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About children of vain parents

Vain parents are inconceivable without their own “child prodigies”.


About falsehood of an ego

Ego holds no truth.


About hard and easy solutions

Difficult and abstruse solutions are being loved only by those who didn't see simple and elegant ones.


About malignancy of fear

In bright and courageous affairs your worst enemies are fears.


About buying and selling of health and prayer

One cannot buy both true health and prayer for money.


About the moment of singularity

All the most interesting things tend to happen unexpectedly.


About obsessive thoughts

Too obsessive thoughts are rarely true.


About love for gossips

To wash some other's bones – to climb false gossips thrones.


About the wisdom of books and personal experience

Book wisdom remains alien for us until our soul endures experience similar to the one, described on its pages.


About live righteousness

It's impossible to teach another a righteousness. Reading morals doesn't light up hearts because it works through the mind. The moral is falsely, and righteousness is sincere. It's possible to become the righteous one yourself, and only then the invisible fire will spread around you, changing your live reality.


About praise and censure of the rulers of states

It's illogical to either credit rulers of states for all positive processes, happening in the country, or to accuse them of all negative ones.


About insistence and condescension

Treat yourself more demandingly, and another more indulgently, for who we are to demand from others something we aren't capable to learn ourselves?


About continued self-improvement

In order to truly live, it isn't enough to be rather quite good, it's necessary not to know a shortcoming of goodness.


About aspiration to be liked by everyone

Earlier I too worried excessively about how I look in the eyes of each man around me, yet failed to see that many of them were so absorbed by themselves that simply didn't even care of how another one looks and what he really feels, for all they in the exact same manner were anxious with the “right” opinion of others. That moment of time I saw rods of these prisons, which are being mutually built by us for others.


About self-justification of evil

Having made an act of evil, people try to opt for self-justification, wiping out its dirt from own clothes. There is no need to wipe kindness.


About personalities and crowds

The more the difference of potentials between crowd and personality, the more is the hatred of the first towards the second. For this reason, bastards easily agree with bastards and crucify prophets.


About the truth of millions

During all the history of our civilization, only a few prophets came to Earth, while there were millions of those not listening and understanding them down here. And millions, as we all know, can't be mistaken.


About love, prevailing over hatred

It isn't difficult to love those who already love you in reply. Try to love those hating you!


About the evolution of life affairs

It's necessary to live such a way that it was always possible to be proud not only of your past affairs but of the present ones to a greater extent.


About the wisdom of children and adults

And adults will behave more silly than children, and children will teach ones calling themselves as adults.


About learning and inner nature

It's difficult to teach others to what isn't already present in you. Bastards won't bring up righteous persons, but righteous persons can change even bastards.


About immortality of pure ideas

It's possible to kill the person acting as the transmitter, but it's impossible to destroy a pure idea.


About lesson of indifference

Remember indifference lesson, oh man:

Ignoring the evil you strengthen it then!


About spittles in souls

Be not afraid to be despised by spiteful people for kind affairs. Those despised by people will be purified by God.


About the mechanical world

The more there are machines in the world – the less there is life inside it. Worship the machinery destroys one's reason.


About memory of the past

Bad things in life we must forget,

For only good ones make us glad.

If with the past you're always bound

It will no end, will always haunt.


About arrogance of ignorance

The less the person knows –

The prouder he is.

So thirst for power grows,

And modest ones he teases.


About battle between good and evil

May some predict a death for good,

May some to evil is afoot,

Yet do remember what we say:

Good always wins, may with delay!


About love to images of men

It's easy to love an image of man. He is silent – meaning, that you can bare your soul before him without being afraid of misunderstanding from his side. He is silent – meaning, that he listens to you and no one else. He is silent – meaning, that he always shares your opinion. He is silent – meaning, that he doesn't ask either wrong or inappropriate questions. He is silent – meaning, that he is dear to you, for silence is treasured like gold. He is silent – and he is always with you. He is, to say so, an ideal life partner. He does nothing more than keeping silence for one simple reason – he is lifeless.


About jealousy

The jealousy is an inadequate property-mania. Nobody and nothing can totally belong to us in this world, for, after all, we are only like guests here for a while. Loving each other ones won't part ways in any case, and for the confidential relations jealousy is like the strongest of poisons.


About triumph of individualism

When everyone starts caring only of himself inside a society, it withers and dies. If you won't unite, you may die in the fight.


About fatal opportunities

God gives opportunities. People choose their destiny from them.


About the ability to recognize own mistakes

There is an uncountable number of reasons and ways for rationalization of own meanness, yet only one correct solution – the voluntary recognition of own mistake.


About philosophy of good

The philosophy of good seems to adults as being childish and naive – the philosophy of the smaller of two evils is much more appealing to them. Whether it's not because adults have lost the purity of children's souls and formed the world full of slyness, meanness, and deception?


About spiritual awakening