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Done, I headed back to where Kat waited in the car. I walked up to the passenger side and opened the door, extending my hand. “Ready?”

Kat gave me her hand. “So my surprise…?”

“You’ll see.”

Hand in hand, we started walking toward the lake, and when we crossed the street that had basically exposed what we were to Kat, I couldn’t help but wonder what it would’ve been like if Kat hadn’t walked out in front of that truck. She would definitely be safer, and my brother wouldn’t be here with us. So much stuff would be different, and I wasn’t sure if the pros outweighed the cons.

“Do you think you can walk in those heels?” I asked, realizing the wickedly sexy shoes she was wearing couldn’t be easy to walk in.

She squeezed my hand. “Yeah, I’ll be fine.”

I took it slow, and when we entered the heavy woods, I lifted my free hand and let white light crackle over my knuckles, lighting our path over the uneven ground. Man, I hoped she didn’t think this was corny and stupid. Okay. It was a little corny, but when we stepped out of the last of the trees and I could see the moonlight reflected off the still lake, the look on Kat’s face said I had made the right decision.

“Surprise,” I said, stepping ahead, my back to the fire. “I thought this would be better than a party or whatever. And you like the lake. So do I.”

Kat pressed her hand to her chest as she blinked rapidly. “It’s perfect, Daemon. Oh my God, it’s wonderful.” “Really?” I cleared my throat, relieved. “You really like it?”

“I love it.” She laughed, the sound lilting and heady. “I really love this.”

I smiled.

Kat launched herself at me, wrapping her arms and legs around me. She kissed my forehead and then each of my cheeks. “You really love it. I’m glad.”

I walked us over to the blankets and then placed her down. We kicked off our shoes and settled in. Kat tucked her legs under her. “What’s in the cooler?”

“Ah, the good stuff.” I moved to the cooler and knelt down, cracking it open. I pulled out two wineglasses. “Wine cooler—strawberry. Your favorite.”

The skin around her eyes crinkled as she laughed. “Oh my God.”

I poured each of us a glass and handed hers over.

“What else?” She leaned over, peering inside. She made a little squeak as I pulled out a canister and peeled the lid off, revealing chocolate-covered strawberries. “Did you make them?”

“Ha. No.”

“Uh…did Dee make them?” she asked.

I laughed, because Dee would’ve burned down the house if she had tried to melt chocolate without burning it. “I ordered them from the candy shop in time. Try one?”

Kat plucked one up. “They are so good.”

“There’s more.” I pulled out a plastic container full of sliced cheese and crackers. “Also premade from the store, because I am not a cook or whatever.”

Unveiling the cucumber sandwiches and veggie pizza next, we dug in as we sat on the blankets facing each other.

“When did you do all of this?” She asked for another slice of veggie pizza.

Picking up a strawberry, I thought it was kind of small. A wimpy strawberry. “I had the stuff in the cooler down here and the blankets wrapped in canvas. All I did when we got back was come down here real quick, spread the stuff out, and start the fire.”

She finished off the slice. “You’re amazing.”

I raised a brow as I tossed the strawberry back in the canister and rooted around for another. “I know it didn’t take you this long to realize that.”

“No. I’ve always known it,” she said. “Maybe not in the beginning…”

I peeked up. “My awesomeness is all about the stealth.”

“Is it?”

“Uh-huh.” I grinned, closing the bowl and placing the rest of the food back in the cooler. Tossing her a soda, I cleaned everything up. “I can’t show all my dynamic sides at once.”

“Of course not. Where’s the mystery in that?”

The temps had dropped a little, so I picked up a throw blanket. I draped it over her shoulders as I sat beside her. “There is none.”

“Thank you.” She pulled the material close.

“I think the general public would be shocked to know how deep your sweetness runs.”

Stretching out, I rested on my side. “They can never know.”

Grinning, she leaned forward and kissed my lips. “I’ll take the secret to my grave.”

“Good.” I patted the spot next to me. “We can go back whenever you want.”

“I don’t want to leave.”

“Then get your happy little hybrid butt over here.”

Kat laughed as she scooted over and lay down beside me. I moved the pillow so it was under her head. “I had fun at the dance, but this…this was way better.”

I played with one of her fat curls, twining the hair around my finger. “I’m glad. I wanted tonight to be special.”

“It is.” She idly flicked a button on my dress shirt. “Best senior prom ever.”

Chuckling, I let go of the curl. “It’s your only senior prom.”

“Still…” She tipped her head back and smiled at me. “So I looked over the applications to the University of Colorado. Even mentioned it to my mom.”

Pleased to hear that, we talked about the college until well after midnight. It was late, and the temps had definitely dropped again, but neither of us wanted to leave yet.

“Are you worried about tomorrow at all?” she asked, running the tips of her fingers along the curve of my jaw.

Her fingers drifted close to my lips, and I kissed them. “I’m worried—but I’d be insane not to be—but not about what you think.”

“What then?” She slid her hand down my neck, over my shirt.

I shifted closer. “I worry that Beth won’t be like Dawson remembered.”

“Me, too.”

“I know he can handle it, though.” Because I was getting jealous, I slipped my hand under the blanket. “I just want the best for him. He deserves it.”

“He does.” Her chest rose sharply as I followed the curve of her waist and hip. “I hope she’s okay—that everyone is okay, even Chris.”

I nodded as I gently eased her onto her back, smoothing my hand over the skirt of her dress, all the way down to her knee. “Something else is bothering you.”

There was a moment of hesitation. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.” Her voice cracked. “I don’t want anything to happen to anyone.”

“Shh.” I kissed her, wanting to wipe away that fear. “Nothing will happen to me or anyone.”

Kat’s hands fisted in my shirt, holding me close. “What happens if we do succeed tomorrow night?”

“You mean when we do?” I settled over her. “We go back to school on Monday—boring, I know. Then we hopefully pass our classes, which we will. Then we graduate. And then we have all summer…”

“Daedalus will come looking for Beth and Chris.”

“And they won’t find them.” I kissed her temple and then the curve of her brow. “That is, if they get close enough.”


“It’ll be okay. Don’t worry.” It had to be. I would make sure of it, one way or another. “Let’s not think about tomorrow. Let’s not think about next week or the next night. It’s just us right now and nothing else.”

Kat’s heart rate kicked up. Her eyes drifted shut, and her arms tightened around me. The distant call of some nighttime bird echoed around us as the small, slow kisses became longer and faster.

Our clothing shifted. Our hands followed familiar paths. Flames crackled from the fire as we stripped away everything between us and we moved together, a tangle of limbs and blankets. Kat shuddering in my arms was one of the most shattering experiences, and hours later, as she and I stared up at the dark blue sky, watching the stars blink out, one by one.

Just like the minutes and hours was ticking by, fading away into forever, counting down until there was just Mount Weather and us.