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  - You stood in my way for a very long time!

  Natasha, who, by throwing a pea with explosives, sent another mutant for scrap, corrected:

  - On our way!

  And the warriors grabbed two stunned bandit beasts by the arms.

  The guru boy remarked:

  - If we hand them over to the police, then Tyranus with his equipment and robots will break any prison and free them:

  The ninja girl with white hair suggested:

  - Let's set a trap for the black lord. He will rush to rescue the mutants, and then we will grab him!

  A ninja girl with yellow hair remarked:

  - This idea is really good! But here's the catch, won't Tyranus smell a dirty trick?

  The ninja girl with red hair remarked:

  - There is another problem here. The police can be confused if they put mutants. Indeed, animals are kept in menageries, not in prison!

  Natasha tweeted:

  Animals get ready for school

  The rooster crowed for a long time ...

  Like you really don't try

  Don't kick, don't bite

  Doesn't help anyway!

  The guru boy declared emphatically:

  "Perhaps we should throw them back to Tyranus?"

  Natasha shrugged.

  - And why is that? We've had so much fun with them!

  The young warrior remarked:

  - Because these cretins are our old acquaintances, whom we constantly beat. And so, the Hyperbrain can create mutants much more smart and agile!

  The ninja girls burst out laughing and chirped:

  - I believe that people do not say goodbye to a fairy tale,

  And they will remain true friends forever!

  After that, they took and with their bare, graceful, tanned, muscular, as if woven from steel wire, legs succumbed to two large mutant beasts, and they flew along a tangent trajectory and fluttered into the portal.

  After that, the glow stopped. Five warriors: four girls and a boy looked around.

  The girl with the red hair remarked:

  - We should...

  The ninja girl with white hair asked again:

  - What do you need?

  She replied:

  - Eat chocolate covered ice cream! It's both delicious and angry!

  The girls and the guru boy moved down the street. And they began to sing with joy and delight:

  Sword of light, progress

  Let's bring love...

  Though the world is full of stress

  Let's save the planet!

  Let the fate be terrible -

  Death is coming...

  Die not in vain

  After all, our Motherland is alive!

  Then the guru boy suddenly remembered:

  - But we forgot the most important thing - to return the stolen diamond!

  Natasha squeaked:

  - Yes, this is indeed our miscalculation! How can you get so screwed up?

  The girl with the red hair suggested:

  "Maybe we can take it like this and rush to another dimension?"

  The ninja girl with white hair retorted:

  - No! This requires too much energy. Better find out why they need this diamond.

  The guru boy nodded.

  - Yes! They just didn't steal it. And they will not cut into pieces to sell. Most likely, Tyranus will want to use it as a focusing lens for powerful weapons.

  Natasha suggested:

  - Let's then take it and do our own trick to deliver a preemptive strike on the enemy!

  The white-haired ninja girl giggled and remarked:

  - An artificial diamond is not suitable for the role of a focuser. You need to use only natural. So right?

  The guru boy nodded.

  - Certainly! Otherwise, why should Tyranus steal natural, it's easier to make your own, artificial.

  Natasha suggested:

  - There is only one other place in the world where such a diamond is stored. That's where we should go!

  The ninja girl with red hair remarked:

  - There's a lot of security there. And what, we cut them all into pieces?

  The guru boy replied:

  - No! So it doesn't fit. We cannot stoop to robbery. We are the light part of the force!

  A ninja girl with yellow hair chirped:

  We are capable of good

  Breaking evil spells...

  But of course it doesn't matter

  What a small diamond!

  The ninja girl with white hair suggested:

  - Let's ask for that diamond for a while. Well, I think we have enough days?

  The guru boy jumped up and offered:

  - Another option is possible. We will take and offer to arrange a competition for the coolest superman hero, and the winner will get the right to wear a jewel around his neck for a whole week. So we will be able to do good deeds and get a diamond, without sinking to a banal robbery!