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"Nah. Except that I did get screwed because I got cheated. Yeh, I guess. My problem is that it takes two men to hold me down when I get going. So I was glad to have those fellas drop in. But they had different ideas from mine. Cup of something?"


"You always drink coffee."

"Tea." Just to be contrary.

"Well, what they did, those two fellas," said Tina from the stove, "is, well, first of all they run a feely movie. That's where I met them. I was there getting felt by some guy from the office and on the way out, these two fellas, Hal and Sam, they were stopping couples and asking how did you like the show. So we got to talking."

"What's a feely movie?"

"You don't go there to watch the movie. You go there to get felt up. There's a lot of jerking off and clit rubbing too."

"How nice."

"And there's been rapes, and the smoke of the pot in that place is so thick, sometimes you can't even see the screen."

"You do seem to know the in places."

"Listen, one time I was in there with some guy from my old block and I was in the middle of going down on him when we hear these screams and there is a girl being raped by three fellas lined up to go at her in the aisle. Well some fool called a cop but when he came in the girl kicked him and scratched him because she had only been screaming to attract more and more fellas to fuck her."

"All this and a movie too?"

"Oh, had a helluva good show last time, I remember," reminisced Tina. "It was called, BRENDA TAKES IT BETWEEN THE BUTTOCKS. I remember I got an awful nice feel out of Hal while he was watching the picture."

"But I thought you didn't go there to watch the show, just to get felt-up?"

"They feel-up the girl, then she…"

"Well, they can get it in too, but what the hell, why break your back in a theatre seat when it's always possible to find a bed somewhere."

"I see."

"You want to see a feely, you can look at the show, nobody's gonna stop you."

"Glad of that."

"You come along with me next time I go."


"The thing about the show is the sound track, too. Which you are listening to the sound of exactly what you see up there, which is like any other movie, huh, but I mean, what you see up there isn't."

"Tell me more."

"Well, last time or maybe it was the time before, I dunno, lemme think, was I sucking Freddie or Herbie… it was Herbie, the one who puts strawberry syrup on his prick to make it nice for the girl. Well, where was I? Oh, yes, that time they had pictures, right up close I mean, of elephants fucking each other and the sound track was great. It sounded so squooshy, if you know what I mean. Squshhh, squshhh, squssh."

"A man who needs sounds like that to get him hot has something wrong with him."

"Yeh? It got me pretty hot. I even bought a recording. We could put it on later, maybe."

"Is the tea ready?"

"Just about. Oops!" Tina, with her big clumsy hands, had broken the teapot.

"I should have stopped at McDonald's," Helen muttered.

"Well, gee, I'm sorry. But I'm awful nervous. I didn't get my rocks off with Sam and Hal and you know how that feels, leaves you all unsatisfied."

"I know how it feels," said Helen grimly. "In fact, right now I'm having the same problem. Tell you about how it happened sometime. But what do you mean? Two men couldn't make you come?"

"I found out something about Hal and Sam," grumbled Tina. "They're fairies."

"Then what were they doing in your bedroom."

"Sucking each other's pricks."


"They were walking along together and they got hot and needed a private place, so Hal says, 'Hey, I know a broad up in that building, she might let us use her bedroom.'."

"We could go into the Court House and suck in the toilet," says Sam.

"But Hal like me, he likes to be comfortable. So they rang the bell and came on up and I wouldn't let them in at first but they said they had an idea my roommate wasn't home on account they had seen you walking with a bellhop or something…"

"A bellhop!" shouted Helen.

"Well, anyway, he wore a uniform. So if I would let them in, all they wanted was a quiet place where they could stick their pricks into something nice and shoot their loads."

"So I let them in. And found out they weren't really lying, but when they talked about sticking their pricks into something nice they didn't mean me."

"You sounded so friendly when they were leaving."

"Who bears grudges? Beside, they'll let me in for half-price any time at the feely movie." The girls now paused and had teabag tea and stale cookies.

"God damn it," Tina said. "My trouble was, I shouldn't have watched them suck each other. It got me so Goddam hot and needing a fuck something awful, but it was is the wrong time to find gigolos hanging around in the park, and they charge so much these days. So what am I going to do with my Goddam twitching twat?"

"Well, you can take the hand mirror off your dresser, then lie on your back and spread your legs and hold the mirror so you can see into your crotch."

"And then?"

"Admire your pussy, of course."

"Ah, shit, Helen."

Tina looked hurt. She said no more, only looked away, seemed near tears. She drank more tea and had another cookie.

Silence hung over them.

Tina said at last, "Cheez, if you don't like me, I'll move away. You got more education than me and you been an airline hostess and met all kinds of people, maybe I'm too low-class for you."


"I mean," muttered Tina. "You got women in your bed, that's what you like, but you don't have to look down your nose at me."

It came to Helen then that, yes, she was better educated than Tina and certainly she had seen more of the world and had met some very interesting people.

This did not make her feel superior to the other girl, sitting there so mournfully, but it did stir up something in her head… and her nipples… and her cunt.

She heard herself breathing deeply.

She felt herself starved for the orgasm that would sweep away her tenseness and let her blissfully enjoy hours and hours of restoring sleep.

She began to realize that although she had tried to let Tina be a real partner in their apartment sharing arrangement, Tina always had let her make the major decisions. What kind of dishes to buy. What kind of food. Even what kind of tapes for the tape player.

When a prospective airline hostess enters a training school, she finds herself being watched for more than the way she moves her body and the way she walks her breasts down an aisle.

The airline looks also for a certain ability to handle others. Some passengers do need handling.

And the airlines look for the habit of taking charge that can be so valuable in the case of any emergency.

I guess I have some of all that, thought Helen. That's why Tina leans on me and that's why she values my guidance.

That means… well…

Well, despite all her lesbian lippings, lappings, funnel-tonguing and all the other kinds of woman-to-woman sex that Helen had indulged in so often, she never yet had tried to seduce another woman.

So here they sat, Tina and she, their cunts screaming for release from the tensions they had built up, and a gigolo quite a heavy expense, and, well.

Bet I can do it, thought Helen.

"Tina, I'm sorry I was so snappish. I really did have a bad time with this fellow in uniform… I think he's a movie-usher cadet or something like that… because he got me so hot that I nearly went crazy and then he said it was Friday and it's bad luck to have an orgasm on a Friday, and he went away."

Tina sniffed but managed to say, "Yeh, some people get awful superstitious. I mean, everyone knows a black cat is hard luck but not coming on a Friday, never heard that one before."