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"You want me to get it for you?"

"Would you?" Jenna asked eagerly.

Amanda shrugged. She didn't have anywhere else she had to be.

When they arrived at the door of Jenna's apartment, they could hear music and voices inside. Amanda hesitated. "What am I going to tell your mother?"

"Just say you're picking up something for me."

"But she doesn't know who I am. And she'll want to know why you can't get it yourself. What am I supposed to say?"

Jenna was silent. After a moment, she said, "Maybe you could be invisible."

Amanda rolled her eyes. "Jenna, you know Tracey can't control that."

"But you're not Tracey," Jenna countered. "So what?"

"You're so much stronger than she is. I'll bet if you really wanted to be invisible, you could make it happen."

Amanda didn't buy it. "Disappearing is Tracey's gift, not mine."

"But you're controlling Tracey's body," Jenna said. "Maybe you can control her gift."

Amanda still had doubts. "What is it I'm supposed to pick up for you anyway?"

Jenna gave her an abashed grin. "This is the embarrassing part. It's a teddy bear."

Amanda stared at her in disbelief. Then she burst out laughing. "See? I knew you weren't so tough!"

Then Jenna was laughing, too. "Yeah, okay, I know it's goofy, but I've always slept with him. Don't tell anyone, okay? It would be very bad for my reputation."

"No kidding," Amanda chortled. "The juvenile delinquent sleeps with her knife, her gun, and her teddy bear."

They were both giggling so hard now that they couldn't stop. And they must have been pretty loud, because suddenly a voice could be heard from inside the apartment. "Is someone out there?"

Then they heard footsteps approaching the door.

Jenna froze. "It's my mother."

"Hide," Amanda hissed.

Jenna ran into the stairwell. Amanda closed her eyes and concentrated as hard as she could. Help me, Tracey-help me. Help me disappear. She tried to imagine herself fading away.

She heard the door open, and she knew someone was standing there, facing her. Reluctantly, slowly, she opened her eyes.

Jenna's mother looked puzzled. She looked both ways down the hallway, and then she shrugged.

I did it! Amanda thought gleefully She edged past Jenna's mother into the apartment, trying to avoid bumping into people. She had no idea how long she could hang on to this invisibility, so she moved fast, tearing into Jenna's bedroom. The teddy bear was on the bed.

Back out in the hallway, she ran into the stairwell.

Jenna didn't look in her direction, so she knew she must still be invisible. She closed her eyes. I want to come hack, I want to come back. Tracey, let's be real. "You did it!"

Amanda opened her eyes to see Jenna gaping at her in admiration. She thrust the teddy bear into Jenna's arms. "Let's get out of here."

Once they were out of Brookside Towers, Amanda turned to Jenna. "You're going to have to do something about this, you know."

"About what?"

"Your mother, how you're living-all that."

"You can't tell anyone, Amanda. This is even more important than the teddy bear. Do you know what would happen to me if people found out about my mother?"

Amanda could guess. "They'd take you away from her and put you in some kind of foster care."

Jenna nodded.

"There must be someone who can help you," Amanda said. "What about Madame? I get the feeling she really cares about us-I mean, about you guys." She couldn't believe she'd said "us," as if she was actually one of them.

Jenna shook her head. "I can't take the chance. She might feel like she has to tell the authorities." She shook her head ruefully. "Isn't this weird? You, Amanda Beeson-you're the only one who knows about my life. And I actually trust you."

"Yeah, it's pretty weird all right," Amanda replied. "You're the only one who knows my secrets, too. And I've got a favor to ask you. Could you please never try to read my mind without asking me first?"

"Okay," Jenna said.


After a moment, Jenna said, "Now, you tell me something. Are we friends?"

"I wouldn't go that far," Amanda said. "But… we're not enemies."

Jenna nodded. "Yeah, I know what you mean."

Amanda was pleased that Jenna understood. She really couldn't picture herself-as-herself hanging out with Jenna Kelley.

But on the other hand, she might be Tracey Devon for a long, long time. And considering Tracey's general unpopularity, she'd need all the friends she could get.

Chapter Fifteen

IT SEEMED TO JENNA that Amanda had found herself in a pretty nice place in the Devon household. She corrected herself-- Amanda had made herself a nice place. From what Jenna had learned, life hadn't been like this for poor Tracey. According to Amanda, Tracey had been ignored in this family, virtually invisible even when she was visible.

Looking around now, Jenna found it difficult to believe that this had ever been the case. At the big, round breakfast table, the septuplets argued about who would get to sit on either side of their big sister. Mrs. Devon hovered over her.

"Tracey, you absolutely must have some more French toast. You need to eat; you're way too thin. Do you have your lunch money? Jenna, dear, please make sure Tracey eats her lunch at school."

"Yes, Mrs. Devon," Jenna said. Boy, was Tracey in for a shock when she got back inside her own body! she thought. Amanda had made Tracey's presence known.

She mentioned this to Amanda as they set off for the bus stop.

"It wasn't that hard," Amanda told her. "Tracey must be a complete wimp to put up with her parents behaving like that. She needs to stand up for herself and make demands. I just hope she can keep this up when she comes back and she doesn't fade away again."

"You won't let her do that," Jenna assured her.

Amanda frowned. "What's that supposed to mean? Once we're back inside our own bodies, I guarantee you I won't be involved with Tracey Devon."

"You don't feel like you're kind of connected now?"


Her violent response almost made Jenna jump. "Jeez, I'm not saying you guys have to be best friends or anything like that, but…"

The bus was coming. "Watch this," Amanda said.

"This bus driver never noticed her before. Sometimes he closed the door in her face." This time, when the doors opened, Amanda was the first to climb on, and the driver actually said "good morning" to her.

They sat down. "Look," Amanda said, "I'm doing what I can to make Tracey's life better. And if I say so myself, she's less of a nerd than she was before I got my hands on her. But when this business is over, don't think I'm ever going to be hanging out with Tracey Devon. We live in completely different worlds. Could you even imagine Tracey with the real me and my friends?"

"Wow, you really are a snob," Jenna commented.

Amanda shrugged. "Like I care what you think of me."

"I don't get it," Jenna said. "Sometimes I feel like you're really an okay person, and then you turn around and act like this."

"I'm practicing so I'll be ready when I'm myself again," Amanda informed her.

Jenna sighed and sank back into her seat. Popular girls had always been a mystery to her, and getting to know Amanda hadn't helped her understand them any better. And even though she'd promised Amanda that she wouldn't read her mind without asking first, she couldn't resist. She closed her eyes and concentrated.

I hope she finds a new mother's helper this week. I want her to take me shopping on Saturday. I don't really mind babysitting the kids. Sandie and Mandie are funny, and I feel especially close to Randie. I can't hate them-it's not their fault I don't get enough attention. It's my parents' fault, and my own fault, too.