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He brushed my ear with his lips. “Just that should it become necessary, I want you to think about what you would pay in order to save your lover’s life. What would you be willing to do?”

I steeled myself. I’d had enough, and though I took Regina’s words to heart, I didn’t want to deal with any more of this crap. I shook him off and turned around. “I don’t know what you’re playing at, but right now, there is no need to save his life. Grieve is fine, and since the Crimson Court is interested in forging new alliances with the coming realms of Summer and Winter, there’d better not be anything disrupting his health from your quarter.”

He let out a low growl and grabbed me, pulling me to him. “I will do as I see fit and I need no upstart bloodwhore telling me what to do.”

“But I’m not your bloodwhore, and I’ve never been one.” I grimaced as he shoved me against the wall and forced his knee between my legs. “Think before you act. I know you’re angry, and I don’t understand why. You have Regina, you have the Regency and this mansion. You will soon be freed from having us under your roof. We do thank you-seriously. As much as I hate to admit it, I have to give you credit. You’ve helped us survive, and I’ll never forget that.” Nor would I ever forget him manhandling me, but that I left unsaid.

Lannan pressed against me. I could feel him harden, and for a moment, I thought he might lose control. Once again, I’d put my foot in my mouth. He slipped his hands under my sweater, squeezing my breasts, and I gasped despite myself.

“You don’t understand at all, do you, little girl? I always get what I want, and I want you. You’ve thwarted me, you’ve been oh so polite and oh so obedient. You’ve begrudged me every touch, every kiss, every offer I’ve made. You almost let me fuck you, you call me your angel of darkness…and then you run just out of reach the moment it might become real between us. You’re using him as much as you’re using me, you little cock tease.”

He had me pinned. I struggled, trying to break free, when a knock on the door took us both by surprise.

His face a mask of anger, he barked out, “Who is it?”

“Regina. We have to discuss several edicts from the Crimson Court.”

She was lying. I could feel it in her voice, which flowed along the slipstream, as sure as I knew that she was also saving my butt. But why would she? She was devoted to Lannan and wanted him to be happy, even if it came to using me as a piece of meat.

Lannan gave me a long look, his eyes narrowing. “You are free from your contract. Go to your throne. Take your crown.”

By the look in his eyes, it was obvious that he knew he couldn’t enforce a contract over the Winter Queen. He had to let me go, like it or not, but he wouldn’t give up that easily. And by his next words, I knew I was right.

“But know this, Cicely: I will never rest until I have you in my bed. I don’t care how long it takes, you will be mine. Queen or not, you’ll never be free from my presence.” He let me go then.

I quickly straightened my sweater. I stared at him for a moment. “Why do you want me so much? Is it just because I’ve said no to you?”

He turned away. “Get out of my office. Go do whatever it is you have to do, Your Highness.”

As I exited the room, I passed Regina. One glance at her and I knew she’d overheard everything. As I silently passed her, she leaned down and whispered, “You little fool. You really don’t see, do you?”

I stopped. “See what? All I know is that Lannan is determined to humiliate me, to use me, and then toss me aside.”

“Lannan humiliates everyone. But that is not his goal. He’s right. You have no clue, do you?” She paused, and her voice shifted from irritated to bemused. “My brother has taken a fancy to you. Love would be too strong a word but…call it infatuation. You’ve bewitched him, Cicely. He’s obsessed with you and you refuse to give him what he wants. I’ve known my brother for thousands of years. He always gets what he wants in the end. Trust me, he’ll stalk you till the day either you give in, or he dies. Now go, while I can still calm him down.”

And then, without waiting for an answer, she swept into the study and shut the door behind her.

I ate dinner in my room, and then, locking the door, Grieve and I slept through the night. Lannan did not bother me, nor speak to me again, and by the time morning came, I’d pushed aside what Regina told me. I had enough to deal with now, I didn’t have time to focus on a lust-obsessed vampire. I’d cross that bridge when-and if-it became an issue.

The morning moved swiftly. After breakfast, our little group gathered in the drawing room that Lannan had assigned for our use. Ysandra joined us. She looked tired. We all did.

I did not tell them what had happened the night before, other than that Lannan had vacated my contract and that Regina wanted to make new treaties with the realms of Summer and Winter.

Wrath let out a long sigh. “I suppose you will have to do so. The time when the Fae could remain in peace, retired from the world, is ending. We must take an active part now-or you must. Lainule and I will be slipping away into the shadows, where we can rest without all of this turmoil.”

“How are we going to know what to do and what not to do? We don’t even know anything about the Grand and Lesser Courts-in fact, yesterday was the first time I’d heard mention of them.”

Lainule pressed her hand on my shoulder. “Be at peace. We will leave you with advisors. And Chatter and Grieve have full knowledge of the hierarchy. It will be difficult, but you will find your way. And our people will accept you.”

“That’s another question. You are Queen of the realm of Summer. Rhiannon will take over there. But if there are no Unseelie left here, just who will Grieve and I rule over?” I was truly confused.

Wrath laughed. “If that is the worst of your concerns, never fear. There are Unseelie around, they’ve just kept to the shadows. Now they will come out, unite, and learn a new way of life from you. The Wilding Fae have taken a liking to you and will hearken to your reign. And as I said, some of the Summer Court feel more comfortable with the night and the snow. They will join the Winter.”

There was so much I didn’t understand, but I held my tongue. We had a while yet to figure things out. And hopefully our initiations would help us to understand our new roles.

Wrath stood. “The barrows are clear-our warriors have cleaned out the last of the Shadow Hunters they could find, but we know there are more in the woods. Lannan and Regina sent fifty armed vampires out there last night and they destroyed another forty-five Shadow Hunters. They combed the woods, so any left are in deep hiding. Myst and the rest of her people have gone into hiding.”

He stretched, then motioned for us to follow him. “Come now. Both you and Rhiannon must become familiar with your new home. Midwinter is almost upon us, and so are your intiations. And the double wedding.”

A million questions still in my heart, I stood and followed them out to the foyer, where we readied ourselves for another trip into the woods.

Chapter 22

One week had passed since we’d routed Myst out of the barrows, and now the Cambyra Fae lived there once more.

At the end of Vyne Street, the Veil House stood empty, but rebuilding was already taking place. The Consortium had floated a quick loan for Rhiannon and me, and we were having the house rebuilt even though we weren’t going to be living here. Peyton and Luna would take over ownership, and Kaylin would join them. The Moon Spinners would continue, with their high priestess-namely me-also being a Fae Queen. We’d decided on twice-monthly meetings, thus skirting the old tradition of the Summer and Winter queens only meeting twice a year. I had a feeling we’d be changing a number of other rules as we went along.