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Heath stepped into her view and she looked up at him. He was smiling at her and did not look threatening at all. She saw the front of his pants tenting outward from the strain inside and shuddered as she started to realize what she had gotten herself into.

"Thank you," replied Symphony as she looked back at Heather.

"You are welcome, girl. Now, I am going to release your bindings. I want you to stand up and remove your clothing. Then come and stand before me."

Symphony gulped as she heard the words. She knew this moment would come. She had even fantasized about it. But somehow it was different in real life. She felt the knife slicing through the ropes that held her, knowing that she was only moments away from another point of no return. The last rope was finally removed.

"You may get up now, girl," said Heather. "I will be waiting for you in the chair over there."

Symphony felt like she was in a daze as she got to her feet. She looked at both of her owners and they just smiled and nodded to her. Slowly, she reached up and unbuttoned her blouse. She slid it off and then removed her skirt and shoes. Then she paused as she stood there in her bra and panties.

"Keep going," encouraged Heath. Again, he had to adjust his cock. It grew harder, if that was even possible, as more and more flesh was exposed. This body was flawless. It was ripe and feminine and so, so sexy. Symphony unsnapped her bra and shrugged the straps off of her shoulders, catching it in one hand and then hooking her thumbs into the waistband of her panties. She took a deep breath and slowly slid the panties down her legs, leaving her completely naked. She felt her face blush at her nudity.

"The jewelry too, dear," said Heather. Symphony nodded and reached up, removing her earrings and then took off her necklace. She looked at her wedding band and then looked to Heather, holding up her left hand.

"Those too, pet," advised Heather. Symphony sighed but dutifully slid the engagement ring and wedding band off her slender finger. She placed all of the jewelry on a table and then hesitantly stepped closer to Heather.

Symphony did not know why she was so nervous. She knew that this was an experience she had asked for. And she knew that it would only last for a week. She figured that it would be embarrassing at times but anything new could be embarrassing. So why was she so nervous? She should be viewing this as a big game.

Heather was inexplicably nervous also. She had never owned anyone before. And even though she knew that she technically did not own Symphony, everything about the program had been carefully designed to give the appearance of owning a girl. They had a "deed" that granted them ownership of the girl's body. The girl had been delivered to them, sedated and bound as if she had been kidnapped and sold into slavery. They had even given the girl a serial number which matched the number on their deed. The number had been inked onto the back of her neck with henna which would wash off by the end of the week but it all added to the realism of the experience.

"So why am I so nervous?" wondered Heather. She finally realized that she was nervous because she didn't want to disappoint Symphony. The girl had signed up for a slave experience, not for friendship or loving sex. And it would be so easy to fall into that kind of relationship with this beautiful, trusting girl. She would have to work hard at maintaining the role of slave owner. And she would have to work even harder to make sure that Heath behaved. She knew that, if he had his way, he would make love to this beautiful sex kitten all week long.

She had practiced this moment in her mind for days; ever since learning when their girl would be delivered. She would be stern but kind. She would be demanding but caring at the same time. She would be harsh when the role required her to be harsh and she would be forgiving after the need for harshness had passed.

"Let's see what we have to work with," Heather began. "Lock your hands behind your neck."

Symphony instantly complied and laced her fingers together behind her neck. Heather smiled as she watched the action lift and separate the heavy breasts, thrusting them forward invitingly. Heath saw the movement too and had to cross his legs to try to control his aching cock.

"I can be a very loving mistress," Heather continued. "Or I can be a bitch; your worst nightmare." She punctuated her remark by picking up a leather riding crop and whistling it through the air to strike Symphony's flat belly. Symphony yelped at the surprising punishment. "It's entirely your choice. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress," whimpered Symphony. Heather placed the crop back on the table and reached out, tracing the outline of the red mark on the girl's belly.

"I expect immediate obedience," Heather informed her slave. "Anything less than that will be dealt with harshly. I expect no reluctance or hesitancy. When you are told to do something, you will do it instantly."

Heather moved behind the girl and she picked up the crop again, striking the beautiful rounded swells of one of the girl's bottom cheeks. Symphony bit her lower lip and stifled a cry.

She kept moving and returned to face the girl. She reached out and grasped the tuft of downy hair over the girl's mound, turning her head to her husband. "Heath, would you be a dear and remove this tonight?"

"I'd be happy to, dear," smiled Heath.

Heather reached up and pressed upward against the base of each breast with the heels of her hands, letting her fingers splay out over the soft, yielding flesh. The orbs were heavy and tight. They were remarkably firm.

"Are these real, little one?"

"Yes, Mistress," blushed Symphony. "They're all natural."

"They are so firm," observed Heather. "They're almost unbelievable."

"They are very full, Mistress. It has been several hours since I nursed."

"Oh my," thought Heather. This one was lactating! She knew that her husband had a fetish about lactation and she figured he was probably ready to shoot his wad at this news. "We'll give you relief shortly."

"Thank you, Mistress," replied Symphony. Her head was spinning at this point. She had asked for something different and this sure qualified as that. Within her first thirty minutes with her new owner, she was naked and had been whipped twice already. Not only that, but her new owner turned out to be owners.

Part of her wondered again if she had gotten in over her head. Maybe she should have chosen a long weekend instead of a week. And maybe she should have added a lot more check marks to the no column on the list of limits. The other part of her was lost in a lust-filled swirl of sensations. She looked down to see her breasts being claimed and touched by another woman for only the second time in her life. It should be revolting to her but she found it thrilling. She felt the two marks on her body still burning where the crop had kissed her flesh. And she felt her sex pulsing with arousal and felt her inner thighs slick with her juices. She felt so alive!

Heather finished her inspection of the girl and the recitation of the rules that she would live by. Symphony acknowledged each one and pledged to obey them. At the end, Heather had two more gifts for the new slave.

"As I said, I can be your worst nightmare if you cross me. I want to leave you with two thoughts." Heather picked up a wooden ruler and struck Symphony's left breast across the nipple, causing the girl to shriek from the pain. "Be pleasing." She swung again, striking the other nipple, eliciting a second shriek. "And be obedient."

"Heath, she's all yours. Would you see to her shaving before dinner?"

Chapter 3

"Master," Symphony said. "May I say something?"

"Say whatever you want," Heath replied cheerily. "Sing it out. Shout it from the highest mountaintop."