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"Mmm, delicious," declared Erika after she succeeded in tasting the mother's milk. "We have quite a few owners who specifically request lactating slaves. We should have no difficulty placing you."

Erika continued her inspection and then performed an inspection of Tracy. When she was finished, she had both women sit again, although they were still naked this time. She answered a few more questions and then described the collection process again, which would deliver a new slave to her owner. Collection was to be the next step and would be the point of no escape.

"When would you like to begin?" asked Erika.

"Immediately, I guess," answered Symphony.

"In about a week," replied Tracy.

"Very well," said Erika. "Let me see if we have a match for you and I will give you each a call tonight. You may both get dressed now."

They got dressed. But before they left, Erika gave them each a long passionate kiss which left Symphony breathless. "You are both stunningly beautiful." Then the two women left together.

"Wow!" exclaimed Tracy once they were in the hallway. "What did you think about that?" Tracy's job was to gather post-interview feedback that could help them see how the interviews were going.

"Wow is right!" replied a breathy Symphony. She was still tingling. "It was so embarrassing. But it was so sexy and exciting. That alone was worth the enrollment fee!"

Chapter 2

"She should be coming around soon," one of the males said. "Do you want us to unwrap her?"

"What do you think, dear?" asked the husband.

"No. Leave her as is," replied the wife. "It will be fun to see her reactions once she's awake."

Sam and Ray had collected Symphony earlier in the day. They had just finished delivering her to her temporary owners, Heath and Heather Whitcomb, who purchased the girl for a period of one week.

Symphony selected the date she was to start her slavery. She told her husband that she needed some time to herself and that she was going to visit some college friends in Colorado. She arranged for her sister to care for her baby until she returned. And then she waited nervously.

Two men arrived at the house promptly at one o'clock. She was expecting them but she was still surprised when she opened the door. They were large, muscular men and were dressed all in black. They further surprised her by forcing their way into the house and grabbing her. She opened her mouth to scream but a hand quickly clamped down over her face, stifling any attempt to call for help.

Erika had designed several different collection scenarios and was planning on testing them on the women who enrolled to see what worked best. This was one of the kidnap scenarios.

A rag was stuffed into Symphony's mouth by one male and the other laid a piece of duct tape across her lips. A male gathered her hands behind her back and bound them with a length of rope. Another rope was wrapped around her ankles, totally immobilizing her. The men went back out to their truck and returned with a large box. She was placed inside of it and sedated before they closed the lid. Then she was carted off to the truck to be delivered to her new owners.

In this version of the kidnap scenario, the slave was to be delivered fully clothed. Erika had designed a second version where the males stripped the girl before sedating and binding her. In a third version, the girl would be stripped and then fucked by both of her collectors before being boxed. She would try out the other two variations on future girls.

"I'm going to take the gag out," said Heather after Sam and Ray left. "I want to get a better look at her and hear what she has to say when she wakes up."

"Yes, dear," replied Heath. "But she might scream."

"So who's to hear?" She was right. They lived on an estate with over a hundred acres. The closest home was about a mile away.

"Oh, she's lovely," Heather remarked once she had peeled off the tape and fished the rag out of the girl's mouth. "Much nicer than her picture and I thought she was beautiful in the picture."

"Very lovely," agreed Heath as he looked down at the sleeping beauty. He reached down as discreetely as he could and adjusted his cock which was straining against his pants. He couldn't believe his luck at getting a slave so gorgeous.

He had heard about the new service a couple of weeks earlier as he and some friends were chatting and kidding around after tennis. At least he assumed that they were kidding. But that night, he had gone out to the website and discovered it was for real.

He and his wife were independently wealthy. He had been an investment banker early in his career and had done quite well. He retired at the age of forty before the financial meltdown and had invested his fortune wisely. Now, they lived a life of luxury in their palatial mansion.

Heath and Heather had a tendency to get bored at times, though. There are only so many games of tennis that one could reasonably play in a week. The charity events like luncheons and golf outings were plentiful but they got old after awhile. They had an active and relatively rewarding sex life together. But they still tended to get bored.

Heath showed the website to Heather and she immediately took an interest. They had never talked about having a slave but they did occasionally play bondage games. Their problem was that they both preferred to be the dominant. They did have a circle of friends who were into domination and submission and they got together often with them for parties and that helped. But they still wanted more. They agreed that it would be a lot of fun to buy a girl.

"Maybe we should undress her," offered Heath. He really wanted to get a better view of this beauty. And he still couldn't wait to sink his raging cock into her.

"Heath, we discussed this." She was giving him a very disapproving look. "We let her wake up and be startled by what she has gotten herself into. We strip her. We give her the rules. And then we partially unbind her. I know you are dying to fuck her but that will have to wait."

Heath groaned and adjusted his cock in his pants again. The waiting was pure agony. Thankfully, Symphony started to stir.

She fluttered her eyes open and looked around groggily. She did not recognize anything and tensed. That's when she realized that she was bound in a hogtie and lying on her belly. She started to panic. She remembered that she had signed up to become a slave but this was not something she expected. Maybe she had gotten in over her head. She lifted her head and looked around, seeing two pairs of legs: one female and one male. There had been two men who seized her earlier. Who was the woman? Had she been bought by a woman?

The female legs stepped closer and she saw a knee settle onto the carpet in front of her face. A hand stroked her hair with fingers combing through the blonde locks.

"Hello, Symphony dear," Heather said. "Welcome to your new home."

"Wha…" said Symphony as she slurred her speech. "Where am I? Who you?"

Heather continued to stroke the girl's hair with one hand as she reached out with the other to cut the cord that bound the hands to the legs. Her legs thumped down onto the carpeted floor and her hands fell down across her back. Heather rolled Symphony over until she was lying on her bound arms and looking up at Heather.

"You are in our home, little one," said Heather. "Your new home." She ran her fingers lightly down Symphony's left cheek, tracing her jawbone.

"You are lovely, dear," the older woman continued. "My name is Heather. You may call me Mistress. And this is Master."