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Like the courageous one have no need for fear, like the believing one have no need for church-devotion, like the conscious one have no need for prejudices, like the healthy one have no need for crutches, so the virtuous one himself becomes a light on his way.


About people

They are people. They are like that.


About the invisible hand of the market

“Invisible hand of the market” in the capitalist world is, in fact, no more than a human avidity, raised to the category of rules and axioms.


About modern mankind

Modern mankind is distressing as a whole but is fine in particulars.


About dreamers and ordinary

Those not wishing to dream once give up to the ordinary.


About the man in Eternity

All pain, sufferings, and hatred of men become silent under the look of Eternity. And people can live eternally.


About belief and skepticism

Men are rewarded by their faith to the Sky. By their own skepticism, they take something away from themselves.


About distortion of history

Throughout centuries the official history of men was written in a way to please politicians. That way a drop by drop the grandiose distortion of the past has been made.


About evil and good thoughts

Evil thoughts force us to lose own forces. Kind thoughts give us new energy.


About proof

Don't prove – be the proof yourself.


About delusions and loss of own face

Not the one who is mistaken loses a face, but the one who persists in realized by himself delusion.


About humiliation of national heroes

That nation which is crushing own heroes of spirit, courage, and honor, dooms itself for fast self-degeneration.


About the strength of spirit

They beat us – we grow stronger,

Extinguish us – we burn,

The night did take so longer –

But now it’s brightness turn!


About living by conscience

One must live by his conscience and not by changeable earth laws.


About struggle against good creations

Ones incapable to dishonor creations fight against creators. This way imperfection of human creators becomes an argument in favor of refusal of all good in what they have created.


About ones traveling the Way of Endlessness

The ones going the Way of Endlessness have nothing to fight for with each other.


About zombie-apocalypse

The idea of “zombie apocalypse” is a laughter of darkness through human “creators” about whom many people are becoming already.


About training of the spirit

Why does a situation sharply changes during those instants when almost all of your forces are already on an outcome, but you are nevertheless taking one more step forward? Thus human spirit passes its training, overcoming previous borders of own forces.


About poisonous things of our age

In the world, where the majority of people have been poisoned, consumption of all types of poison will be both demanded and considered as a normal way of things. Producers of poisons will help poisoned ones to fight against antidotes. Those refusing the poison would become victims of sneers and persecutions. Not everything that is considered by the poisoned majority as the benefit is truly such in practice.


About divinity

So-called “divinity” is the attempt of Christian un-followers to drown original kindness and clarity of teaching of the Christ in bogs of near-philosophical dogmas and crafty sophistication.


About the possibility of spiritual ascension

Each man, and not just certain “geniuses”, is being granted the possibility of an endless spiritual ascension and evolution. Whether many of them use it?


About insurance companies

Insurance companies collect their tribute by parasitizing on human fear and misunderstanding of nonrandomness of all events occurring in their lives.


About the base of deeds

There are no durable constructions on the evil base.


About human sneers

People sneer at each other for others being not like them, and meanwhile, only having connected in a single whole a set of various talents of individuals, it’s possible to construct something greater than a line of separate “I”.


About way of self-realization

The happiness is gained by the one going the path of own destiny and self-realization. How can a take-off be experienced by those who have chosen the way of similarity?


About bureaucracy

Bureaucratic systems possess qualities of a cancer tumor – they are capable to absorb healthy cells of the country’s organism, turning them into similar ill-ones. Thus infinite writing of orders and resolutions is capable to become the only form of activity, and reciprocal writing of endless reports leaves neither chances nor time for really useful social activities.


About people of heart

People of soul and heart don’t fit into the world of the cold and cruel logic of rational rationalism, that’s why the people of mind, who are prevailing in this world, laugh at “naivety” of the first. But it’s in the first where the mighty potential for the awakening of this civilization is being hidden.


About good and evil

The good and evil is not a fashion question, but a matter of life and death.


About sleeping and awakening warriors

Ones sleeping and dreaming about earth comfort and false “rest” in the world, where there is a war going on, the risk to become victims of the next enemy assault. Awakening ones struggle for the better world with themselves, and not with others. Peace and wars in souls of men inevitably bring themselves outside.


About inflow of forces

Forces and opportunities are given for purposes. Those going the road of life constantly receive new forces.


About upbringing of children

Meanness is being made by the one who brings up his children to rascals. The feat is being made by the one who brings up them to heroes.


About wisdom and mind

Wisdom is desired not as much to solve own problems – a mind can cope with it easily. Wisdom is required not to create problems time and again – especially the ones you have once made.


About the relationship with time

The saddest thing in the relations between a man and time is that time usually passes by, and in some cases – even flies by.


About propaganda of diseases

Sick people have to be cured, and they have no “human rights” to infect others.


About anti-scientific character

Tons of rubbish, nonsense, as well as a whole heap of opportunities for new wondrous discoveries,  were successfully buried with a resolution signature stamp “antiscientifically”.
