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  Of a thousand planets

  There is no such green...

  Out of a thousand planets

  There is no such favorite!

  Natasha remarked with a smirk:

  - But you must admit, it is much more interesting when, for example, you find yourself in a world where, instead of oxygen, the most important element is fluorine. And in this case, evolution must go even faster!

  The guru boy nodded.

  - There are such worlds, although they are rare. But there you can only move in a combat suit, or under the cover of a strong force field!

  The portal has reopened. Another robot, resembling a rabbit, jumped out of it. And very jumpy! How it jumps and rolls over, releasing a fiery pulsar from its mouth!

  The ninja girl with white hair chirped:

  - Magic Bunny,

  Draws a zero!

  The guru boy asked the girls:

  - We will wet him, or let him live!

  Natasha remarked with a laugh:

  - Funny all the same bunny! But what can be done to make it good?

  The jumping robot rabbit suddenly made a long jump and was transported to another street. And there were already worn cars of the late twentieth century - also quite decent and fast, in different colors.

  The ninja girls and the guru boy rushed after him. They climbed through the houses to take shortcuts. And their bare, tenacious toes clung to walls and cornices, and allowed them to move through structures.

  The ninja girl with white hair remarked:

  - Here, indeed, the wise men say, if the wolves are full and the sheep are safe, then the number of hares has decreased!

  A ninja girl with yellow hair remarked:

  What is the difference between rabbits and hares?

  The ninja girl with red hair suggested:

  - Hares, more lean, athletic and less fat!

  Natasha sang:

  But if you have a hare in your heart,

  Even if the wings are behind your back ...

  Fly higher and don't try.

  Steel wings will bury you!

  So they jumped to the next street. The robot rabbit caused a real traffic jam. And it even, really, came to clashes. And also an electronic creature, as it takes it and blazes with fire from its mouth. And with his donkey ears, how to twist. This, indeed, turned out to be very cool and cool.

  Natasha took and threw at the robot rabbit with her bare, chiselled foot a destructive pea with explosives, which the warriors themselves made according to the recipes of their guru.

  But the robot rabbit waved its long, wide ears, and the pea flew back. And she almost struck Natasha and her companions to death, jerking under their bare feet with pink, round heels.

  Guru Boy remarked:

  - Wow! It turns out we have a problem!

  Natasha sang:

  Even though we can't solve all our problems,

  Can't solve all problems...

  But everyone will be happier

  Everyone will have more fun!

  The ninja girl chuckled and took it and tried to cover the robot rabbit with a kill dagger throw. And he swept like a meteor. But again, a wave of the advanced robot's ears, and the flight of the weapon back. And already Natasha has to run away and dodge. But here she was able to survive and sang:

  Hell hare in the face of death,

  The victim is waiting at the midnight hour ...

  I believe we will be immortal

  And get a rabbit in the eye!

  The guru boy suggested:

  - And if we use our ancient, but effective way to deal with especially advanced robots?

  Natasha asked with a smile:

  - How is that?

  The young warrior suggested:

  - Take it and whistle!

  The ninja girl with red hair stated:

  - Then let's all together!

  The girls and the boy put their bare toes in their mouths and how they whistle. And several large, urban crows lost consciousness from shock and, having fainted, rushed down. And their shock beaks, like they took and rammed a rabbit. He immediately entangled in a web, sparkled and exploded. Moreover, in flight, the fragments of the terminator rabbit turned into delicious and sweet chocolates.

  The guru boy sang, picking up an appetizing candy with his bare foot:

  - I'm a chocolate bunny

  I'm a gentle bastard...

  I'm one hundred percent sweet

  Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

  I am a chocolate bunny

  And touching your lips

  I melt so easily

  Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

  Then he took a small bite. And then he spat out, something very real flashed in the boy's throat. And very even burning and aggressive fire.

  Natasha remarked:

  - No need, like a little boy, to put every yummy in his mouth!

  The ninja girl with white hair sang:

  Of course, tricks

  Not at all like Pushkins...

  But still, they managed to create a masterpiece,