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But she'd looked it up in some of the reference books and decided she was just oversexed rather than a full-fledged nympho. Nymphomaniacs couldn't stand to be without cock and lots of it. But they didn't enjoy fucking. They fucked and fucked and fucked, but it didn't really turn them on.

She enjoyed the hell out of a man who was a good lay. Peggy could have balled all day and all night and still begged for more – not because of some sick hang-up, but because she enjoyed it immensely.

There had to be something in the world that pleased Peggy more than a good fucking. She just couldn't think of what it was.

Especially at that moment. Her crotch was crawling alive with sensation. The emptiness was enough to drive her mad with desire, in spite of the recent fucking. She leaned against a wall and idly ran her fingers over her cunt. The crisp crinkle of starched uniform told her to be careful.

It wouldn't do to have the area around her match all dirty and wrinkled from diddling herself. She let her fingers drift up under her skirt for a moment. She found the right spot to press. Her pea-sized clit was ready and willing to respond.

A sharp knife of sensation cut through her belly. She felt weak in the knees and sagged down a little more. But she knew this wouldn't do. This wasn't the right time or place to masturbate. Better to find some stud's cock and let him fuck her long and good.

She tried to compose herself as she walked to the duty desk. The old crone on duty had stopped thinking about sex twenty years ago and wouldn't be any help for her. Not directly, at any rate.

"Is Luke on duty tonight?" Peggy asked. "Luke Hanson? Let me check." The shriveled prune of a woman ran her finger down a list, then shook her head. "Sorry, Miss Martin. You're out of luck. You'll have to find someone else to… service you."

The acid tongue and the look of disapproval froze Peggy for a moment, thin she said, "That's all light I'm sure I can find some other doctor."

"I'm sure you will." Again, the disapproval. Peggy wondered how people like that nurse ever got by in the world. To them sex was something dirty, something to do with the lights out and with your eyes tightly closed so you couldn't see how awful it was.

Peggy felt sorry for her.

Almost as sorry as she felt for herself. With Luke off, she would have to find some other intern to help her out. Or would she? Running over the list of patients, she finally found one who looked like a natural to her. He was just the type who could help her out of her sexual need.

She pushed her way into the boy's room. He was only sixteen and had been in the hospital for over a week with some undiagnosed illness. He didn't feel bad but he was unable to stand up without getting dizzy.

For what Peggy had in mind, he could lie on his back and they'd both get their kicks.

"Good evening, Jimmy. How are we tonight?"

"Bored." But his voice conveyed that he was glad to see her. She could feel his eyes hungrily caressing her trim, young body. She was pretty and she knew it. From the top of her coppery-covered head to the tip of her toes, she was a knockout.

She'd made sure her blouse was unbuttoned an extra button. She didn't like having to wear the damn thing. It was always too stiff and starched. And it didn't show off her womanly charms at all while it was buttoned.

As it was, the bulge of her boobs pressed outward enough to interest the teenager. She pulled her shoulders back. This caused her tits to ooze out even more. The creamy white slopes disappeared back into the shadow of her blouse but the job had been done.

She could see the stirring of the boy's cock under the sheets. She perched her pert ass on the edge of the bed and primly told him, "I'd better check your pulse."

His pulse was racing if she'd actually recorded it, the boy's doctor would have immediately prescribed tranquilizers for his hyperactive condition.

Peggy thought the reaction was perfectly normal. Her cool, slender fingers stoked up and down the boy's arm, then carefully went to his leg.

"I think I'd better check all your reactions. You seem… tense… tonight."

"Check all my reactions? Uh, sure, if you want." His eyes never left the swell of her tits. She was almost falling out of her blouse now. She had managed to get another button unfastened. Silently she cursed having to wear a bra on duty. It would have been so much better if she could have let her boobs fall out.

The boy would have pounced on them, mouthed them, sucked in the nipples, made them grow, made her gasp in pleasure. Still, she was getting to him. Almost as much as she was responding to his youth, his innocence.

Her fingers slipped under the white sheets. She found naked thigh and stroked it. The flesh turned bumpy from gooseflesh. He was restraining himself by will power alone. When she found his cock, it was swollen and ready to fuck.

"What's this?" she asked. "How unusual."

Her fingers circled his prick and began stroking up and down its length. The bumpy skin flowed smoothly under her grasp as more and more excited blood hammered into his cock. Soon, all the folds of flesh were filled and his cock was jerking with every heartbeat.

"I can take your pulse here. Would you like that, Jimmy?"

"I… I never had that done before."

"This is a special technique. All my own. It's not approved by the staff here so you must never tell anyone. Agree?"


She moved closer to him so that he could reach her tits. Quietly, she said, "If you want to reach inside my blouse and fondle my boobies, I wouldn't mind. It might make my taking your pulse even more exciting."

His hand reached out, hesitant at first, almost as if he might bum his fingers. Then he became bolder. His grasp on the snowy slopes of her boobs made her feel good. The hand pressed down into her jugs and sent a bolt of carnal lightning blasting into her chest.

"That's right, Jimmy. Feels so good!"

"You can say that again!"

His fingers worked under the cups of her bra.

She snuggled closer and he lost his nervousness. Fingers caught up the tiny tips of her tits. Taking her nipples between thumb and index finger, he began rolling the resilient nubbins of flesh around in tiny circles.

"Oooooh, Jimmy, Jimmy! That's nice! Do you like it as much as I do?"

"Uh, sure, I guess so."

"You don't sound positive of that. Let me help you out." Her fingers tightened around his cock. He gasped. "There. How's that now?"

"Super! Do it some more! Gosh, I never thought I'd be getting this kind of treatment in the hospital."

"Has any girl ever felt you here before? Like this and this and this?"

He swallowed hard before he answered. "Yeah, of course. I'm no virgin! I've been around."

She knew he was lying. But it made him feel better to deny his lack of sexual experience. She could sympathize with him. No man liked to have a woman think he wasn't a super stud. And Jimmy wasn't even a man – he was just a teenager.

But she would see about changing that.

"Go on, then, Jimmy. Feel my poor little titties all you want. And I'll just suck on your cock!"

"S-suck me off!"

His hands tightened on her knockers. She groaned as he pressed his thumbs down hard into her nipples, crushing them into the softness of her titflesh. She felt excited blood hammering into her boobs now. Any second, they would surely explode. It wasn't possible for any more blood to inflate those already huge tits.

Yet it happened.

And it was all because of the way the teen treated her boobs. His fingers gripped with fierce intensity on the sides of her snowy white cones. Red marks were left wherever he touched her. And they burned, burned with the wonder of a boy's first fumbling attempts.