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After that, the two women switched off taking care of Alex's needs.

But the long train ride! Renee leaned her head against the mirror and remembered the way he seemed to shrivel up in bitter silence. He'd been so well. They'd thought just for three days he would have been all right.

The entrance bell on the door chimed as it was opened and hastily Renee jerked away from the mirror and dabbed at her eyes. She walked into the anteway, where Fran was shaking snow from her coat and putting it in the closet.

"Have you got something prepared?" Fran's voice was casual.

Renee nodded. "The backyard!"

"It's like ice out there."

"I know! But…" Renee shrugged, "it won't leave any marks and I think it will do it for him today. Alex needs something special."

Fran nodded and continued to strip her clothes off, finally shaking her long, blonde hair down over her nakedness.

Together they woke Alex and took him out in the yard, already two feet deep with glistening white snow.

Renee shivered. But it was her idea. She plunged back into the snow, feeling it embrace her nakedness.

Her skin felt like marble as she raised her legs in a V. "Fill me up," she told Alex. "Pack me full of snow!" Her voice was full of warmth and love as she urged Alex on. It was so terrible, seeing him like this. He had to be told, step-by-step. She knew he was fighting with himself, caught by the cruel choice of doing right or doing what was best. He had done for them what was best.

He was on his knees leaning over her. Delicately his tongue licked her naked swat. Renee cried out as the wind immediately formed a little scab of ice where his tongue had touched.

And then he was pushing and cramming handfuls of snow into her resisting passage. She squirmed and cried out, and then as the terrible coldness burned into her, it turned into icy fire.

"Pack it in, Alex!"

Clumsily he crawled between her legs, his hot prick melting a little of the snow before he plunged it in her. She felt like she was going to explode as the packed snow carried the force of his lunges into her deepest passages.

Fran sat next to Renee's head and opened her legs. And then she caught Alex's head and guided his hungry mouth to her hot cunt.

He surged against both of them, licking and sucking Fran dry and pounding her full of liquid.

Renee felt her climax coming. She screamed as it felt like a thousand needles being driven into her cunt. She screamed and thrashed and held Alex tight as his semen exploded in her and hit her walls burning hot and then froze solid in tendrils of liquid suspended in ice water.

Next to her head she heard his mouth sucking and pulling at Fran's rosy cunt.

She thought of the big fire she had going in the house, the tingle as her half-frozen cunt thawed out. She knew she'd want more then. But, there'd be the belt and the hot lines of fire on her tender pussy before she got it.

And then there would be the wonderful feel of Alex's prick digging into her.

But always there was the belt first, or the cigarettes, or something else to perk Alex's dragging interest.

It was going to be a long… a very long winter!

She felt the ice water draining out of her and she knew it was time to go inside. "Come on, Alex," she said.

And the two women helped him inside, silently drawing lots for the next round.