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As they lay on the bed, making small talk, while they gently played with each other's body, Sally decided that she would like to move in with Rhonda; but she would have to be the one to suggest it, not her.

"Did you know that I was living with someone?" Sally asked.

"Yes. I know. Cora told me about you."

"I don't know what's wrong with her," Sally continued. "I do everything I can to please her, but she's always finding fault with everything I do. I just don't understand."

Rhonda absent-mindedly played with Sally's breasts. "She would be an out and out fool if she gave you up."

"Well, she's not exactly keeping me," Sally said. "As you've noticed, I haven't given up my job as a model, so I still support myself. I guess I just like living with a woman. It gives me some semblance of security and of being wanted."

"I've never thought of having a girl move in with me," she said softly, "you see, I'm not a lesbian. I go for men in a pretty big way and I always felt that a girl would just, get in the way."

"What do you mean?" Sally asked. "Competition for a guy's cock?"

"No, of course not," Rhonda laughed. "If a guy came here for a fucking and took a liking to her, I wouldn't mind at all. I'm not the jealous type and as far as I'm concerned, the more the merrier when it comes to balling."

"Then what's the problem?"

Sally was getting hot again as Rhonda continued to rub her swollen nipples. Drawing one knee up, she spread her thighs apart. Rhonda sensed Sally's desire. Getting on top of her the way a man would, she pressed her cunt down hard onto Sally's and began to rub back and forth, at the same time, squeezing the quivering mounds of her bobs. Sally moved against her, the friction of their cunts rubbing together driving them wild with lust.

They moved rapidly, their pussies scraping against each other. Soon, they were both moaning in ecstasy as a mild climax swept through both of them.

Sally wrapped her arms around Rhonda's back and held her close, enjoying the feeling of the hard points of her nipples pressing into the soft flesh of her breasts. In a moment, her hands ran down the length of her back, over the swell of her buttocks and into the warm softness of her ass crack.

"I'll want to do that again in a while," Rhonda whispered in Sally's ear.

Sally giggled. "You know, if Cora finds out, she'll kick me out on my ass."

"Fuck Cora."

"Hell," Sally laughed, "I'd need a prick to do that."

Rhonda laved her tongue against the side of Sally's neck. She knew all of the erotic areas and soon Sally was panting for another orgasm. She began sucking Sally's nipples and then moved down to her twat. Her tongue lapped wetly at the softness of her inner thighs, moving closer and closer to the hairy mound of her cunt. Sally moaned as she felt the long, slimy length of her tongue finally penetrate the lips, of her gash. With her hands on Rhonda's head, she forced her mouth even harder against the burning meat of her twat.

"Oh, yes, yes, suck me, suck me. God, that's so good. Oh, honey, suck my cunt, suck it. Eat me, eat me, make me come, oh, I can't stand it. Tongue me harder, eat me, bite my cunt, bite it. Oh, shit, Jesus, tear into it, suck the piss out of me, make me come, I'm going to come, I'm going to come, now, now, I'm coming, I'm coming, oh, oh, now,now, ooohhhh…"

With a wild cry, Sally erupted, flooding Rhonda's mouth with another load of come, which she eagerly swallowed like some lifesaving potion. After one last kiss, Rhonda put out the lights and they went to sleep.

It was in the middle of the night, about three in the morning when Sally was awakened by a feeling of wetness between her thighs. Opening her eyes, she saw Rhonda's head buried between her legs. Her tongue was working inside Sally's cunt, savoring her flavor. Sally closed her eyes and relaxed, letting the tongue buried inside her hole, bring her toward her climax which soon erupted, showering Rhonda's face with her load of pussy cream.

Afterward, Rhonda lay back while Sally attacked her cunt with her mouth until she came and they were able to once again fall back asleep.

When she woke up in the morning, the fragrant smell of pancakes and coffee coming from the kitchen greeted her nostrils, waking her up completely. After washing, Sally walked, naked into the kitchen. Rhonda, too, was naked and had just finished making the breakfast.

"You know Rhonda," Sally said, "that's a very unsanitary way to fix breakfast."

"What do you mean?"

Sally smiled. "Well, naked as you are, what would happen if some of your pussy hairs, or even some cunt juice fell into the pancake batter."

Rhonda laughed. "It would probably make it taste even better. I'll have to try it some time."

"Call me when you do," Sally said, "I would love to taste it."

After eating the breakfast that Rhonda had fixed, they went into the bedroom to get dressed. When leaving the apartment, Rhonda asked if she could drive Sally to the agency.

"Yes, thank you. I'd appreciate it."

As they drove to the agency, Rhonda asked when she could see Sally again.

"I don't know when," she said, lighting a cigarette.

"Do you like men?" Rhonda asked.

"I've never said no to a cock yet."

"Great, I know someone who would really dig having two cunts at the same time. How does it sound?"

Sally smiled slightly. "I'll have to let you know," she said.

"Sally, are you afraid of Cora?"

In a small voice, Sally answered that she was.

"Sally, I've been thinking. Maybe it would be nice having someone like yourself move in with me. Would you be willing to leave Cora and move in with me?"

"Well," Sally said, "I would have to talk to her first. I don't think that she would object; in fact, she would probably welcome the idea of my leaving. You know, she doesn't really want me."

Sally tried to make her voice as pathetic and pitiful as possible, wondering how she could fare as an actress with Cindy.

"Alright," Rhonda said, "talk to her and then give me a call to let me know."

Sally put out her cigarette in the ashtray. "You'll definitely let me move in with you? I mean it would be hell to pay if I were to break up with Cora and then have you change your mind on me."

Rhonda took one hand from the wheel and gave Sally's left thigh a squeeze. "Don't worry, baby, I won't change my mind. You'll always be welcome with me."

Rhonda left Sally off outside the agency and then drove off. Walking inside, she got into an elevator and went up to her office. Cora was in an extremely good mood when she saw Sally walk in. Handing her a piece of paper, she said, "Here's your assignment, Sally. By the way, did you have a good time with your boyfriend last night?"

"Cora, it wasn't a boy I was with last night. I have to talk to you."

As she shut the office door, Cora said, "What wrong, Sally? Is something bothering you?"

"I was with another woman last night," Sally confessed.

"Oh," was all Cora managed to say.

"I knew I was wrong," Sally said, "but I couldn't help myself."

"Do you… do you want to go and live with her?"

"I know I owe you a great deal," Sally said.

Cora raised her hand. "Don't be silly. Remember when we first started? I said that it would last only as long as we wanted it to. Well, now the time has come for it to end, and I understand, perfectly."

Sally sighed weakly. I'll bet you do, she thought. Then, out loud, she said, "I'll… I'll break off with her if that's what, you want."

"No," Cora said, "don't do that. I mean, if she means that much to you, I want you to live with her. All I want is your happiness and then I'll be happy."

"Then, you won't be angry with me?"