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The War for Earth Discovered!

You have discovered the ongoing secret war for Earth, and have chosen to side with the allies of Earth, those who wish to see humanity remain in control of their home planet, not under the control of the Haxlards or any other alien force. As the war is currently a secret war within humanity special rules apply:

1000 War Contribution Points are required to recruit any other human* into the war.

*Only humans from Earth may join the war, i.e. homo sapiens born on the planet Earth.

Should you kill any agent that you are aware of being part of the opposing side in the war for Earth they will be unable to further engage in war-related activities and all their war-related quests will fail. Similarly, should you fall to an enemy agent you will be effectively “dead” in the war and will be unable to continue war-related activities.

Winners of the war will be rewarded based upon contribution determined through War Contribution Points. War Contribution Points are awarded based upon favorable actions, such as killing enemy combatants, conquering enemy Control Points and completing war-related tasks.

Current Win Condition: Conquer 80% of Earth Control Points, including the main Earth Control Point and every regional Control Point, e.g. North America Control Point, East Asia Control Point and South Africa Control Point

Current Loss Condition: Elimination of all allied forces.

Current allies: Approx. 100,000

Current enemies: ???

A new war screen was generated by Eve, which like his status or guild window, displayed various information about the war. Alan would need to get Eve to explain what a war within the Game entailed, though it seemed straightforward thus far. Find and eliminate the enemy before they find you, search and destroy. He continued reading the other quests he received.

Gather Allies (War for Earth Quest):

Gather allies to help defend Earth from outside control!

Option: Discover and recruit new allies at the Academy. Beware enemy operatives.

Option: Try to set up and perhaps facilitate a meeting between the Legion of Man and the Mercenary Bloc.

Reward: Increased military and economic might for the allies of Earth

Failure: Decreased military and economic might for the allies of Earth

Possible Impact Leveclass="underline" Gamma

A Free Earth (Class Quest):

Do your best to ensure that Earth remains free from alien control.

Current War Contribution Points: 0

Unique reward and failure: Variable based upon how the War for Earth progresses. Completion when Earth is fully established under stable human control or upon death in the War for Earth event.

Possible Impact Leveclass="underline" Gamma

Alan sat back, attempting to process all the new data before him. One thing was sure: things had become much more complicated. Alan had accomplished his initial goal of paying off his debts, and now had a new tangible goal of helping this war effort. Yet, Alan felt more lost than ever. This seemed like too much. He had been a simple college student less than a year ago, with simple goals and simple dreams. Now, he had somehow ended up in the center of a galactic conflict over the future of his home planet, inside a virtual reality that governed actual reality. There were too many options, too many things he should do and consider and learn and explore and try and—

Stop. Concentrate. Complete tasks one at a time. Send the million credits to Icewolf. Afterward, establish contact with Phantom to discuss a possible liaison between the Mercenary Bloc and the Legion of Man. Then, I will teach you more about war within the Game, so you may more fully prepare yourself and evaluate possibilities. After that, we attempt to recruit Kitana as soon as we gain the points from the first task. We have her help you improve your blade work, and undergo further training with Phantom. We go to the Academy, and study, and train, and study and train some more. Then, when we are ready, we act. Perhaps fighting, perhaps spying, perhaps both, but we wait and develop more information first. Does this make sense to you, Alan?

Yes, Alan replied softly in his mind, calming down slightly. Yes, that does make sense. What would I do without you, Eve?

Die, I expect. More realistically, perhaps you would wallow in your own pity while eating ice cream and playing video games, she responded teasingly.

Alan grinned, and got up. Thanks for that image. Now lead the way.

A green path sprang up before Alan, and off he went, ready to continue the Game.

If you liked the book please leave a review! The latest updates on the series can be found following my twitter (though it may contain other ramblings as well). The second book in the series has been released, check out Earth’s Gambit!

If you enjoyed this book you may also enjoy The Land by Aleron Kong. Richter’s adventure is quite humorous at times and I like the world building in the series.

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If you find any mistakes or want to contact me, my email is ephemerality314@gmail.com.

Good luck and have fun with everything you do, thanks for reading!