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Pochtic: Master of the House of Darkness, member of the war council.


Quenami: High Priest of Huitzilpochtli.

Quetzalcoatl (the Feathered Serpent): God of Wisdom and Knowledge.


She-Snake: Viceroy of Tenochtitlan.


Tapalcayotl: Acamapichtli's second in command.

Teomitl (Ahuizotl): Acatl's student, Tizoc-tzin's brother. Master of the House of Darts, member of the war-council. Married to Mihmatini.

Tezcatlipoca (Smoking Mirror): God of War and Fate, and of sorcerers.

Tizoc-tzin: Revered Speaker of the Mexica.

Tlaloc (the Storm Lord): God of Rain and Lightning, husband of Chalchiutlicue.

Toci (Grandmother Earth): Goddess of Harvest and Old Age.

Tonatiuh (the Fifth Sun): incarnation of Huitzilpochtli as the Sun-God.


Yaotl: Mihmatini's personal slave.

Yayauhqui: a merchant from Tlatelolco.


Xiloxoch: a sacred courtesan.

Xochiquetzal (the Flower Quetzal): Goddess of Love and Childbirth.


Zoquitl: Eptli's war prisoner from Mextitlan.


French by birth, Aliette de Bodard chose to write in English – her second language – after a two-year stint in London. Though she has trained as an engineer (graduating from Ecole Polytechnique, one of France's most prestigious colleges), she has always been fascinated by history and mythology, especially those of non-Western cultures. Her love of mysteries gave her the idea to write a series of cross-genre novels which would feature Aztecs, blood magic and fiendish murders.

  She is a Campbell Award finalist and a Writers of the Future winner. Her short fiction has appeared in venues such as Asimov's, Interzone, Realms of Fantasy, and Fantasy magazine, and has been reprinted in The Year's Best Science Fiction. She lives in Paris, where she has a job as a computer engineer.
