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“You will not be wearing these much longer, my love. The Queen of Snow and Ice will not wear jeans.” His voice was wistful, and I realized he’d been hoping we’d return to the land of Summer. That we’d live in the perpetual warmth and light of his homeland.

“I don’t even pretend to grasp the significance of what this all means. But all my life I knew I’d return to New Forest, and that I’d return to you. And I have, and I am with you. As long as Myst lives, we’re still in danger, but now…I feel we have a fighting chance. We have the possibility of life beyond her reign.” I sat down on the bed as I dressed. “But I’m bone-weary and have no clue where we go from here.”

“Lainule was correct. The rituals must be done quickly. She will fade, and she must be out of this world before that happens. If she returns to the land in which she was born, then she and Wrath will live and grow old together. If she stays here now, she will fade into a spirit, into vapor and mist and a ghost.” He hung his head. “I have never known any other mother except for her-my own mother died when I was young. Lainule is my aunt. Her sister was my mother. And before you ask, yes, Rhiannon is my cousin as well, by Fae blood.”

“How long have you known?” I finally dared ask him the question that I’d been putting off. Somehow the answer didn’t seem to mean as much now.

“Since before you were born. Remember, there are many levels of fate working here-the one we brought upon ourselves when you were Myst’s daughter. The one brought about by Lainule and Wrath when they realized Myst was encroaching. The one by your mothers, who both agreed to bear daughters of the Seelie realm. Don’t for one minute think that Heather and Krystal didn’t realize what was going on. They knew.”

I motioned to the floor. “Hand me my shoes, will you? So…they knew? Then why did my mother run?”

He handed me my sneakers and I welcomed them after wearing boots in the recent battle. “She changed her mind. She couldn’t handle the powers she had, let alone think of a daughter who might one day be destined to rule over the Fae. Things are changing. The Courts here-they have long been insular, and inbreeding has been a problem. You are not fully of Fae blood, you bring a new life to the realm. It is time we opened up, spread out in the world.”

“What about the purity of the line? If we have children, they will not be fully Fae.” I couldn’t believe we were even talking about a family. And while I knew we had to hunt down Myst and destroy her for good, I realized, too, that I wanted Grieve’s children. I wanted to create the family I never really had.

“Trust me, the Grand Courts will always remain Fae alone, but we are of the Lesser Courts, and there has been too much isolation for too long. Lainule saw this, and while she and Wrath could not break the cycle themselves, they could ensure that our people grow and thrive into the future. We must join the world that moves around us.”

A knock on the door interrupted us. It was one of Lannan’s servants. “The Master bids you to attend him.” But the look on her face told me he hadn’t put it quite like that.

“In other words, get my ass in gear. Right?” I smiled at her, and she smiled back. For some reason, the thought of dropping the bomb on Lannan that I was to become the Queen of Snow and Ice seemed like icing on the cake. I knew he’d be pissed.

With another kiss from Grieve, I headed out the door and down to Lannan’s study. The mansion was bustling now that the vampires had woken up, and I saw several groups of them arming themselves. Regina was organizing them. She waved me over.

“You had quite a little adventure out in the woods, I hear.” She was walking down the line of vampires, adjusting a strap here, a weapon there. They stood at attention and I realized these were the guards that the Crimson Court had sent out to replace those who’d died. “We were hoping for a bigger piece of the action, but there are still Shadow Hunters to be found and so I send my men out to battle them. Lainule’s warriors are tired and weary. These men will take their place.”

I waited. Regina didn’t make small talk. She had to have some reason for calling me over, and until I knew what it was, I didn’t want to chance saying the wrong thing. After a moment, she turned to me and with those glassy obsidian eyes, she held my gaze.

“I have heard what is in store for you and your cousin. Don’t ask how-I have my ways of finding out what I need to know. I think it a good thing. The Cambyra have cordoned themselves off from society too long. You will bring a much-needed infusion of reality to the Courts. I’m not sure if you can handle the job. You and your cousin are young by many standards, though if we’re speaking in yummanii years, many a woman has become queen far younger than you. Whatever the case, the Crimson Court will wish an audience with you both, to forge new treaties, to discuss alliances.”

I stared at her. For once, she was treating me with respect, instead of like a toy or a plaything.

“Cats have your tongue?” She flashed a crooked smile at me, with those perfect pearly fangs showing.

I found myself opening up to her. Not a good thing, perhaps, but vampire or not, Regina was an astute and savvy diplomat. “I have no idea what to say, though I suppose you’re right about the allegiances. But as far as handling the job-we have no choice. I should have realized-Lainule dropped hints when we went to retrieve her heartstone. But without it, she would have died.”

“Sometimes you simply work with what you’re given.” Regina drummed her fingers on a console table. “My brother is waiting for you. I wanted to warn you: He is not in a good mood. Do not provoke him. He’s not stupid, but sometimes he’s impulsive, and right now the last thing we need is another complication.” She gave me a long look.

I sucked in a deep breath. “Yeah, that’s the truth of the matter.”

“You’d best attend him. If you need me, I will be right here outside the door…listening.” And that little offer scared the hell out of me.

I gave her a curt nod, then turned and entered Lannan’s study. He was behind his desk-the desk that had been Geoffrey’s-brooding. As I entered the room, he looked up at me, a scowl on his face.

“You took your own sweet time answering my summons.”

Oh yeah, this was going to be a barrel of laughs. “I’m exhausted. I was covered in blood and dirt.”

He pushed himself up from behind his desk and wandered around to stare at me. “So, I hear you are to become the new Queen of Snow and Ice. I suppose you expect this to negate my contract with you.”

I wasn’t sure what to say. He was up to something, that much I could see, and he was angry, very angry.

“Nothing to say to me, lovely Cicely? Not even a thank-you for offering my house to you and your friends, for doing my best to keep the people of New Forest safe? Not even a kiss of gratitude?”

“Thank you, if I haven’t said it.” And I realized I hadn’t. Lannan was a prick, but he had been of invaluable help to us.

“A begrudging lip service, if ever I’ve heard one.” He swung around behind me and leaned in close, whispering in my ear. “A little bird whispered that you are to marry the Fae Prince. You’ll truly be the ice princess you pretend to be. But I know you better.”

I let out a long breath. I had no clue of how to answer him. I doubted that anything would calm him down.

“And don’t think that I don’t know about the ritual you did here-in my house. Bringing silver into my home? Not a good choice, Cicely. But I know you would do anything to save him, wouldn’t you?” He rested a hand on my shoulder and the lust emanating from him soaked through my body.

I shivered. It seemed to be a real question. “What are you getting at, Lannan?”