.  Pain. And. Suffering.”

Karli pulled back, looking B in the eyes, trying to determine if the woman was truly lucid or not.  The bright, clear look she returned told her she was, and Karli let out a small sigh of relief.  She had always wondered if she would one day have to call security to escort B out of the park, her kind of crazy seemed to be superficial, but as of late, B had been acting a little odder than normal.  “Pain and suffering.  Yeah.  Got it.  Thanks for the words of encouragement, Belladonna.”

“Anytime.”  B slapped Karli on the arm.  “Anytime.  I wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t pass on all the wisdom that I have with someone.  Now, on to ride the Snarling Wolf.”

Wondering how many times B had ridden that roller coaster, Karli watched the woman walk away.  The hint of menace in her tone had been new, and she pondered the change as she moved on through the park.

Two hours later, around the time her normal shift should have been beginning at dusk; she was almost saddened that she had not seen the men.  She finished up the park tour and entered the epicenter of Scream Town, one large field with five haunted houses, a corn maze, and the starting off point for the haunted hayride, and scanned the crowd.  This was the heart of the park during this time of the year, and she would remain near this space for the rest of the night.

No sign of the silver eyed duo, so she moved to the first haunted house, walking through to check if the team was ready to go.

A wave of desire flowed through her as she neared the entrance.  Compulsion took over and she felt as if an invisible force pulled her inside the doorway to the haunted maze.  In a fog, she walked through, ignoring the team members in costume around her, all milling about to get into place for the night.  Sweat blossomed all over her body, and she felt a pearl of liquid slide between her breasts, the sensation puckering her nipples.

Nearing the end, she felt heat swell through her pussy, as if invisible hands held her, stroked her.  Trying to stifle her moan, she continued to focus on putting one foot in front of the other, swaying slightly as if drunk, catching her hand on one of the walls of the hallway she coasted down.  She neared the exit, feeling the cooler air of the outdoors beckon her.