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About thoughts-creativity and belief

The one thinking of the bad is helping it to come. The one thinking of the good is helping it to come. The belief is a belief in the good.


About running through life

Life doesn’t hurry anywhere – it’s only people who run by.


About ways of truth

At first, people decide to ignore those who are telling the truth. Then they start to straighten them out, trying to make silent. Then truth-tellers are being hated, despised and slandered behind the backs. Then they are being beaten by stones. But after all that the truth inevitably manifests itself in the lives of persecutors, and they can escape its quiet and silent gaze no more. Then a bitter repentance comes to vituperators. And finally the truth triumphs all over. Such is the way of truth in a society of lies.


About human non-loneliness

If people could evolve and spiritually grow in proud loneliness, God would give everyone a separate planet.


About acceptance of human imperfection

Learn to accept shortcomings of men, we are not perfect there and then.


About occurring thoughts

Who convinced people that each thought, coming to them, is true by definition – perhaps, it was their own ego?


About the inner beauty of girls

I have seen many beautiful girls – enough to start paying attention to inner beauty.


About the price of human pseudo-respect

While you keep telling people with what they do agree and what, probably, flatters their ego – you are being loved and well-respected in a society. But should you say something opposite to their nonsenses – and their love will be ready to transform into hatred. Such is the price of false human respect.


About belief in God and belief to Him

Once in life there comes such a moment when the belief in God should transform itself into belief to God.


About love through lives

Sincere love lives through the death of our physical bodies. Ones who have truly loved each other in previous lives will meet again in the new one. And the feeling arising at such encounters is stronger than many déjà vu!


About career

Career – a way to shut eyes to own mission. To make a career – to kill in itself desire to go not banal way.


About visible and invisible dangers

Man becomes dissatisfied from a small stone which has hit him in the back and pays no notice to the fact that at the same time he has just been saved from a flying down block.


About responsibility for atrocities

If after you have just made a crime, the thunder didn’t burst out immediately and the lightning from heavens didn’t strike you where you were standing, this doesn’t mean at all that act of yours wasn’t invisibly recorded and didn’t start having an impact on your future destiny.


About assessment of good deeds

Whether a flower worries about who will enjoy its beauty and taste all its flavor? So why people who are doing good deeds are so concerned about their assessment by others?


About joy to be alive

For some man, all riches of the world will not suffice, while another is happy by the fact of being alive.


About reproduction of false knowledge

Every mistake, which has once been injected into the educational chain, inevitably starts reproducing itself from one generation to the next.


About answer to human bark

We keep the light of our soul when in reply don’t bark and howl.


About societies of mutual fighting

In the societies, based on principles of mutual competition and continuous rivalry, both crime, cruelty, deception and treachery inevitably blossoms greatly. There can be neither harmony nor beauty where one man is a wolf for another.


About those harming themselves

Hysterical people sink in their emotions. Indifferent ones freeze from the inner cold of hearts. Sensitive ones chafe own former wounds. Irascible ones obscure their reason. Rebellious ones cannot find peace from inner wars. Cruel ones extinguish the fire of hearts. Slanderous ones throw themselves into the abyss of hearings and conjectures. Vindictive ones dig a hole under their feet. Greedy ones lose what is most important. Lewd ones feed themselves with a sweet poison. Pride ones lose the feeling of reality. Angry ones destroy the bridge to own rescue. When will kind, reasonable and courageous ones finally replace all the above-mentioned?


About the world as God's creation

We are all living inside God's creation, and all our world in only the bottom of His feet. So how is that possible to limit His presence by some churches, temples and other constructions of religious cults?


About pain of the past

The one, throwing away the pain of his past, is greeted by the happiness of his present.


About fighters and wise men

The fighter protests against others. The wise man changes himself.


About Internet and dirt

Even with all its anonymity, the Internet exposes the human essence of many – earlier people could pour out their internal slops on others only at a personal meeting, and now are capable to perform the similar actions in relation to any little-known to them man.


About reading of books

It's better not to read than to read superficially – otherwise what's the reason in books?


About truth, slander, and ego

It's easier for some to slander and try to crush the one telling him the truth, than to see it in the words, addressed to him. Such is one of the manifestations of a revolting ego.


About the ordinary, singularity and miracles

The ordinary – the worst enemy of Singularity. Singularity – the junior sister of Miracle.


About daily work for the benefit of good

Every day before going to bed ask yourself: what useful things have I made during that day? Waking up, think of what good you can make in the new day. Don't postpone it for later, for you never know which day can become your last one.


About connivance to theft

The one, believing that inveterate thieves should be allowed to keep stealing, is similar to the doctor who considers that he can cure an illness by conniving it.


About Internet nicknames

What do your nicknames tell about – do they disclose your traits to proud?


About ones without desires to change the world

The one, claiming that this world can't become better, first of all, doesn't wish to become better himself. The whole changes with a change of its particle.


About false Olympus of human glory

The one knowing the true price of mankind's envious “gratitude” won't clamber on a false human Olympus.


About wrong expenditure of vital forces

How much forces and energy would there be in people if they didn't spend it on senseless thoughts and bad feelings!